
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Playful Kiss Fan Meeting Clips!


Its December right? I thought its February! Why?
Coz all I see is ^_^

One word: EPIC!

Hyun Joong and MinMin's Manager holding hands?!
And that's what I call epic!

Can't help but look Hyun Joong?
Well, our dear MinMin is simply beautiful so can't blame you! ^_^


  1. He doesn't want to let go of her hand.

    He wants to hold her hands.


    I'm dead! <3

  2. how I could not expect anything more of their relationship? look at them, every time I see them together, I did not stop crying and smiling. crying because in reality they are not together. and smiled when he saw them together like that. why am I?
    in this video I saw the happy glow that can not be hidden by KHJ, he looks so happy. and I'm sad, why did the scene together with MM is not much here? but although a little scene at 3:42 was so sweet.
    I'll be crazy if it continues to see all video bts of them.. LOL
    sorry if I'm too much to say here ^^


  3. I notice when Minmin let go of her hand,HJ like 'what?why?!'.And then,he tried to hold her hand agin but Minmin gesture make him cannot catch her hand.And of course he notice there has a cameraman :)How can i'm not expect anything between them?They act like a couple!

  4. You all can watch it.Here the link:

  5. Can't stop replaying that scene at 3:42!!! :-) and KHJ is supposedly the reserved type?? Definitely doesn't seem so with the woman he is so comfortable with :)

  6. wondering what did they said at 3:42....

  7. Anon 5:06.. how did u knw they are not together in real life.. it makes me :((( i hope and wish they are together and my prayers are with them.i can see love ..fighting huyminn

  8. they are together, hahaha, it feel like the JSM's manager know something, he also become close to khj, and seem like he also try to protect "hyunmin" from the outside world.

  9. they are very sweet together.a unforgettable couple for me and maybe for everyone.
    hyunmin i wish best for you

  10. Love is in the air... There's no need for words to confirm anything. Their gestures can't lie.

  11. to Anon 3:59, you absolutely made my day! :) I was already spectacularly giddy watching the videos of these two but I was in stitches when i read your comment. I share your sentiments. Well said,mate. I utterly adore KHJ & JSM..hoping for the best for these two... - eire-

  12. I think HJ is really obvious with his actions. MM seems shier, she moved away when the camera focused on them. And yeah, he really does seem to want to hold her hands. I hold my friends hands too, but when they let go, I don't try to hold them again, haha. Hyunjoong-ah!!!
    Minmin is soooooo pretty!

  13. Is it just me, or he really doesn't want to let go of her hand?

  14. aigo!! this two... really make me giddy!! :) lets go with the flow guys!!

  15. to anon 5:06, sorry if I made you sad, but it's just an expression I missed them, I want to see them together again in an event or anything that brings them back together :)
    wait, watch the video again, at 3:48! there is a suspicious head movement, see MM, such as moving the head to the right (stage), perhaps with a head movement that wants to say, "there is a camera, go fast there (at the stage), do not make people suspicious" (this is my imagination) ... LOL!!

  16. to anon 9.50, sorry if I made you sad, but it's just an expression I missed them, I want to see them together again in an event or anything that brings them back together :)
    wait, watch the video again, at 3:48! there is a suspicious head movement, see MM, such as moving the head to the right (stage), perhaps with a head movement that wants to say, "there is a camera, go fast there (at the stage), do not make people suspicious" (this is my imagination) ... LOL!!

    (i anon 9.07,sorry the above wrongly written, hehe .. sorry)

  17. This is so sweet. Hopefully there will be bts for the latest fanmeet in Tokyo and there will be even more obvious display of love in this fanmeet.

  18. even the camera did not show, but i know for sure that hj and minmin are holding hand at 3:48 when they put their hands down, then hj must let minmin go....look it back one more guys, see if iam right...oppa/dongsaeng couple...hhaahh...

