
Friday, November 18, 2011

Pretty Jung So Min New Photos from her Japan Interviews

Aigoo.. She looks sooooo pretty!! !!! I miss you dearly Minmin!!! You look so elegant^^ 

Again, she is in Japan for Bad Guy promos...

Love the necklace! =p

Thanks to Mi Joo Kim at Facebook for sharing! 

Credit: twitter

From NHK


  1. woooooooooow,MinMin beauty and elegant as ever.
    i miss you Baby .

  2. aigoooooooooo MM so pretty.i am speechless when i look her pict

  3. i agree to both of you. minmin is elegant, classy, million dollar smileng face and adorable in her own way.thanks for the latest from minmin. god bless us always!!!

  4. Very much pretty Minmin, what can we say! KHJ what are you waiting for!! Ahahah

  5. omg really?! That necklace resembles someone elses' that I usually see wear on the daily... :)))))

    hahaha but yeah I am speechless when I see Minmin. She is absolutely stunning and such a good person, what a great role model. Ugh can she come back onto our tv screens now?!?!?! I miss her sooo much already haha but I guess staying in Japan gives her a chance to hang out with a special someone hehe Minmin we miss you!!

  6. The little sign next to her in written in Korean. She isn't in Japan right? She probably had this interview in Korea, and the one with the black dress in Japan. That makes a lot more sense.

  7. woah, i can't say anything but woah! she's really stunningly beautiful, especially on the first picture. i miss her so badly on screen. and oh, i love the necklace as well. i agree with anon 2:07, the necklace resembles someone elses'. hehe. grinning widely from ear to ear here.:DDDD

    anon 7:05, look at the guy at the back, he looks sooo japanese right? so minmin is probably REALLY in japan.:D

  8. and oh, kathy, thanks for the post. :D

  9. He could be either one for me. I mean, if the writing is in Korean, then HERE she is probably in Korea. Anyone know if the writing is in Japanese or Korean?

    Either way, I'm sure at one point she was in Japan. Or she is right now.

  10. i dont care if jsm is japan or in korea as long as she's visible it makes me happy!!she's getting prettier and prettier...i agree to anon7:05 regarding d necklace, wen i see it wearing mm it reminds me of sum1 wearing dat kind of necklace..
    i watched breaking dawn last nyt wen d scene edward driving a car w/ bella on d way to their honeymoon,i remeber d scene in pk wer khj driving a car w/ mm on d way to thier honeymoon in jeju..omo it realize me how i miss hyunmin couple esp mm..i cant w8 to see her even in small screen acting again..come back mimin please..

  11. wow......u r awesome!!!!!

  12. Hi dear minnies:)
    Guys, haven't it cross in your mind that we keep on reading articles or hearing news of the possible up coming drama of our princess but all of a sudden our shoulders will drop off because it's just a hearsay..:{(
    .oppss! don't get me wrong because i'm also a big fan of's just that minmin is such a good actress but we only saw her in CF or in magazines.

    Is SOMEONE out there doesn't want minmin to have a new drama or acting project because he doesn't want to see that other guys is kissing,hugging or having a skinship to minmin??..hehehehe


    .sorry for such a long post.

  13. think too much.... in her own world..... lol.....
