
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Playful Kiss Fan Meeting Clips!


Its December right? I thought its February! Why?
Coz all I see is ^_^

One word: EPIC!

Hyun Joong and MinMin's Manager holding hands?!
And that's what I call epic!

Can't help but look Hyun Joong?
Well, our dear MinMin is simply beautiful so can't blame you! ^_^

Playful Kiss YT DVD Cuts Translations!

the jacksal bit

basically is the same with what tlpc explain. Mama Baek was telling HJ that she has a friend whose husband asked her how she want to spend their wedding anniversary and her friend said to have fried chicken at Jaksal. Her husband really brought her to Jaksal for a meal w/o knowing that his wife wanted to go there because she is actually a HJ fan. Yet while the whole time Mama Baek was telling HJ this HJ was showing more attention for MM!
but apparently they went to the one that KHJ's mom open. and although her friend cant meet up with KHJ at the time, but it make her happy already because she really really love KHJ. ( my korean friend said " that is probably why KHJ look a bit shy on this tape)

@7:00 the bench part

basically they were just talking about how cold the weather is, and KHJ wish he was having a long under garment .

@8:10 the balcony scene

KHJ telling the camera "what? what do you want from me?" ( but my korean friend said that is the way KHJ say is rather using bad/ cursing word in a joking way  that is probably why JSM was laughing)

@10:10 the stair 

KHJ said that JSM is a top student, she really is. he said JSM manager was having a drink with KHJ, and and khj said after a glass they getting closer and JSM manager told him that JSM was top student and in the top class.

but then JSM said "1 glass or 1 bottle?" and KHJ answer " half a glass" jsm said" he lied"
the cameramen as khj" aren't you cold?" and KHJ answer" nope"
and jsm said " but your nose was red " and KHJ said" drunk ( he meant still drunk from last night with JSM manager)
the cameraman asking" but i can see you shaking" and KHJ answer" dancing and then he explain ( act as if he is Dr.baek ) you know in human body when two line on your heart doesn't connect it will make your body shake(dance) " and JSM laugh


khj was practising or drawing on the chart form and JSM was trying to figure out how to sit wheter is gonna be this way or that way, but KHJ was on his own world so JSM asking " are you even listening?"
and KHJ look at her, so JSM ask again " do you think i should sit here or how ?( she sat next to KHJ ) and KHJ answer" okay (cool)"
jsm complaining and said" okay (cool) just like that?( laughing) i was asking with much effort and your answer is just cool? "

12:10 car scene

one of the staff was touching JSM head and said " good job" and one of the woman staff was asking KHJ to give back the wedding ring but it was to tight that is difficult to remove
when JSM holding the cake it has 7 candles she said because they done 7 episodes