  19. hj's right hand holds minmin's left hand at 3:48, then let her hand go at he turns......i think jh has been missing minmin alot., and because of his careeer and busy schedule , he did have enough time with minmin... therefore, every time he sees minmin, he seems cant hide or control his feeling toward her, he always want to touch her, hold her hand or kiss her, and show her that how much she means to him and how much he miss her...however, at august 2 fan meeting, they dont look close as in may, maybe he has someone else or bts did not show us some secret hhahaha

  20. I sensed that KHJ wanted to hold JSM's hand badly but she got nervous as soon as she saw the camera light. hahaha Even the woman escort (in purple sweater) for KHJ was smiling when he couldn't move forward (he kept asking JSM or her mgr something).

  21. my question is why hj and minmin's manager holding hand, what's happened???

  22. I couldn't play the video, but based on the japanese subtitles in the gif where KHJ and JSM's manager held hands, one of them (KHJ or JSM's manager) said 'See you later'. Then the other replied 'which hotel are you staying at?' The reply was 'the same hotel' (whatever 'same' means). Probably JSM' manager and KHJ met up after the fanmeet. No indication if JSM met them up as well in the gif

    Did you notice that in this bts, JSM reached behind to touch KHJ's hand as they were coming back from the stage?

    In the second bts, where you guys are spazzing abt KHJ held JSM's hand, the subtitles said 'how to do it?'. The next line 'This time hug too?' Not sure who deliver those lines as I couldnt not play the video again.KHJ might have wanted to practise the hug before making the stage appearance

  23. is it the first time that they have fan meeting in japan, i mean in may is their first time right??? so base on anon 12:19 translation, the manager says the same hotel meaning that they had met in japan b4, and the manager and minmin had stay in the same hotel as last time??? so which mean hj and minmin had a secret date or met in japan b4 the fan meeting in May???

  24. Am not surprised if both had gone out on dates in Japan and getting close to her manager just helps to make it easier for HJ i guess *wink* Their body language is SO telling!!! Can't stop smiling :)

  25. To anon 12:01

    I'd have to kindly disagree. I think they looked even closer on August 2nd, specially backstage. They were a lot more comfortable to show their closeness on stage, unlike the Osaka FM. We haven't seen the BTS for the Tokyo FM, so I think it's kind of silly to just assume they aren't getting along. From what I saw, they were getting along more than fine during August 2nd.

  26. Aigooooo! I had a feeling that this two are really couple off cam! Ahahah! They like each other it shows the body language hmmmm... :)HYUNMIN fighting!

  27. What's the first thing that KHJ did upon leaving his room? Let's observe his eyes @6:33. He looked straight to his right (where JSM's room is located). It's very obvious that he was looking for JSM and her group.

    It's subtle and what's so telling is that it's the 1st thing that he did. Why, why, why? ...Probably looking out for his girlfriend, I suppose.

    It's all in the eyes. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote, "The eyes of men converse as much as their tongues."

  28. @anon 12:19
    the one that replay" is the same hotel" was JSM and she was laughing coz KHJ should know that they stay in the same hotel

  29. hiii guys, engsub this video at soompi forum hyunmin!!

  30. @anon 4:43 .. i'm with u.. i love ur comment, "the eyes of men converse as much as their tongues" .. wew.. <3 <3 <3

  31. oh miann.. i mean Abra Maslow...for anon 4:43...LOL

  32. @anon 4:58 can i have the link pls?

  33. @anon4:43...agree with you about his eyes! In fact I noticed EVERY time he came out from his room, he's looking straight ahead in THAT direction, and he tried to do it subtly...but SO obvious...LOL! :)

  34. @bluesky85, here's the link..

    there's a lot of good stuffs from this forum.. you can see many analyses of the bts of pk.. a lot of spazzzz if you know what i mean? :)))))

    @anon8:48, yeah, couldn't agree more.. EVERY time he came out of his room, he can't help but look at minmin's dressing room.. can't wait to see her hyun joong ah? hehe..

    LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! <3<3<3

  35. I still imagine when looking at minute 3:46 in the video!
    HJ want to hold the right hand of MM, but he didn't get it, he didn't despair, n ultimately may hold the left hand of MM...hahaha... HJ how do u keep hiding feelings? we all know the feeling of u just by looking at the eyes n actions if with her :p

  36. Is HJ's feelings for MM still the same, stronger or they have broken up now? This bts was from an event so long ago. I wish that there would be some recent pics of them to shed some light on their current status of their relationship. I really wish that they are a real life couple, who will eventually get married, have children and grow old together.
    Would it be just my wishful thinking? So fairy tale like, right? =(

  37. Thinking in another perspective, the bts where hj holds sm's hand seems to be suggesting that hj is really anxious to have a seamless, errorless performance. As sm's oppa, he wanted to ensure that she knows her cues and execute them right. sm's playful and carefree nature before the appearance made hj very nervous so he kept trying to get her attention and drill into her to remember what to do later. And sm (haha!) probably think that her oppa is so long winded and a nervous wreck that she tried to make fun of him by pretending not to care and wanted to go off. This annoyed hj and hence the wide eyed, anxious hj.
    just my opinion of what could be going thru both oppa's and dongsaeng's thoughts in that clip
    Pls dun throw tomatoes at me =p

  38. Anon 12:47, they both arrived the day before the fan meeting (except that JSM arrived in the afternoon and KHJ arrived at night). For me, there's double meaning to JSM's reply 'the same hotel' -- it could mean that they saw each other that night for KHJ arrived for him to know or she knows his itinerary more than he (meaning she has seen his itinerary so she knows where he's staying).

    I agree w/anon 2:32, they were closer at the Aug PK FM in Tokyo. I thought that they were kind of distant at the May PK FM in Osaka so, this bts was a surprise to me. :) I also noticed that KHJ always look at JSM's dressing room direction whenever he leaves the room. These two are driving me crazy w/their sweetness. :)

  39. i disagree with anon 10:09, minmin is smart, and hj always ask her if she know what are they doing later

  40. I agree w/11:13. Anon 10:09, yes KHJ must've been annoyed because he couldn't hold Minmin's hand for a longer time and probably wanted her full attention. It was she who made KHJ aware of the cameraman's presence by making a face at him but even then it didn't stop him from grabbing her hang one last time and even turn around again to ask her a question.

  41. Guys, I think they were holding hands long before he shook her hand. I rewatched the clip so many times and JSM is looking at her manager not KHJ. I think they were holding hand before the cameraman put focus or something.
    Anon 10:09, I seriously doubt KHJ was anxious and wanted to make sure everything went as planned and whatnot. Honestly, he looks anything but anxious, he has done hundreds of shows before. I think JSM said something and he didn't catch what she said, which is why he looked all confused and stuff. I don't know why he keeps reaching for her hands, that's another story.

  42. he wont let her go until he gets her full attention and holding her hand...wink leader...

  43. This hand holding scene is driving me nuts thinking abt them!! I was thinking how come KHJ is so 'open' with this even if it's backstage, even if he thinks initially no camera...but there were other crew back there??!! And yes anon 9:59, I wonder about their current status too...

  44. I wonder about the current status too. But considering they looked even more comfortable in August, and that wasn't too long ago, I'm gonna hope for the best.
    OMO! The hand holding is driving me crazy too. ANon 12:41, I'm wondering why he is so blatantly obvious about it too, but then I remembered how he said in one of his interviews that if his girlfriend is around, he can't help but want to hold her hand and stuff. They are driving me crazy!

  45. hwaahhhhhh....really anon 1:15??... u're comment driving me crazy.. it's too obvious that hj always tried to hold or touch MM when there's a chance...wewew.....<3..<3

  46. I agree with anon 12:28, n I try to think realistically, before I was imagining something between them, but I think, if they really exist in a relationship, may not look like that, surely they will be careful, in addition to the camera there , many people who see them as well, is it HJ and MM didn't realize it? sure that they do like holding hands, that there may be reasons to the interests of their appearance on stage. This assumption only. and still expect them to be real couple.

