
Friday, January 6, 2012

Playful Kiss YouTube DVD Edition BTS Clip!


  1. Hi,

    Is there a season 2? The last episode I saw her with her hubby in the car in new years. Is there another season after that? thanks Hector

  2. i like it your blog, que divertida es jung so min, es increiblemente linda, hermosa, siempre feliz, no puedo decir lo mismo de KHJ, el es muy serio, no juega, no se despide de ella como debe de ser, aishhhhhh, no me parece ella es tan linda, super alegre, me encantó gracias por compartirlo:)

  3. I love how she is so lively and makes everyone laugh! They all seem to love her a lot, and it really is no wonder, since she seems like such a fun person.

  4. minmin is a jolly person, she makes the surroundings alive. look at khj, he's seems like waiting for sum1 to put an icing on him...keke

  5. Haha, it's so chaotic at the end, where MM is running to put icing on everyone, while everyone she put icing on is trying to get revenge. And at the end where the staff was like "Somin-ah! Somin-ah!", it was hilarious :D

    Agree with 7:25, hyunjoong looked like he was just waiting to have icing thrown at him, but it didn't happen. lolol

  6. anon 7:53 I think the same thing, I think KHJ was waiting to be smeared with cream also because I look several times to mm and did not move, walked around saying here how do I look?.

  7. i wonder why she put birthday cake on everybody but khj....why why and why???

  8. guys!!open this link:
    look at the kiss guys.i wonder why they didn't put the kiss in actual drama.that was better!

  9. thank you anoymous 9:21.yes!!the kiss was actually crying of happiness.hehe ^_^ and the kiss seem passionate.they even turn their head :)

  10. i like how khj's lip lean forward to minmin's lip

  11. are you gals referring to the kiss at the stairs? I'm suprised how they could act so in love. They are really good artiste!
    I need Playful Kiss 2 with the original cast to calm my addiction to hyunmin!
    Could we write a petition to MBS for a sequel, strictly with all the original cast?

  12. OHMYGOSH...yess...i just saw that kiss on soompi....well, that so much better...yeah, we know, the bts r always better than the real scene itself, ..hahaha...just look at the guy behind (crew member), hohoho, see his face..really something!! AND btw, where's HJ when MM is running around, was he..well just disappeared?, MM looks happy while hj a bit tired or a lot, anyway..just saying...MM is really naughty

  13. yeah, hyun joong is waiting for the cream. haha. look at that face.:P

    i think so min is just being careful. there were leader's fans at the venue so she must act cool otherwise they might think that she's (even if its too ridiculous) too flirty with him. you know fans in korea, they're too obsessed with their idols.

    that's our princess! jolly, cute and adorable minmin! we miss you! please come back soon. :))

  14. oh please...MM's too flirty?? lol, based on what i see, i often find that hj is the one who cannot get enough of her...hahahaha,but this couple is really something,..always makes me giddy to the max

  15. woah!it seem that he did't want to stop kissing 5.41,he was like 'i want some more'.but,maybe somin was very shy so,she ended the kiss quickly :)

  16. maybe minmin was a reason that made our leader have broken up his ex gf??? dont u guys think so?? cuz according to his interview, he said that he broke up with his gf on January last year. Also, in his song marry me, he once said that your voice liked a spell that cast on me, ur cheek blush, also im happy and laugh for no reason. Minmin always made khj happy based on bts and fm in japan.

  17. I remembered something after seeing how playful JSM could be... remember KHJ's interview in Japan re: talcum powder? hahahaha Now, I know which playful gal you had in mind at that interview. hahahaha She must be some special little lady.

  18. I saw that kiss on the stairs....OH WOW!!!

  19. minmin always who the one will ended the kiss right?i think she was shy or any other reason.i agree with you anon 11:00.when i watch that part suddenly i remember in his song marry me,he said that 'don't say anything and please kiss me'.hmm..

  20. LOL....agree 12:09..sweetness overload,...hj doesnt want to stop his kiss, yess...always MM who initiated or signaled to end the kiss, wonder, i like the line 'dont say anything n please kiss me' <3 <3

  21. "Don't say anything and please kiss me"
    And I remembered Leader's talcum powder prank too anon 11:45. He said he hoped his "future" girlfriend would be KIND, so they could have a talcum powder fight together instead of her getting mad at him and stuff.
    I think that's totally adorable.

  22. I love how KHJ leaned over comfortably towards JSM in the yt bts where they filmed the episode that they got into a car accident

  23. what??? car accident? where???? anon 4:09

  24. anon 4:51 i think anon 4:09 mean the episode 6 where bsj teach hani how to drive..jaz go to d minjoong soompi
    you will see the screencap of that bts.

