
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Happy 1st Anniversary SimplySoMin!

WOW! It's already December 15! SimplySoMin is officially a year older! Yey for that!

I never thought that the blog would survive its one year but here we are! Just imagine my happiness that we have reached this far! I can still vividly remember how we started the blog as out of frustrations because we can't find Jung So Min related news that comes in the English language! As we discussed it in Kathy's Bench chatbox, Mela suddenly asked for our email address and viola! After few minutes she gave us the link to the SimplySoMin! At first we just posted whatever we can get our hands on regarding MinMin. But the turning point for me was the MBC Awards, that is the time that I realized that MinMin deserves all the support and love because she deserves it! And as days passes by we continue to blog about MinMin and we came to know many people who we became friends! And the Minnies were born and the rest is history!

To be honest this post is just reserve to say my deepest Thank's to all the people who make this blog a happy and special journey!

To all the people that I have met....

Milo.... Milo is the first one of the few who expressed a support for MinMin. She's the first one who presented a gift to SimplySoMin which was the first banner that we have used! Milo, thank you! It means a lot to me that you love MinMin so much and until now you continue to show your support to us! 

Squishiee... I got to met you because for your love for Hyun Joong but I was glad that you have loved MinMin too! Thanks for those wonderful GIF's and macros! I truly adore them! And I do miss you in the blog! ^_^

Pearl of ....Pearl, Thank you! I do owe you a lot for all the things that you have shared to us! I will always will be grateful and I know you will continue to love MinMin unconditionally and that for me alone was enough.

Snowflakej16 and many others of soompi ... I will always be grateful to soompi because it helps to spread the love for MinMin and they continuously share all MinMin related news and for that we are happy! ^_^

Jung So Min/HyunMin Baidu Thread...These people are really wonderful in sharing what they have and will be always be glad to their generosity! Thanks guys! You might not know it but you helped the blog a lot! may not know you guys directly but you sharing things about MinMin helps us to reach our 1 year! So thank you guys! 

SimplySoMin chatters/FF authors... A big thanks to you guys for keeping the chatbox of the blog alive! For being so welcoming to those who visits and also being a guardian to the blog! You have been awesome guys! 

Henecians...I have met Henecians who loves MinMin so much, you guys don't know how happy I am that you also support MinMin not only as a onscreen partner of Hyun Joong but as individual actress as well! Thank you guys! You are daebak! 

To our foreign Minnies....Well you know who you are! Thanks guys for being so supportive and protective towards MinMin! I really do appreciate all the love that you shower not only to MinMin but to the blog as well! 

And of course to YOU! Yup! YOU! The one whose reading right now! Because you have been supporting or visiting the blog it only means that you like or love MinMin! And for that we THANK YOU! ^_^

Then, to my K-Bench family! The K-Bench family has been so supportive in everything about this blog! They are always there to share their time and love for us the admins and of course MinMin! 

To my K-Bench angels....

Kathy- who have a girl crush with MinMin! just kidding! LOL! Kat has been the pillar of this blog no doubt about it!
Mela -this is the one who really started it all! So blame her ok? Hehehehe! Well, thank you Melapots! Without you doing this, I would not be able to experience all of this! ^_^
Doc Vinz- Docccccccccccccccccccccc! She's very focused and hardworking! If her time usually allows her she surely makes time for the blog! 
Jeanneth- I think she loves MinMin more than me! LOL! She has been a wonderful dongsaeng and we share same passion and love for MinMin! She's so Daebak when it comes to MinMin! ^_^
Ms Doris, Ms D, ate G, Doc Cyn, ate Gracie -our Eonnie's who always give their undying support and words of wisdom! I will always treasure those wonderful words of advise!
 Abbie, Anj, Charm, ate B, ate Mhel, Happeeh, ate Gladys -they are our silent suporters who never forget to say AJA! Fighting! when the tough gets going! 
ate Ces - ate Ces love MinMin so much without a doubt! And I personally can't find words to describe her! ate Ces is just an awesome Eonnie to me! I miss you ate Ces!!!

Thank you angels so much! You don't know how it means to me that you are all there for us and giving your encouragement! You angels are truly heaven sent! Love you all!

