
Friday, March 30, 2012

[Media Photo] Breath taking Photos of Jung So Min and Im Si Wan in "STAND BY"

OMG!!! Speechless!!! Minmin's First Media Photo is just so SURPRISING!!!!
I never Expected ... ^^

Now im really getting excited for this!!!
Cant wait .. April 9!!! Come faster :)))

Ahh!! Better lets wait for the SITCOM :)))


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Stand By's Prayer Ceremony!

Wah!!! Just few days from now and we will see our dear MinMin back in the small screen
As Stand By will be air on April 09 at MBC!

Here we have the Prayer Ceremony at the set of Stand By!

So please watch out for it!
So excited for MinMin!

Aja! Figthing Stand By Cast!

credit: @pikachumini

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

"STAND BY" Official Poster [Jung So Min's New MBC Sitcom]

OMG !! OMG!!!  OMG!!!!

Are you all EXCITED???
Start of the Broadcast will be on APRIL 9, 2012

Credits: Mydaily

Sunday, March 25, 2012

(Article) Jung So Min with the Stand By for Cast Introduction!

Happy to know that we are not the only excited for this sitcom!
April 02, glad that you are just around the corner! ^_^

This is a repost from javabeans post!


An introduction to Standby’s TV broadcast family

We’re a week out from the premiere of MBC’s daily sitcom Standby, which began shooting this past week. This also gives us a chance to take a look at the characters who will be populating this world, beginning with Ryu Jin as the series lead (though in a sitcom, it’s more of an ensemble effort than a one-top situation).
In any case, he plays Ryu Jin-haeng, who is determined to become a top news anchor despite — as the stills show us — not being very good at it. Aw. Poor bumbling reporter. In the studio scene, he’s taken down by a case of wanting it too badly, because Jin-haeng stays up all night practicing for his on-camera performance, oversleeps, and screws up.
In the other scene, he’s out in the field and accidentally hits his subject in the face with his microphone. Eep. I’m going to take a leap and say that bloodying your interview subject on TV is probably not going to do much to advance your career.


Then, in the next set of stills, Jin-haeng’s younger brother Ryu Ki-woo (Lee Ki-woo) gets doused with water by Jung So-min and winds up wearing an apron in a coffee shop. Is she just a clumsy bumpkin, or a wily fox? I know which one I’d be. Mrowr. *Thinks fondly of his Ramyun Shop post-army ab scene.*

Jung So-min (the character shares her name) may look like a city girl, but she’s a country girl through and through; she was raised in a small village and recently came to Seoul to make it on her own. The lucky girl gets to be caught in a love triangle between Ki-woo and Shi-wan.

“Perfect man” and perfectionist Ha Suk-jin is Jin-haeng’s opposite in every way, from his successful on-camera career to the way he commands the respect and favor of everybody at their station, TV11. One day, he starts to see his co-worker Soo-hyun in a different light, when all along he’d only thought of her as a colleague, starting off his own romantic tribulations…

That’s Kim Soo-hyun, a skilled variety PD who’s got a crush on sunbae Jin-haeng. Heh. Well that oughtta put Suk-jin’s knickers in a twist. She may not be the most perceptive and she’s not the flirty, coy type (thank you, drama), but she does tend to get shy in front of her crush, despite being so proficient at her job.

Im Shi-wan again plays younger than his age; he’s cast as an uljjang high school student, the good-looking boy next door. He’s a year older than Jung So-min in real life, but it seems likely she’ll be playing the noona here.

I’m betting Park Joon-geum will steal her fair share of scenes; she’s TV11′s big star announcer with a personality likened to Meryl Streep’s in The Devil Wears Prada. It’s a personality that’s been done to death, but Park’s got a killer icy glare.

Then there’s Kim Yeon-woo, playing a brown-nosing writer known as the King of Flattery. Ha.

