
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Jung So Min's Twitter Photo Update [01-31-12]

This is such a Lovely day 
Seeing Minmin's Smile ~~ Make us feel much better!!!

Credits: @h_monet

CAPTION: 우리 곧 만나

Somin's Photo tweet to Jaehyung: 웅 대박


  1. MINMINAH! We miss you so much!
    I think she is saying something about seeing us soon, am I right?!
    OMO, hope it's true!

  2. yeh ur right...i just went on google and translated it...."we soon"...

  3. I'm so happy w/ Minmin's update . Thanks

  4. caption: "we see you soon" (right?)
    yeah!!!Minmin,we want to see u soon,can't wait! ^^

  5. kawaiiiiii! her sunglasses takes up half her face! ^^

    c u soon???! i can't wait! so happy!!! ^^,

  6. we see you soon minmin...I cant wait to see you soon..i miss you!!

  7. translated to "we see you soon"... hopefully the "you" means her fans....!

    or khj oppa! .... either way is fine by me! LOL XD

    1. @anon 1:11am.."we see you soon" maybe it means She and KHJ see their fans soon...i'm just imagining..hahaha but hoping it was that means....HYUNMIN fighting....

  8. OMG!!!

    I can't wait minmin she said we see you soon?? right.
    Oh thank minmin have project soon!!! We want see project soon
    We hope minmin update again or on tv. Drama soon

    Love minmin so much

  9. Fingers crossed for Playful Kiss season 2, 16 more episodes!!! That would be my dream come true!! ;D

  10. Hi Kathy, thanks for this "lovely" update. Since you guys have already posted so min's twitter account in your credits.. Why don't you also put a link, her twitter account link, here in simplysomin.. That way many fans, especially the new ones, would follow her on twitter. Since simplysomin is a popular site for minmin's/hyunmin's/playful kiss fans, it would be a great channel for her twitter account.. So that her followers will grow.:)

    I also think that through twitter, we can express how badly we miss her because she has direct access to it since it's her account.:)

    Thank you Kathy and jeanneth for keeping us updated whenever Jean is busy with her personal life. Really really appreciate it. Thank you guys for your hard work. To all of the moderators, You guys are the best! Komawo!

    And to our dear minmin, hoping for your come back sooon! We really miss you! We'll patiently wait for you! But please, pretty please make it soon! Haha! Love you!:o

    1. @h_monet twitter of somin

    2. Yeah, I know.:) in fact, I'm one of her followers. What I mean in my comment is that aside from the links at the side of simplysomin site.. ie. Follow us on twitter, kathy's bench, Jung so min's Chinese site, Jung so min's Vietnamese site and such, it would be great if they would add a link that says: Jung so min's twitter account. That would be very convenient for fans, I guess? Oh well, just a simple suggestion. I don't know where to post it so I decided to just comment here. Sorry if it's out of topic. Good night guys!:)

    3. You are very Much welcome ^^ I will try to ask Eonnie Jean about what you said dear ^_^

      I hope the followers of Somin is really her FANS ~~ Because in the past weeks.. ive been reading Negative comments mentioning @h_monet
      .. so i guess .. we need to be careful with some anti's though ~~ ^_^ Just saying :)))

      hahha.. I never thought I use kathy's account while updating this ~ ^_^ anyway me and kathy .... always ready to help Eonni jean updating SSM ^_^

      PS: Jeanneth ^_^ See you soon my dear Minmin ~~~~ I hope..... you are.... now..... :)))

    4. I think it was good to give to know what the twitter of minmin that she now has 1.195 followers is a success.

    5. oh yeah.. i knew that would be an issue..:( well i guess we just have to pray that minmin will be strong (i know she is.^^) and won't mind those (ridiculous!!) negative comments. antis will always be there. its included in the package of being a famous artist. so the only thing we can do, as her fans, is to show (ie: tweet/comment. ^^)her our love and support for whatever she does. we can overthrow those antis! i really can't understand why some people hate her. being biased aside, she's just too cute, sweet and adorable. oh, how i love her.. (sorry guys for this long comment.)

