
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Playful Kiss BTS -Pui! Pui and English Parts!

And here's another one! This clip is from episode 11 in the pension house episode!
And this time Eun Jo was with them! Additional cuteness from Eun Jo!

Here is the clip guys!

The 3 of them are just adorable together no wonder So Min and Hyun Joong 
simply adores Eun Jo so much because he is the cutest as well! 
And when they start babbling english phrases like "why not", "how are you"
its too cute for words and you will also notice that MinMin do speak english quite well! 
Her accent is good! Thanks! Thanks again opiod0101 for the PK goodies! 
You are such a heaven sent! Komapta!

credit: the poopypoocrap aka opiod0101 of soompi

Playful Kiss BTS -Kiss in the Rain Extended Version!

Its raining Playful Kiss and HyunMin love! Opiod0101 we do owe you alot!
You are sure making all PKissers and HyunMins happy!

Below is the video guys! Enjoy!

After watching the extended version of the ever famous Kiss-in-the-rain, 
I love it even more! These two are just magical together! 
Im having scarcity of words how to describe the HyunMin! 
And just need to agree to snowflakej16 of soompi, Hyun Joong seems to
be fond of doing hug practices (remember the balcony hug scene?) 
they do practice over and over again and even under that famous blanket! 
Aigoo HyunMin why so adorable and sweet!

credit: thepoopypoocrap aka opiod0101 of soompi

Playful Kiss Osaka Fan Meet Rehearsal Pics!

The Playful Kiss Osaka Fan Meeting was shown in the station we can't mention so now we do have screencaps from the ever liable elley! Below are the pics guys!

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Wah!!!! I really wanted to watch the Playful Kiss Osaka Fan Meeting!
Can somebody with a good heart please upload it in YT? Please! Please! 
My babbling aside, the PK Osaka FM BTS pictures are awesome! 
And high five? The Hug was so supposed to be a high five? 
Or its really a hug but just did a high five in place for it in the rehearsal?
Hmmmm.... but whatever it is, as long as the hug happened then I got nothing to complain!
And got to say they look stunning together even they are just 
wearing their "regular" clothes! What a gorgeous HyunMin couple!