  47. hahahaha....dunno if they're really in realtionship or not, only GOD knows n their will if they want, that's okay, i keep dreaming for them to b real...but also the best for them...recently oppa b very busy, must b no time for such romance,n too, trying to keep realistic

  48. or maybe those people around them know something that we don't that's why its normal for them to see those kinds of moments such as holding hands.. :D

    though i think, they're trying to be careful too.. just look at minmin's expression when hyun joong's totally lost and keep asking questions (just so to get her attention.. keke..)she's like telling him that there's a cameraman and should go now and stop asking too much questions because they (the cameraman and the like) might capture something that they don't want the public to see..

    try again and watch the video.. :D look closely at somin's facial expression..

    hyunmin fighting!

  49. this second I was crying n smiling, smiling at soompi forum hyunmin / minjoong, there's a picture of a very sweet n made ​​me blush. u know? three of my favorite sites about hyunmin / minjoong is simplysomin, kathybench, n soompi. almost every day I watch the three sites. but this time I cried when I saw photos hj performance in kathybench, I know it's just a performance, I was really sad, very sad. you know, that this is a 'performance' only 'performance' all this for the purposes of 'performance' (with minmin too, maybe)
    sorry this is what I fear. Don't expect! clay reality!
    but I still love hyunmin. for now, I wouldn't imagine anymore or think too much about them. I hope the best for them. but the look that can't lie, eyes can't lie, I'm sure hj ever have a 'feeling' to minmin.

  50. I love Hyunmin so much, but I think they have special relationship I think as friends only but khj can't deny it that he likes MM I agreed anon4:28 the eyes can't lie then the body language as well , it's so obvious even in PK time the Bts I'be watched it, you can see it Khj likes MM. I hope somehow they can be really a real couple I'm praying & all of us will really happy! But even if don't happen let's support them individually! But I hope they can have another project together in 2012! hyunmin fighting! Happy new year everyone! :)ove, love, love!

  51. why hj the one who always with another girl.i know he is an entertainer but still..*i visit kathy's bench just now*sometimes i really hope minmin can acting with another man.make hj a little bit jealous?

  52. MinMin fighting.
    I will support you 4ever .only you,only you,only you:-)

  53. I saw the photos of his rehearsal too and suddenly felt like the bubbles burst :( But as other fellow shippers said .. "just go with the flow". Minmin, where are you?? Please update us with some news ...

  54. @anon Dec 29 9:03 thanks, i've read some stuff from that forum must say so interestin. @anon Dec 29 9:59 i totally agree with u i was thinkin the samething..

  55. nana of afterschool is too hot, i wonder if leader cant handle it or he alreaday forgot so sad...minmin where are you, dont u see the pic of ur husband today???

  56. i love hyunmin too...when i see this bts and their scene..i dont know what to say...when i see hj like that with mm...i think he like mm...but sometime when i see him as a singer and actor(artist)..mayb he just do his job...yeah...eyes can't lie...but what the truth is..we dont know...that bts in japan is long time ago..n now hj is bz and i dont think he have time for being lover to someone..:-p
    i saw the photos of his reheasel too in kathybench...honestly that make my heart broken and i dont think i can see their video lol..yes im more to mm...and i think being with hj is hard for mm...yes..that not hj mistake...that her job as a artis but yes..i really think that hard for someone to b his girl lol..but i always want the best for both of them...whatever its is...we must accept..but still i hope for the last..hj will b with they said.."just go with the flow.."

  57. i am more with MinMin.and I knew Kim hyun joong trough Playfull kiss.
    is not important for me that he is with MinMin or not!
    is important for me who is with MinMin:-)
    MinMin I love you and your style.
    and Nana of Afterschool wasn't the girl in secret? The Program with Kim hyun joong ?I am only in korea with MINMIN.