Aw, yay for Go Kyung-pyo, whose career is starting to take off. He caught my eye by being committed and funny in Saturday Night Live Korea, then followed that up by being Yoo Seung-ho’s good-natured screenwriter friend in Operation Proposal. He plays little bro to variety PD Soo-hyun who’s also known as Idiot 1 out of the Idiot Trio. Haha.

Simon D plays Idiot 2, an aspiring rapper who’s always working at one part-time job or another.

Described as the uljjang of her high school, you’d suppose Jewelry’s Ye-won would be Shi-wan’s counterpart, since they’re the two school hotties. But she’s also Idiot 3, so I expect she’ll be hanging around with Kyung-pyo and Simon D most of the time.

And there you have it! Standby premieres on April 2.

Via Star News

And by the way if you haven't seen the Video Message of MinMin, here's the link!

Jung So Min's Video Message ^_^

As we had our charity event today to have MinMin's post birthday celebration.
She did send as a video message!

Just imagine our happiness as we watch the video!
Smiles can't be removed from our faces and all the hardwork for the charity was all worth it!

We wanted to say thank you to MinMin's Manager Kim Jae Hyung, for sending this video!

MinMin-ah, all we can say is Thank you! Your message truly touch us and will keep your message forever in our hearts!

And please remember that we will continue to be here for you in everything step in a way, supporting you!
We love you MinMin, just always know that we you're Minnies are here to stay! ^_^

Below is MinMin's Video Message!

Jung So Min's Post Birthday Charity Event!

And it's done! ^_^

Today we celebrated the birthday of our dearest MinMin thru our 
Post Birthday Charity Event!

I'm so happy that the charity event has turned out to be a fun and heart warming filled day as we have gone to Nayon ng Kabataan to celebrate MinMin's birthday with the kids!

As the charity event has been a success, this success would not be possible without the support and pledges of the wonderful people who shared their blessings to us and the children of Nayon ng Kabataan.

To those who donated:

Ms Doris
Ms Deanna
Ms Michelle Lui
Ms Ellie D
Eonnie Roxanne
Tita Nilda
Tita Cora
Eonnie Cleng
Eonnie Nathalie
Eonnie Joy
Eonnie Mhel
Doc Cynthia
Maryam Chehrehsa 

You're donations surely help us to give the children of Nayon ng Kabataan few of the things that they needed. Thank you very much! 

Thank you also to Nayon ng Kabataan for the warm welcome that you have given to us! 

We also do thank Chummy Chums Foundation in helping us to give joy to the children as they brought wonderful popcorn and cotton candy treats for the kids. And with the surprise performance of their cute mascot Chummy Chums!

And also to those who donated their time and effort in helping to make this charity event a success

Our Henecians/HyunMin Friends

Eonnie Elisa

I'm truly touch with your support and love, I will forever remember this in my heart! 

To Kuya Arn-Arn, for being so patient with us ^_^
Thanks kuya! Until next charity event! 

And lastly to my K-Bench/Minnies family!

Eonnie Grace
Eonnie Gracie
Eonnie Maricar &  Kriselle
Eonnie Lyn
Eonnie Anne
Ms Deanna
Doc Cynthia
Doc Vinz
Ms Doris
Eonnie Roxanne

Especially to my co-bloggers and dongsaengs Jeanneth and Kathy!

You guys are truly wonderful, I'm lucky to have you guys! 
Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!!! Sarangheyo angels!!!

Again, my sincerest gratitude to all of you!
 May you continue to support us and
 of course please continue to support and love MinMin! 
Just love love love my fellow Minnies!

To our dear MinMin, We love you! ^_^

Best regards,


And to share with all of you about the charity event, 
below are the few pictures from the event! ^_^

PS: More Pics to Come ^^

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Jung So Min's Filming Pics for Stand By!


Seeing MinMin in the set of Stand By make me more excited for the start of her new sitcom!!!
MinMin looks so young by just wearing jogging pants and shirt! ^_^

Below are the pics! Enjoy!

credited as tagged