
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

[Photo] Jung So Min(정소민) - "Wonderful Radio" VIP Premiere

OMO!!!!!! So happy!!
Pretty as always ^_^

Credits as tagged ^^


  1. oooooooooooooooooooooh,my god.
    she get beauty more and more.
    iam happy too.
    MinMin love you and best wishes for you .

  2. Omooooooooooooo! As in god! Really pretty! I was like frozen! Aigoo as pretty as always MinMin! Thanks god for this i alwYs wish that hopefully she's fine. Visiting this blog everyday & night looking for an update of MinMin so happy now! Thanks for this Jeanneth! Merry x'mas! So happy !

  3. Minmin is hot! If i'm a guy damn..! I will invite her to have a dinner date ahahah! So pretty! Minmin we really miss you were hoping for you to come back soon in a drama,comedy or whatever! Fighting!

  4. isn't the shirt that she's wearing same as the skull shirt that she wore last time??/ i meant the black shirt

  5. I love MM, but she looks a bit tired, I think that's why she is popping her eyes open more, and they seem a bit red as well. Happy to see she gained some weight back and looks healthier!
    I personally don't like the hairstyle too much, they should show off her pretty face, not cover it! :O

  6. agree with anon 6:58. I miss her smile.

  7. because hj's heart is belong to someone else...jk

  8. Very pretty MimMin.....very nice hair!!!

  9. between..with whom hj heart belong to???? its really cold there that's why she is like that..she is real beauty hj loves natural beauty ..hehe

  10. @Anon 2:49. ^^. You are very much welcome dear.. im happy to help Eonnie jean.. updating Simplysomin =))

    @anon 8:30 Hi? are you an anti? hahahah.... and who do you think Hj's heart belong to??

    Maybe Minmin is just a bit Sleepy.. but she is HAPPY ^^..

    Godbless everyone ^^ Spread Love and respect
    ~ Love love love =)) Lets just be happy.. Right??


  11. Please take a close look at the pendant that MM is wearing, it's a Justin Davis medieval cross!! Guess you know what am I hinting...kekeke.

  12. isn't it the same cross pendant that she wore last time??? it looks the same though....

  13. may be hj bought it for her as a gift.....who's know???

  14. OMG !!

    minmin very beauitful and so cute :3

  15. Waaaaaaaaaahhh, she's also pretty! Never mind the pendant, we can pretty much guess who gave it to her.

    Check the ring on her left middle finger. Hmmmm... looks like it has a big diamond stone -looks like an engagement right to me. ;)

  16. So that necklace with cross pendant is her favorite accessory now? Hehe can this girl get anymore amazing?! She's giving off a goddess vibe ala song hye kyo and Kim tae hee

  17. what can I say?! youre so fabulous my dear minmin!!

  18. @anon 3:51 woah!i though only me who notice too,its look like engagement ring :)

  19. OMG.....she is very pretty and beautiful...!
    MM forever...!

  20. I have a question, is it true that the necklace was from Justin Davis? there is evidence accurate? and later, the ring, I do not know, maybe it's just accessories!
    I really enjoyed the spazz of hyunmin, all fans hyunmin, loved it. though I know eventually I will be disappointed, but I enjoyed it all, hopefully I'll dampen a sense of disappointment, if they are not really together and each partner.
    I like hyunmin, they have a unique chemistry.
    * sorry if I vent here, I just want facts not fiction

  21. I came to like Min Min through playful kiss. And because of Min Min, I got to know KHJ. Previously, I am not a big fan of Korean drama at all except for playful kiss. Though I love for them to be a real couple and eventually end up being married and happily ever after, I think I should be realistic that things like this may not happen like in a fairy tale. I'm still glad to hear or see any rumours abt them being together. Thanks to all who has provided this avenue. Min Min deserves the best man in her life, regardless whether it will be KHJ in the end

  22. please follow Minmin in TWITTER !! @h_monet !! please guys .. thanks you! :) love lots!

  23. i dont think her ring is an accessory. I have seen alot of her rings, but not this big diamond ring. Im not sure if it was a gift from hj, but im sure it is her promised ring from someone specical....

  24. Every time i see her(minmin)she's always amazing in her own fashion world,I'm positive that minmin is in love, Godbless and Merry Christmas happy new year to you and to kim hyun joong where always pray for both of you.

  25. I really wish they would re-do an Ideal Girl World-Cup type show with KHJ and this time include JSM in the choices and see if she beats his usual #1s (Lee Hyori, Krystal from f(x), Lee Honey, HwangBo)

  26. as much as we would like to see JSM & KHJ be together for real, id rather like her to be single for the time being..Id like her to finish her degree, make her mark in the industry, be good and successful in her craft and hopefully be recognised for all her work before she settles down. And besides she's still young to settle down and has a lot to achieve for in life.. if destiny ever favours her to be partnered with (cross fingers) KHJ in the future,it would be nice to see her achieve her goals to great heights and be on equal footing with him in terms of career achievement before she settles down... And THAT is one great couple to see , if it ever does happen..

  27. Anon 6:56, that would be the great scenario and that's what I would like for her too but no one can control the call of 'love'. I can only hope and pray that they remain happy for a long time and that they would be able to handle all the pressures and trials they encounter in their relationship (friendship or more).

    (OT: I read an article of a korean actor & actress who hid their relationship for almost 10 yrs before marrying-just last week). I'm just hoping we don't have to wait that long before we find out about the true status of their relationship. hahhaha j/k

  28. MM is indeed very beautiful. With her acting skills, there is a bright future for her. I love her and KHJ in PK. They have an amazing chemistry that made PK so successful. I hope we will see both of them in another drama. Hmmmnnn.. It tickles me to think (if it true) that there is a strong attraction between MM and KHJ. Why not right? This guessing game is making me nuts. LOL? Merry Christmas everyone!