  58. why is everyone so heartbroken over ONE performance? Hyunjoong is a ENTERTAINER, it's his job. Nana from After School is indeed beautiful, but if you guys are insinuating that he'd fall for her just because of that, then I'd rather he not be with Somin. I personally don't think he falls in love too easily. Liking is different from falling in love. Have none of you heard his story about his first love. He liked the girl for more than a year before they started going out, and they dated for like 3 years, only breaking up because they drifted apart because of his debut.
    we don't know what hyunmin have between them, but don't get so disheartened so easily. I mean, this is just FOR FUN. At the end of the day, only they know what's in their hearts.
    Also, I can always sense someone trying to cause trouble in comments. I just want to tell that person/people that trying to enforce your believe on us is extremely immature. You are doing it very subtly, but it's clear as day, so please don't disrupt the peace here. PLEASE.

  59. i have to agree with anon 2:21, recently, i always feel like there are people in the blog trying to create trouble, it's a bit obvious. it started ever since the new backstage clips started coming out. i dont mean those that are trying to be realistic but those saying they dont mean it that way when they actually do. words are powerful.
    can't we just enjoy and go with the flow, that's our motto!

  60. These ppl do not know the differences between LIKE & LOVE, making such a BIG HOO HA over holding hands .... sigh .... lol ....

  61. agreed anon 2:28
    These people are making such a big deal over hand holding! That is obviously not liking!
    You guys should be making a big deal over how he keeps reaching out for her hands when she let go! Or how he keeps coming back and talking even though they both have to go separate ways! or how keeps looking at the direction of her dressing room even when he has to go the opposite way!
    Silly people, you are spazzing over the wrong stuff, because hand holding aint that much, right?

  62. MinMin please update your cy or twitter. Or else there will be more comments on this post and it will never end. Please MinMin need to know your latest news.

  63. ^

  64. it's okay guys. that afflict us. for I saw the video where he dances with nana hj and is only seconds away from a simple step and cold of the choreography. and I felt nothing, even hj was very serious. I hj is very happy when you are with minmin just look at his eyes.

  65. Oh my goodness! The almost kiss was just a part of the dance routine. Their dance composition was seamlessly arranged with the music. I think HJ and the other dancers performance was well delivered ... sexy and electric!

  66. I know right, I don't know what the big deal is. After School and HyunJoong did a good job in that routine, it was sexy and intense. I personally liked it.

    And I'm loving all these new BTS footage we are getting from the DVD. Thank you for sharing it with us, we appreciate it a lot!

  67. while reading all comments here,im feel guys are really positive.thats true,why i'm getting sad over one the way he is an entertainer too.silly me!i agree with you,i do not care who with HJ,but who with Minmin.

  68. @Anonymous 1:46 and 6:15;I agree with you guys.
    i do not care who with HJ,but who with Minmin.
    MinMin fighting

  69. @ anon 6:37, mee too

  70. Go Minmin! Go Minmin!
    Can't wait till this girl makes a comeback!

  71. what a adorable couple minmin and hyun joong,the happiness that we can see if there togethe (that money can't buy) we are her to support them,pray for them whatever work that they up to,they find each other LOVE that is my own opinion Godbless you minmin and Hyun joong,just stay what have you had in a relationship or friend is not matter , as long the two of you are happy.

  72. i understand your feelings, don't be sarcastic or each side with one another, positive thinking, it's more fun. let's eat,lol

  73. Hi everyone, in the future we will see more of HJ acting intimate with other girls in TV dramas, movies or even dance acts like what just was performed. This is showbiz! So relax, MM may even do the same too in her acting career. Don't get upset over this, it's part of the job as HJ said all women now are for acting and commercial purpose, remember? Also no relationship news in the next 3 yrs.

  74. There's nothing to worry about. It's just a performance. Inspite of him being great and trying his best in this performance, you can see leader being so uncomfortable with it. You can see his hands were trembling while performing the fake kisses. That's the first time i saw him like that ever since i became his fan.

    But anyways, he's still great and the best. And I will always support and love hyunmin forever!

    Hi Jean, I know this comment is irrelevant but I just want to put my thought in it cox a lot of fans are making a big deal out of it. It's nothing really. It's sometimes annoying. Sorry. Thanks for always sharing news about our lovely and ultimate OTP. Advance happy new year!

