
Friday, February 17, 2012

Playful Kiss Youtube Special Edition Magazine Scans by A-HLIA

I know we have posted some of the pictures from Playful Kiss Youtube Special Edition Magazine
But can't help to post some of it again as A-hlia posted HD scans!

Playful Kiss you are forever be my K-drama love! ^_^

So here it is!

credit as tagged


  1. Aigoo...! I miss PK! Hopefully there will be season 2! Hyunmin fighting!

  2. I miss PK too and missing these 2 together loads!! Now news on both is even quieter :(

  3. Japanese edition of Playful Kiss booklet interviews KHJ and JSM !!! Translations by tlbpc...
    Posted by mslee1107
    Another translations by tlbpc, this short interview maybe like others before but still worth reading. As a shipper [oppa/dongsaeng couple] their answers will always be give PK fans delight.

    credit as tagged

    Journalist: Which scene in the TV drama is the most impressive?
    MM: The kiss in the rain scene because the kissing scenes earlier were just lightly touching whereas this scene is a real kiss but my stomach is making me feel unwell that day so that’s how the shooting was done. But later when I watch the replay it turned out to be so strong and affectionate, I was also taken aback (laugh). I was quite worried about the kiss because of my physical condition but then during the filming I really completely forgotten about not feeling well (laugh).

    J: Which kiss in the TV drama is the most impressive?

    HJ: The kiss in the rain, it was actually very cold on that day so I was a little worried that it will affect the filming but with Ms Jung So Min who acted as Ha Ni in the drama, acting with her had reached a very familiar stage, so acting that wasn’t a very big problem. (Emphasized) At the beginning there was some unfamiliarity but since there were so many scenes together so our understanding with each other got better and better!

  4. J: Which subjects are you best at in your school days?

    MM: Sports and Japanese. I have no problem with basic Japanese; I still watch original version of the Japanese TV drama and movies. That’s originally when I was thinking of going to Japan I would know some Japanese, at least I wouldn’t be starved to death (laugh).

    J: Which are your favourite subjects in your school days?

    HJ: Sociology and history. In the drama, BSJ is able to easily solve some very difficult mathematical problems, that’s just acting like as if I really know (laugh).

    J: What else are you good at in real life?
    HJ: I can cook, I can cook some very delicious food (emphasized). But because I live alone most of the time I get to eat out more. Only when I want to eat alone at home then I’d cook. I have cook beef with rice, other than that I can also cook pork chop rice. It was when I came out to live by myself then I started to cook, I would watch some cooking TV programmes and write it down. Till now I would still watch cooking programmes (laugh).

  5. J: In the drama BSJ is a varied person, like he was very friendly to friends but very cold towards Ha Ni. In real life how are you like?

    HJ: In real life I’m definitely not as cold as BSJ (laugh).

    J: Then at times you would also tease or bully a little the people you like, you agree on this?

    HJ: In the drama, BSJ bully and tease Ha Ni, this kind of feelings I can understand. When I was young I would also like to play mischievously with those that I like. I remember I used to take advantage of the one who sat next to me in class, I drew a line on the table and set the rule that if anything cross over the line will belong to me.

  6. J: Are there any happy scenes that leave a more deep impression?

    MM: It’s the last scene on the bed with BSJ teasing each other. That was a very deep impression scene, that scene seems like an impromptu one with HJ, it was done in an extremely tacit way, very delightful very happy (laugh).

    J: I remember you seem to have said that you feel very lonely at the end of the shooting didn’t you?

    MM: Yes, during the filming I was wearing the wedding ring, when suddenly the moment it has to be taken off I felt a little strange, an indescribable mood. When the TV drama has completed the filming I really had a lonely feeling, it was just like the feeling of a divorce (laugh)

    J: So at that moment did you have the impulse of wanting to get married?

    MM: Ha Ni got married when she was very young, also she lived a happily married life, at that moment I did think that if I get married will I also be very happy. When I want to get married I think I want to have 3 kids so I think of getting married at the age of 20 something would be just right (laugh).

    credit:yao贤 (Baidu HyunMin Bar)