And lastly to our dear JUNG SO MIN....MinMin, thank you! It may not be a perfect blog for you but doing this for you is such a wonderful experience for me! I could not trade it for anything else! And also thanks for always sharing things to us! For giving us at least a glimpse of yourself! By doing that we get to know you a little better and it makes us feel a little closer to you! As you mentioned before that you will be back soon, and as my promise we will continue to support and love you until the end! MinMin-ah, we only wish you best in everything that you do! May you always be bless with good health, peace of mind, happiness and love that you truly deserve! We love you!

Again, thank you to all of you! You made my blogging experience so worthwhile! I love you all! And please continue to support and love MinMin! God Bless you all! Sarangheo! 

Here's to more years to come! ^_^

with lots of love,

jeankaycee ^_^


    I'm glad I met all of you, and even though we are miles apart, I can feel the lo~ve. This year has been really fun and I hope we have many more to come. It's the perfect way to get away from daily life.
    Jean, you made me blush, haha. Thank YOU and every admin here for being so loving. And well, it's thanks to you guys MM even knows we exists, haha. Love all of you, and I'm glad my Photoshop skills improved to make a better banner, hahaha.


  3. happy first anniversary!!!!!!
    I am a reader who every day visit this site to learn about the activities of minmin, I think she is a very good actress and an excellent person.
    thanks for creating this site where fans can know a little more so min unnie.
    Greetings from Mexico!!! ^^

  4. Congrats!!! Thanks for sharing your blog and happiness with us.

  5. Happy 1 anniversary.
    love you dear bloger.
    greeting from Germany
    Playfulll kiss is new in germany and Iam gratfull that I was who recommend that .
    MinMin ,you are a great and sweet actress.

  6. Jean, congrats...I was teary eyed while reading your 1st year anniversary post. A year of friendship, fun, spazzing, and even a year of trials too right. Through this blog and Kathy's Bench Blog a lot of people unite and share their thoughts and give endless support to our lovely girl MM...PK is really one of a kind. Thank you PK and MM for bringing us up to this time. I love u J, as much as I love MM...

    As always, keep on fighting, I will just be here always, your silent lurker, supporter and friend....Congrats everyone who became a part of this blog, our home....

    Happy Anniversary....:-)



  7. Happy anniversary
    Your blog make me know and fall in love with Min Min... don't worry I'm a woman. Fall in love as a sister. she so adorable and kind.
    Had been visiting your blog almost everyday. thank you for sharing all info about our beloved Min Min.

  8. I see this blog everyday even more frequently than my blog... I hope there is a good news that minmin starting a new drama. But unfortunately there isn't.

  9. HAPPY 1st ANNIVERSARY Simply SoMin Blogspot .
    Im so happy when i found this blog .
    I LOVE MINMIN so much . I even have a FACEBOOK page named ~ I Love MinMin ~
    I hope you can visit it .

    Thank you for the updates of my FAVORITE and (GirlCrush) SoMinMin . ;)

    UPDATE MORE ! BTW , thank you for all the photos there .
    (Sana tumagal pa kayo !)
    Chukhahaeyo! (CONGATULATIONS!)


  10. Love this here everyday! Happy 1st Anniversary, and thanks Jean & team! Great job!

  11. Happy 1st Anniversary! Hats off to everyone who worked really hard on this blog. I miss you MinMin, hope to see you real soon on tv.

  12. Happy Anniversary!!!! Love this blog I visit here everyday.

    Great job & thanks Jean!

  13. Happy Anniversary!!!! love this blog mostly love so min...great job jean..thanks for updating love love

  14. happy 1st Anniversary,,,hopefully this blog will give news about MM more
    i always read your blog everyday

  15. Wow! What a perfect day to celebrate this anniversary and at the same time HJ's release of "Marry Me"! Congratulations!
    Hope MinMin is healthy, happy and going to show us more of her acting talents in the new year!
    Thanks all who make and keep this blog going!
    Keep it up!!

  16. Happy 1st Anniversary! I really love this blog! Thanks Jean for having this blog! Hope for more MM updates! So awesome..hays off to you! Chukahaeyo!:))

  17. Happy Anniversary!!!
    Its been a year, since i am a silent lurker her and this blog complete my day...
    To the blogger, keep it up! You all guys, did a great job!