  75. I watched KHJ's performance and the rehearsal BTS and I agree w/2:21 & 2:21, some of the comments here are ridicously. I didn't see anything in their performance to make a big fuzz. It's scripted and they are doing their job as an entertainer. It was a pretend kiss and it wasn't even on her face--it was on her hair. In the rehearsal bts, after the skit w/the 2 girls, KHJ walked away to where his cordi noonas where. If he was a bit interested in flirting wouldn't you think he'd stay w/those girls (remember PK rehearsal w/minmin?) So give him some slacks.

    I just hope none of you are disguising to be hyunmin but actually just causing trouble in this blog... like what anon 2:21 said that is so immature.

  76. i agree with you anon 10.59!

  77. Anon 10.59 I just love your comments well said!!!

  78. Stop disguising! Don't try to create trouble here sour grapes! Hyunmin Fighting!

  79. LOL I just saw the performance. It wasn't bad at all, it was the good sexy!
    But a lot of people noticed how despite the good performance, it was evident that HJ was being very careful. He is a true gentleman and I think that says a lot about him.
    I want to see all of you guys react to MM kissing a super hot guy, haha, I'll be hilarious! :)
    Can't wait for this girl to comeback!

  80. agree with 11:17.. that's the word.. he's being careful. well mannered and a true gentleman.. what more can you ask for.

    "I want to see all of you guys react to MM kissing a super hot guy, haha, I'll be hilarious! :)"
    and lol to that. keke..

    minmin, can't you give us a christmas gift? please update something. we miss you terribly! <3

  81. Hope to hear hj call sm 'jagiya' one day. OFF SCREEN!

  82. I'm still thinking HJ said about MM status. It just "donsaeng" , that's why he feels comfortable around our Minmin. One thing that I wanna know, Is MM know that she just donsaeng 4 HJ? or MM cannot throw her feeling through HJ since PK? I'm really adore MM, coz she didn't change her habit to pleasure or caught HJ love. She doesn't drink, doesn't do plastic surgery to make her prettier, and still "MM the way she is". I agree with some of you, hope camera shoot her with guy such Rain or Hyun Bin (he..hee...). Ah...the reality so hurt!!!!

    1. i agreed with just like mm like old days...she never change..if she really want to capture HJ heart to like u know Hj like woman that can drinks but MM talk truth in Pk fm that she cannot drink much only coktail...i love the honest MM...for me...when we love or like someine we try to accept whatever she/he is secret..nobody know how they i see a couple made in heaven is always different personality...and i think Hj and MM are compatible to each other..they together or not..only god we know to love someone not means will b togther too...only god know..pray for them...

  83. i think minmin knows that she just his dongsaeng as he said. HOwever, based on the bts and tokyo fan meeting, minmin always keep status as a dongsaeng to him, only him makes a move far away from an oppa...

  84. oppa/donsaeng with unknown's nice????

  85. there is should be something that had made hj changed his ideal type from liking a good drinker gf to a kind and pretty gf....dont you think so???

  86. both of them in japan for couple doubt where were nothing actually happened??? secret reveal please???

  87. Again with those subtle comments. Guys, you are really obvious, and we will catch you >.> We aren't first graders so can't detect the one in your words.
    If she was really just a "dongseang", he couldn't LOOK at her that way. And I'm sure you know what I mean by LOOK. If he considers her a dongseang and still looks at her that way, then well, that's messed up. You aren't supposed to look at your "little sister" that way.

  88. at anon 2:22, sorry i could not understand clearly about the look, can you please explain to me about the look...thanks, and when did he say that he liked minmin's eye??

  89. Anon 2:22 -- Don't waste your energy on them... they're being pathetic pretenders. Disguise yourselves as much as you want but we can smell you a mile away.

    The true hyunmin shippers are happy and are currently enjoying the latest bts that came out and guess what pretenders, more bts are to come. ;) Bon debarras!