      and oh! i LOLed at you using "kathy's account".. i sometimes do that too. the consequences of knowing too much accounts? ^_< and i'm somewhat confused with your PS. haha. "i hope.... you are..... now....:)))?" yeah, im confused..^^

      cza0904 of SSMchatbox/savvy_renny of soompi Minjoong/Hyunminforum

    6. but....actually i'm OKAY for just LIKE THIS... i mean... i'm not sure por also putting or adding MM twitter link here...we know..her twitter is h_monet n yess... i think it's her twitter not for me just better like THIS....for not putting MM's link twitter here...for safety....hehehe...^----^v

  11. guyz i noticed minmin shades look at the mirror....quick!!!theres a man in front of her and that image it look like....

    1. .....her manager. sorry to burst your bubble there...dont get mad

  12. true or not if MM ever visited KIM NAM GIL in his camp,if it is true maybe "YOU" means KIM NAM GIL,because my friend said that they are very close.sorry if my question makes you angry

    1. is't true???wow!
      i probably don't need to know,so i don't want to know,i serious,i don't want to know about it,it's rumor or fact,i wouldn't care,up to u..LOL LOL
      who is angry?no anger,just take it,enjoy!LOL LOL :p

    2. She did mention in the Elle interview (Nov/Dec 2010) that she called up KNG and made plans to visit him.

  13. Her manager/cousin la...lOl

  14. When did MM ever visit KNG?! It's extremely unlikely. I never heard of this, all I know is she did call him on the phone once, she mentioned that and she also contact the other co-stars of Bad Guy.

  15. Yey! So happy for this updated pic! MM we miss you so much! We all waiting for your come back, hopefully soon or hopefully PK 2 ahahah crossed fingers! But whatever project it is, all the way we support you! We love you!!!

  16. Does this mean Jung So Min Eonnie is finally coming back to the screen? What does the "we see you soon" mean? I know her Mr. Jea Hyung is her cousin, but her meeting with him could also mean work, right?
    I don't want to get my hopes up, they have come crumbling done so much lol. I hope it is a drama or project, been missing her!

  17. whenever minmin posts pictures, i feel like i'm playing "where in the world is carmen san diego?"
    only it's always "where in the world is jung so min?"

  18. So Min update us again by tweeting her manager with this picture with the caption of "웅 대박��" or "Hung �� jackpot".. pls correct me if I'm wrong with my trasaltions.. kekeke !! :) tnx! XD

  19. In bing the caption translates to 'we will see you soon'. Now if she's referring to just herself shouldn't it say 'I will see you soon'. Could it be that 'we' refers to as she and her cousin (manager) to see a certain person?

    1. i think she meant that she and her cousin will see their fans soon...or she and hj will see the fans's up to urs opinion...:)

    2. I agree with you,but who is ~> "you" ????
      Minmin,you know,I was so curious,haha!

    3. we are the fans of her..._you_

    4. yes maybe she and her manager will meet a certain person why they are in that cafe...hmmmmm.... i think special person....haha

  20. Still Anon 8:38 here. I agree w/you Anon 1:11 -- whether she's referring to her fans or KHJ, I'm fine w/it. :) I miss her but if she needs more time to choose the right project (drama or movie), I'll wait! I'd rather see her happy working on a project that she's comfortable w/or feels right for her.

  21. 'we will see you soon' sounds yummy! Lol!! Is that means, she will be back on the screen??? :D ahh, i hope her co-star would be our prince Kim Hyun Joong! Is that possible?? Lol but no matter with whom her co-star is.. I will suppor our dear MinMin!! It has been a year + we are waiting for her, and i hope now, our wish would be granted! :D

  22. Anybody here who is familiar with that building? Would anyone know where that place is?

  23. is impossible if I wanted to like this: i hope this year they (HyunMin) attending the same event or seen together at a meeting,is it possible? everytime i see videos or photos of them,hoping that one day they were seen together again (drama or whatever)...

    1. if there will be pk season 2, then it will be possible...

  24. It's impossible ....

  25. Them seen in a meeting together again of course is POSSIBLE!

    1. where?what it was just hopeless?i also like to hope so

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. we miss you min min..
    hope you doin drama with