  25. for this year,whether they could meet again at an event?I really miss seeing them in photographs and interviewed both of them,whether was I too hopeful?if it a drama,whether they may be in the same production again?whether this is really difficult to materialize?
    really miss seeing them both together at this time...

  26. well...nothing is impossible right? hehehe, long as they're in the same field, actress-actor,entertainer-performer, i believe that the opportunity is still there,..hehe, it's not bad to hope..they're still young n single, what else? ;)

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  28. Anon 7:57
    Please don't make comments like those here, it's a bit insensitive. This has nothing to do with MM, so we should discuss it in a different place, like the HyunMin soompi page or something. This is only a site for MM. People might get offended if you call someone not "pure".
    I can't tell you not like HJ or not, that's personal opinion. And him saying he never had any feeling for younger girls is a bit contradictory, because he said he liked Krystal from f(x), who is much younger than him. I don't know what he feels for MM, but whatever it is, I think it's special. He might just see her as a friend, he might see her as more. Only he knows, and he isn't going to go around telling everyone he likes younger girls. He has said many MANY times that he'll do this best to protect whoever he loves, so you NEVER know when he is lying and when he is being serious.
    DOn't take those comments too seriously, and please always remember that this is a MM site, and we should be disrespectful in ANY WAY towards other artists, she wouldn't want us to say hurtful stuff.

  29. anon 7:57
    don't think to deeply about his answers, because in reality we don't really know much :)
    he could be speaking the truth, but for all we know, he could also be lying to protect his private life, which he has every right to do.
    just enjoy what you see, have fun and don't overthink. then it'll all be okay :D

  30. I'm Chinese and I read that interview a few months ago over at Baidu. Gotta agree with the comments here, don't overthink it, just go with the show and enjoy the show :D And the end of the day only they know what's in their hearts!
    HyunMin fighting!

  31. no, he did not say that he liked crystal, he only said that she was pretty comparing to her sister jessica.

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  34. minmin's beauty is very pure and all natural. She did not have any plastic surgery. thus, she does not put heavy make up such as eyeliner and stuff...imagine, if she changes her hair style or color, dressing up like a sexy girl..i think that krystal and her are about the same

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  36. Anon 12:16, I know for sure I'll still be here w/few others. And when the time comes, she'll even be a better and improved person and an actress.

    For me there's always hope; you become hopeless when can't breath life anymore because you're dead.

  37. i don't think somin would appreciate her fans making negative and unkind comments about others because of favoring her. i suspect she would be deeply hurt. those type of remarks could cause bad reflection and hateful reaction towards her - we don't want that to happen to dear minmin.

    as far as shipping hyunmin, let's just have fun loving them. let us not take things too seriously to the point of becoming unreasonably emotional. let's continue supporting them together.

  38. Agreed wth anon 12:38. Don't take things too seriously to the point of becoming unreasonably emotional.
    We have to respect other actress nor singer.saying something bad bout' them doesn't make us any better.
    @ anon 7:57 I hope you delete ur comment coz it might coz fan war. Please don't insults other celebrity.
    Be like MM kind yet respectful :)

  39. Anon 7:57 AM you need to read the Minni House Rules.
    Minnies House Rules!
    1. Respect One Another.
    2. No Bashing of another Artist/Actor/Actress in the Blog/Comments.
    3. No Use of Foul words towards the other visitors/chatters in the blog.
    4. Any inappropriate comments will be immediately deleted.
    5. Let's live by MinMin's example of being respectful, sweet, sincere and intelligent.

  40. hye guys!can i ask you all some favor?can WE talk about the video.seriously,every hours i wait for the comments and all of the comments written is about this war.its reach 40 comments already!lets stop talking about this and spazz the moment between the two of them base on this video.please guys :)

  41. yupz...agree anon 4:03, this blog is about MM n yeah mayb HyunMin too..LOL, so please dont mention any actress name to b bashed which r not related to MM, we really want a peace and fun ryt? why need to talk about anything else unrelated n yupz please respect the other actress n bcoz it's about video posting, can we just spazzing bout the content there n not acrrosed it...gomapsumnida...

