
Friday, October 21, 2011

My Fave Bread & Co. BTS Pics!

Since MinMin is back in the oh so quiet moments, it means time to lurk and 
reminisce to her old ads and projects! My first stop is her Bread & Co. CF!
 Got some of my favorite Bread  c& Co. BTS pics!

Below are the pics!

Pretty, pretty, pretty!

We all know how MinMin loves taking pictures!
So busy with the camera MinMin? ^_^

Happy atmosphere while filming the CF!
All of them are smiling!

Pretty MinMin with pretty friends!

I wonder if MinMin is still a model for Bread & Co. because haven't seen any new ads for it
Well, I do hope she comes out with new CF's in the future!
And speaking of wondering, now I'm so curious what is the Japanese manga 
that MinMin have the scripts?
So I tried to search the popular ones but OMG there are lots of them
And its headache inducing if I force to check one by one
So MinMin I'm pleading can you please give us a hint of what Japanese manga is that?
Pretty please? I'm really dying of curiosity!

credits: pure princess Min of jung so min thread in baidu
bread & co.


  1. I also searched popular japanese mangas and there's also a lot of them.I hope minmin's script is good so that her comeback in screen will be fantastic :)

  2. To all minmin supporters we are all excited to meet her again in screen, but we need to wait an exact time i was also searching but it cause me headache, for this reason i was calm this cannot help, one thing we do is to support her an follow all the blog of Simply Jung So Min.Thanks.

  3. <3 its so down to earth

  4. maybe it's PK 2 hehehe maybe i'm dreaming.
