
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

SimplySoMin B-day Project!

To All the Minnies,

Ever since the year 2011 came, the Minnies are already anticipating the approaching birthday of our lovely Jung So Min. I think its safe to say the most of the Minnies are thinking of different ways to express their well wishes and greeting to her. Some of you might be thinking of sending gifts to her.

We from simplysomin did think of a different way to celebrate the birthday of Jung So Min. Since we can't really be with her and throw a party for her, we did think that it might be better to celebrate it with less fortunate children. We think of children because for what we know So Min likes children and mostly these less fortunate children rarely celebrate a birthday so the idea of letting them celebrate a birthday will surely bring joy to them.

We plan to have give a charity event to the ALAY PAG-ASA Foundation, this foundation caters to less fortunate children.The plan is to give a happy fun day for the kids, it will include good food, games, gifts and other activities that the children will surely enjoy.

So, to all the Minnies we do invite you to join us. The charity event will be on March 12 at Mandaluyong City, Philippines. If you wish to join us please send us you name and contact number. We would love to get to know the Minnies.

But in doing this charity event for the kids, we do need funding assistance the initial funds that we needed for this event would be 35,000 Php (Peso) but as of the moment we only needed to raise 20,000 Php due to 2 of the Minnies already make a pledge of 15,000Php.  The full details of expenses will be discuss in the SimplySoMin Project Tab. We thought that if you can help us out it would be much appreciated. Once we raise the said funds needed we will stop accepting any funding assistance and be rest assured that the assistance that you will give will be well accounted for and proper appreciation will be given. For any questions to this said charity event, please comment on the SimplySoMin Project Tab or email us at, will be glad to accommodate your queries.

We choose to do it this way because we feel that even though material gift is a good thing to receive but nothing really beats the gift of a genuine smile that came from a child that is full of happiness.

We do hope for your support.

With lots of love,

simplysomin admins ^_^

MinMin's B-day Messages!!

Announcement! Announcement!

The Birthday Girl!!!

Hi Minnies!!!

We all know that Minmin's Birthday is coming up
and we would like to invite all of you
to write your messages for MinMin!

Posted Image

We will be working hand-in-hand with (MM's Viet site)
to gather all your messages and give them to MinMin as our gift.
We hope that all the Minnies will be united to give the love
 and support that MinMin truly deserve!

In line with this we added a new tab for all your messages or 
you can also email us at
or you can leave the message even in the comment section.
Messages will be accepted until 20 Feb 2011.

So, Minnies don't be shy....speak up!! 
Let MinMin know that her international fans are there to support her!!
Surely all your messages will be appreciated by Minmin.


Jung So Min for Allure

As we saw So Min made her way in the recent Red Carpet events especially the MBC Drama Awards last December, we came to see a "Young Goddess" out of Jung So Min.

In the newest article of Allure, So Min is included in the list of women who rocked the Red Carpet. The list included Han Eun Jung, Lee So Yeon, Lee Yoon Ji and others.

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This is the picture that is included in Allure
So Min is such a beauty!

The picture did come with descriptions of course but unfortunately its in Korean and google translate doesn't help that much in the correct translation. So its you can read korean, this is the link for that Allure article.

Hope some good souls can help us translate that article! 

Til next red carpet news from So Min!!!

credits: snowflakesj16 of soompi, allure korea

MinMin for NII

Well, as for the moment MinMin is still in missing in action so for now we are checking anything
 related to her. Good thing her Minnies are such good researchers!
 I'm just so happy that they are great in sharing MinMin's goodies!

And they did find some NII goodies, it seems like this was for a NII event coz
 she's signing some NII shirts!

MinMin loves wearing that kind of hat!

The people who will get this shirts are so lucky!

I hope I could have one of that! The one with her signature!
*Sigh, wonder when will I have the chance to get one of those?

Well, maybe some of the Minnies will have better changes than I have!

Til next time Minnies!

credit: snowflakesj16 of soompi.
komawo snowflakesj16 ^_^