  90. i was sad to see some comments here,there'r some comments that deliberately judge another comment,everyone has their own views nd opinions,that they themselves know,respect the views nd opinions of others is even better!That's the purpose there's the comment column on the blog,rght?!
    stop judging other comments nd accused the other comments as a disguise!!

  91. Anon 8:53. I apologize if I have offended you. To spare the people here in this peaceful blog, I invite anyone here who has question, concern or comments to share, to PM me in soompi as I personally prefer a 1-1 discussion. Let me know and I'm game.

  92. Pls cool down everyone. I believe all of us here love So Min and also Hyun Joong because of their pairing in PK. Some of us probably fell so deeply in love with them that we dream that they are together in real life, while some though love them but prefers to believe that they are still close and comfortable with each other, but not in that kind of relationship.
    Of course it is enjoyable to spazz. I personally like that too.
    If we, so min shippers,continue to argue and accuse each other of being pretenders or something like that, how different are we from the other group who worships Hyun Joong's other pairing and tramples So Min like shit?
    Are we going to do the same to Hyun Joong's future female co star, just like how the other group do to So Min?
    We need to keep in mind that we are all from different walks of life and different thinking. We need to respect this difference. This blog is for us to voice our opinions and love for So Min, not to criticise each other.
    So, PEACE to everyone and Happy New Year!
    Happy New Year to So Min too, if you read this blog. We love you!

  93. I agree with u an 12:27. Who can stir your destiny? WE hope MM continue her life without loosing her good manner. And, yes don't waste your time to spazz another comment. we should respect the different view of thinking. Finally, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012 FROM ME an 4:24. (Indonesia)

  94. Agree with Anon 8:53 AM & 12:27 PM
    I don't understand why some of us judged & accused others as pretenders/disguise. can't we have different opinion? me as hyunmin shipper respect others who gave their opinion. different people different point of view. if we can't accept it and bashed each other then we are no different from other fandom. i thought we are different and much nicer but it starting to turn ugly. what happen to us? :)

    I think everyone should read again the Minnies House Rules!

  95. I apologize if my comment offended everyone. I didn't mean to direct the comment about pretenders and those with sarcastic tones towards my fellow Minnies, I said it because a lot of antis are coming here and even at Kathy's blog to make us feel sad or 'defeated', and I just thought that some comments had the same subtle tone in here. I mean no harm, but that's just what I say.
    Everyone has the right to have their own opinion, but sometimes those opinions seem a bit patronizing. This blog is for MINNIES. HyunMin fans and those who like Jung So Min but not HyunMin are more than welcome, this is a blog for her fans after all. It's just, I hope everyone can be careful with their words. This is the internet and not all you say with come out with the right tone, so please be careful. PLEASE. Wrong tone of voice is when problems start and as a Minnie who has been here since the start of this blog, I hope we can try to understand each other and always remain respectful.
    Let's begin this year with love and respect everyone! Viva Minnies! Let's wait with open arms for our girl to comeback and show us what she's got!
    And Happy New Years!

  96. i want to know what are they talking about that time when hj cant seem to let go of her hands

  97. yo creo que si no están juntos seguro que son muy buenos amigos ,ademas jung so min ha apoyado mucho a kim hyun joong en algunas cosas, ademas también se que tienen la misma personalidad y algunos gustos similares por eso que se llevan bien después no sabemos si están ahora o han estado o tal ves solo es una simple amistad lo único que deseo es que les vaya bien en sus nuevos proyectos ademas de estar esperando un nuevo proyecto de jung so min aunque la verdad es que esta siempre sera mi pareja favorita de todos los dramas que e visto y si miramos todos los bts se puede notar que allí hay una química que fluye entre ellos

  98. eyes can't lie, it's more of khj is more into jsm but the question is are they still a couple? as one of their die hard fan, i want them to end up together but we can only watch and not dictate.but still, hyunmin fighting!!!:)

  99. missing them so much.:(

  100. i like reading all the comments in this forum,it make me feel closer to all minmin fans in other's been 2 years since pk fm
