
Monday, November 28, 2011

Jung So Min's Translations of NHK Interview Part 2!

This is part 2 of the Jung So Min interview by NHK for “Bad Guy” this month translated from Chinese to English from HyunMin Baidu Bar for those who don’t read Chinese.  

M: MinMin

From [Bad Guy] to [Playful Kiss]

N: Was it a smooth transition from the moment [BG] ended and moved onto [PK]?

M: Actually, it was not the moment it ended and I get to move on immediately to the next drama, filming overlapped for about 1 to 2 weeks.  If the moment Mo Nae ends and there is time for the change to the next role would be good but continuous filming was very hard. Due to the change of Mo Nae’s acting in the second half of [BG], shifting on to act in [PK]’s happy Oh Ha Ni’s role was really quite difficult.

N: That was really tiring, what do you think of acting with Kim Hyun Joong then? And Kim Nam Gil is quite of a different type isn’t it.....

M: Of course both are different but they both like being mischievous that’s similar (laugh)

N: In terms of age also Kim Hyun Joong and So Min are closer, so base on this was it easier to act together?

M: Yes.  Being closer in age is easier and also it is a factor,  contrary because Nam Gil is senior does worries me, was also easy to act with.  And although they are different type but are also naughty guys. (Laugh)Mmm~~ Hyun Joong had a sleeping scene, he actually was asleep.  The director even praised him a lot as “most natural acting”.  (Laugh)

N: Yes, yes.  So when [PK] ended, you should return to school immediately isn’t it?  Are you very happy then?

M: Yes.  When the whole filming has ended, I was really very happy, full of gratefulness but don’t know why I began to feel empty.
In [PK] there is a wedding episode, to prevent from losing the wedding ring even at normal times I’d wear it all the time but when the filming is over with the wedding ring removed somehow I felt like I have forgotten something.  Without the ring I felt very not used to it.  There is no need to return to the filming set, everything has return to normalcy. [Ahh.… everything is over]

N: Will have a sighing mood and some sadness.

M: From the ending of [BG] and then onto the filming of [PK], such a change is the first time.  Filming is very really very hard, was wishing it to end quickly so as to rest but when it really ended yet I felt emptiness.  After 2 weeks of not working, having rested then it was back to as usual.  Also once the resting period is over I return back to school.

N: Having acted in [BG] and gained commercial filming experience but once entering into drama filming no matter how difficult is the situation still you are unable to comprehend isn’t it?

M: Yes especially at the beginning, it was really very tiring and because I went into it as a challenge, even in my dreams I still have not digested everything.  If looking back when it ended, it can be quite worrying.  Kim Hyun Joong ever said before: When filming BOF it was that hard, then because filming PK was also very hard, he told me “Because of such an experience, in future no matter how filming will be, it doesn’t matter anymore”.

Source: NHK
Translated from Japanese to Chinese :贤素吧工作组+ 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Jung So Min - Bad Guy Interview Part 2

Pretty! Pretty! Pretty! I love it!!!!

--jeankaycee ^_^


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Jung So Min's Cute Little BTS for Bad Guy!

credits: knutsknuts of youtube for the original video

Translation for Jung So Min's NHK Interview!

Here's the translations:

Jung So Min's NHK Interview!

The translator from Baidu Hyunmin Bar managed to translate a portion of the interview from Japanese to Chinese but because she is unfamiliar with the drama “Bad Guy” so she didn’t translate further.  Nevertheless, I translate what is available to English for those who don’t read Chinese.


On a certain day in November at the foot of Namsun in Seoul, on the 3rd level of an exquisite restaurant was the interview held.
Her face is very small, very beautiful skin, eyes that leaves deep impression ....just as beautiful as a fairy.

[First of all, SM’s daily life]

N: SM is currently a third year drama faculty student.  What are the subjects you take in school?

M: My school is more incline to subjects that have practical applications, I would also attend art history, character design, colour such classes now, it is very interesting.  Although I should be a fourth year student but I took a year’s leave last year so I’m still a third year student.

N: Last year was a very enriching year to have completed the shooting of “Bad Guy” and “Playful Kiss”.

M:  Yes, once “BG” is completed, the  shooting of “PK” begins, one whole year I never go to school.  So I decided to take a year’s leave from school but really everyday was very busy. If there is a day to sleep in a week that would be very good but actually I only get to sleep 1 to 2 hours daily.

N: Health management and skin maintenance must be very difficult ~~~

M: That’s why the body has gotten very bad… also was very tired mentally!

N: Korean TV drama daily schedules are very tight, so you sleep in the car for a while?

M:  Even when it is moving still have to sleep on because the driving time is very long so I get to sleep more, very glad about that (laugh)

N: A year away from school, now that you are back for study, how do you think of this?

M: During shooting was very busy, there was no extra time to consider other things. Once shooting was over, studying was put back on the daily schedule.

Source : NHK
Translated by : 