  18. HAPPY 1st anniversary!!!! may Godbless this blog keep up the good work guys....

  19. Ate Jean :) hihi
    i remember a year ago we were all carelessly talking about building a blog for minmin because there is no existing blog about her then. (so that when playful kiss airs here in the Philippines her fans would get to know her more) little did we know that our idea would turn out to be like this, a blog, a haven for people who loves minmin a lot, a place where people can talk make friends and spazz about her not only from the philippines but from all around the world.
    I may have started creating the blog as an impulse but you ate, made this blog alive and constantly devoted your time maintaining and updating it :)
    THANK YOU FOR THE LOVE TIME SUPPORT you have given. Happy Anniversary! Cheers!
    to all the minnies! thank you for visiting the blog :) thank you for the love!! we love you too :) hehe
    to minmin :) we love you we really do especially ate jean and jeanneth :))

    *A/N-ate-means older sister in tagalog, or unnie in korean*

  20. I thought you guys ate each other !

  21. Happy Anniversary SimplySomin. Thanks for all the news about So Min. Keep it up! :)

  22. Jean, Ate Joy 'to. Congratulations on you first year! You're doing a great job. I just noticed you forgot to mention in your post how So Min wrote to this blog. That, to me, is the greatest acknowledgement of your efforts. That's the biggest reward this blog can get. Here's hoping for more fruitful and exciting years ahead for simplysomin. Keep up the good work girl, love yah! And Minmin, if you're reading this, I hope you can make your presence felt from time to time, the Minnies would surely love it.

  23. Thank you guys for creating such a nice blog for our dearest minmin..
    hope you guys will update more bout her.
    peace n love from malaysia^^

    I love this blog very much and I come visit everyday, whether there is any posts on Minmin. Thank you for all yours and the supporting team's hardwork over the year in providing us with the latest news and happenings of our dearest Minmin.

    I wish you and this wonderful blog for Minmin will have many more good years to come. :)

  25. happy anniversary simplysomin blog!I wish you all the best of luck and to our dear minmin...thanks for giving us update to somin.congrats!!!

  26. Happy Anniversary to SimplySoMin blog and thank you Jean for all your hardwork! I admire your energy and for keeping the blog alive and in a way bringing us closer to our dear MinMin. And as my anniversary gift to you, I'm working on the next chapter for "The Business of Love." I've been making every effort to squeeze it in my super hectic schedule. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY AGAIN and THANK YOU, THANK YOU!


  28. happy anniversary!!! im very thankful for this blog cauz i'll always get the latest update of our dear minmin i'm a daily visitor of this blog thank you guy's and more power!!!!!!!!!!

  29. Thanks to the creators and contributors of this blog, we also got a common ground to share our MinMin Love.....have fun gals....n njoy....Happy Anniversary!

  30. Bueno una vez mas Felicitarlos por su 1ª Aniversario, por la continuidad de este blog a todos aquellos(as) administradores, creadores de este espacio para nuestra querida JUNG SO MIN……Me parece increíble que gracias a uds muchos países estemos unidos como : FILIPINAS, ALEMANIA, MEXICO, PERU…etc y todos por un mismo sentimiento, ese sentimiento de amor hacia una actriz, una amiga, un ejemplo, una mujer….es ella y aun mas……y gracias a todos(as) aquellas(os) minnies que siguen este blog DIA a DIA como YO una gran seguidora desde LIMA-PERU ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺♥♥♥♥♥ para JUNG SO MIN

  31. Haaaaaaaaa y para aquellas(os) chicos y chicas que celebran la Navidad en su pais como en el mio..... desearles de todo corazon ♥ una FELIZ NAVIDAD Y UN PROSPERO AÑO NUEVO........☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

  32. Happy anniversary SimplySomin blog!!!!!
    Thank Jeankaycee ( my lovely dongsaeng) and all admin for yours work !!!!!
    bonne anniversaire
    Sorry i am late but love u all and
    happy anniversary again :) nat

    congratulations to all who made this blog alive...
    we love you guys for all the hard work...WE LOVE YOU MINMIN....hope we can see you soon...GOD BLESS TO ALL..hoping and praying for many more anniversaries to come...
    good health and peace to all....

  34. Happy Anniversary simplysomin. thanks jean this year has been very good for my thanks to you, as once you wrote your blog is essential to start my day. It is very gratifying for me because me and Minmin about you, thank you.