  42. whether u all think MM would like with the comments here,who always connects himself with HJ?maybe that's the risk of an artist/actor,ready to regulated her life with her fans..hah..minmin dear,i hope u are fine :)
    peace,don't be offended with my comments,i love hyunmin too,but not too hopeful and too painful if i follow the spazz that u all make, because it's the hope that isn't certain,and i hate with an artificiality :)
    peace...peace...peace ^^

  43. for me it's fun n not too painful anon 5:29, but anyone has different perspective of course, we only spazz based on BTS vid n not anything else,so it's no harm anyway,dream is still dream,keep calm anyone,just like our girl,stay healthy all..^^v

  44. I would like to ask to the admins to please delete the comments against other artists
    first because they are against this blog rules "No Bashing of another Artist/Actor/Actress in the Blog/Comments"
    second and most important because this kind of comments could cause bad reflection and hateful reaction towards So Min, as anon 12:38 wrote, and she doesn't deserve it
    About Hyun Joong saying he likes older women I don't know how this relate in any way to his co-star in WGM, she is not the only woman older than him in Korea and Hyun Joong's ideal type was always Lee Hyori so his reply is just consistent with that
    In a radioshow he also said he appreciates Hong Soo Hyun (she is older than him) and later she was in his Lucky Guy MV so please don't bring here a name and make bad remark of a person that is no more in Hyun Joong's life and they are no more in contact with each other like he said very clearly.
    Spazz all you want about hyunmin or comment about So Min (this blog is dedicated to her) but please avoid to bash other Artist/Actor/Actress and respect the Blog's rules
    After more than a year from PK So Min have still many fans that love her so no need to be worry for her popularity to decrease
    So Min take all the time you need for your next drama, your fans will be always here to support you :)

  45. GUYS ~ Sorry for all the comments that has been DELETED!! please REFRAIN from BASHING any ARTIST~ Because for all we KNOW.. This blog is for our Dear Somin ~!!

    Somin would not like reading your rants about others especially when you are already BASHING THEM~ Better.. talk at other place and not here..

    Why not talk about Somin alone??? or with hyunmin? cause the updates.. is about PLAYFUL KISS.. Right??

    and After all this blog is dedicated for her Right??


  46. Minnies what do we have here?

    first, my dear dongsaeng Jeanneth thanks for the immediate response and deleted all the inappropriate comments.

    Minnies I do hope I dont need to remind you about the houserules of these blog! I do hope as well that we all know how to respect it!

    We not asking much, we are just asking for your continues love and support for MinMin. If you have some issues with other actors/actress we do advise you to take it somewhere but not here. Please if your gonna leave a comment please make it MinMin related only.

    We dont like to leave an impression that the Minnies are not respectful because MinMin is certainly very sweet and respectful towards her colleagues in the business.

    Please keep in mind that as fans we are also responsible to what ever we do or say.

    And lastly think how MinMin would react if she reads that her fans gives out negative comments to others, of course MinMin will be sad because she knows her Minnies are respectful. I dont want to see MinMin being disappointed to us. I think it will hurt too much if that happens so please lets avoid that to happen ok.

    So that's it for now. I do hope that in the future we do avoid these comments ^_^

    Thank you Minnies!
    And just Love Love Love!

  47. Thank you Jean and Jeanneth ^_^
    Love Love Love !

  48. so, can we back to spazz again of this hyunmin n MM? hahahahaha, just like Jeanneth said that this update is about PK BTS, so what? ..hehehe...sorry i'm kinda late but wants to comment that, this BTS is fun, MM is naughty just like her oppa but i think the crews there r love her too, MM's laughing is so infectious, i heard somewhere...

  49. I agree... let's go back to spazz about our couple and no one else. Be worry free and not take everything that you read and see seriously. No one knows what the future holds. Please no more negative vibes here!

  50. YUPZ-YUPZ-YUPZ AGREE..let's having fun by going back to spazz uri lovely couple,..just spread the LOVE-LOVE-LOVE

  51. I wish they didn't cut this scene (6:20) when KHJ said 'achuum' when he was singing happy bday to HaNi. I liked it when JSM slightly pulled his coat i guess to say please sing it again... it was so sweet. :)

  52. hahaha Minmin's assistants were screaming at the guy who smeared icing on her face. She's so playful. So sweet of KHJ's coordi noona to wait for her - i guess to giver a hug before they leave. Awwwwwe... they all love our Minmin.

  53. agree anon 11:49,... after saying that worn n hearing mm's spoiled words,..the looks bcome sweet n intense n do u notice when hani hug SJ, he seems a lil bit surprise? was she improve on this?

  54. Anon 12:08, I don't think he was surprised because that is what's on the script but I think they both get really uncomfortable doing intimate scenes or they get shy sometimes. I think this was an NG - the scene that was included the camera was zoomed out which they looked more natural and comfortable because the crew were not near them.

  55. love love love love love both of them....
    mm you are so playful....keep it up...always have fun...
    smile...laugh....its a good attribute to be like a kid sometimes...and mm has that quality to be easy going...playful...we miss you....take care God bless
