
Friday, January 13, 2012

More Video Cuts from Playful Kiss YT Edition Behind the Scenes

사랑스런 현중님 ~ 소민님 ^_^

Video Credits: Snowythere






  1. Please, tell me, what is the title song sung by Hani at BTS episodes 6-1, when Hani was feeding oranges to the mouth Seung Jo at 8:56 ?? I've heard it, but I forgot where ever heard. thanks ^^

  2. i think it's "present" by K-will

  3. thank u very much anon 5:33.
    my favorite bts scene at BTS eps 6-1 is at 8:31-9:40, saw them like that makes me laugh non-stop even though I've watched many times, keep me laughing, until my stomach hurt, hahahaha, in this scene they are so natural to laugh, cute scene it makes me happy. I miss them so much ;'(

  4. minmin once said that she would be back on screen soon. BUt i wonder how long it will be??? im missing her alot....please come back ....

  5. Am missing minmin a lot too!!!.... Why isn't there a PK season 2??? ISWAK had a season 2!!! then Joe Cheng and Ariel had another new drama together... Wish it to be the same for JSM and KHJ as well!!! They look good coupled together, off screen and on screen... ;)

  6. do you guys notice on episode 2 bts,at 11.59 when so min try to remove the tiny sticker thing,hyunjoong moves his hand towards somin.its like he want to hold her hand!!

  7. woah!anoy 6:57,thanks for point it out.when first time i watch it,i think maybe hyunjoong want to take something like needle from her but,when i watch it again.somin didn't hold anything and yes!!its like hyunjoong want to hold her hand.but it was cut!!i'm happy now :)

  8. i think hj want to take a needle from mm coz i saw mm hold that needle...i dont think hj want to do smthing like that in front of krew...anyway that just my opinion...i love them together and hope they will act together again in another drama but i know its hard...i love all the bts but it hapend almost a year ago...that so long time...but i still hope mm will a another drama this year...

    1. that made sense. yeah, i think so

  9. anyone knows where there is english sub for the vids? any koreans here who can translate? am dying of curiosity... what is being said???... thank you in advance!!! :) ... since PK has large global following, wished all PK related vids have english subs...

    hope JSM and KHJ have more new dramas together!!

  10. in my opinion, i wonder why minmin did not join in any variety shows like other actresses or actors such as strong heart, star king, we got married, or happy together??? i have not seen he in any shows...what's happened?? because she was not invited or she just did not want to join???

  11. at korea...there so many actress they have...and so many talented new actress in begining....if our mm dont have any show or any drama soon mayb she will b forget...i dont want that hapend..i want she more sucsess in her acting...i really2 want her comeback soon in industry...i know she must bz with her study becoz she take break from schooll half a year to act...but u know korea...its hard...i want to see her more in drama or film...i guess if mm can join in another reality show it must b deabak coz she have a cute and bright personality...her laugh can make anyone to want to join laugh...miss her a comeback fast...plis update ur activity more...we miss u...

  12. Would it make a difference to So Min that she comes from a chaebol family? Her family background may not encourage her to expose herself too much to the media unnecessarily. I believe So Min is really an actress who acts for interest. So when a good script does not come her way, she will not take on any drama at the moment. Furthermore, I think she is quite a popular choice as ambassadors for some popular products in Korea. So I think she is not forgotten yet. So Min shippers, do not worry unduly that she will be out of sight and out of the entertainment's mind. I trust that So Min is enjoying her break after her graduation. Once she has recharge herself, she will come back with a big bang!

  13. Or maybe because her lover does not want her to be paired up with other guys in her next project? Hahahaa....jk

  14. He says wait for him until pk season 2 coming out

  15. Haha, you guys are so funny XD
    But yeah, I worry about that a lot, too. I don't want her to be forgotten. Whenever news about a new drama come about, people do remember her and want her to be part of it. Whenever I'm over at Dramabeans when a new casting rumors comes about, there is always someone that mentions her name. For example, in the latest news with Yoochun in a new drama, people believe she could be amazing in the role and deserves to get it. I know we have to be patient, but it's hard, haha. I'll wait for her though. Maybe it is because of her family background that she can't join variety shows. Actors and actresses aren't in variety shows that much, it's very rare to see them unless they are promoting their drama. Had PK been more popular, her and HJ could have probably been in a variety show together. Oh well, at least we got two awesome FMs!
    Let's be optimistic, I know it's hard. I really want her to act in that Rooftop Prince drama, but we can't really do anything. I hope her latest update with her cousin means she is going to be active soon.
    MM fighting!

  16. i dont understand why would her family background affect on her career that much??? i still see many of actors and actress on variety shows such as shin min ah, kang sora, go hara....but is that true that her family is rich???/ i had heard many fans of her saying about her being chaebol>>> also, i want her with micky chun in the rooftop prince drama since hj once says that she's his dongsaeng, i love to see how he reacts and regrets,,,,hahahahahah,,,,,,
