
Friday, March 30, 2012

[Video] Jung So Min - Poster Shooting of MBC Sitcom "STAND BY"

Credits: Lovesomin @ Youtube
Video Clips from IMBC


  1. hmmm! seeing the video, why do i have this feeling that the love triangle would be siwan-somin-simon? maybe it's just me.

    anyway, can't wait for this to air. good luck minmin!!!

  2. Can't wait for Standby!! So excited!

    MinMin looks pretty, but she lost too much weight :(! Aigo, MM! Gain some back please!

  3. As you can see there are 3 groups of characters and story-lines -
    1) 4 middle-agers
    2) 3 high school agers
    3) 3 mid-twenties

    I'm so glad they put MM last in the video meaning she's the most watchable one. That giant kiwoo will not be in the triangle with MM but in the mid-twenties group. Also glad that they used MM's part with shiwon as part of their advertising attraction to the sitcom in the media.
    shiwon seem to be a little cross-eye!

    1. it's good you mentioned that, i noticed it too. so i was wondering why minmin is with siwan always and i've never seen a picture of minmin with kiwoo when in fact their press release says that it would be a love triangle between siwan-minmin-kiwoo. seeing minmin to be the last in the video, it goes to say that she's the selling point of the show together with siwan fresh from his successful appearance in TMETS. what a good marketing strategy indeed!

      i guess they still haven't finalize the triangle issue. maybe they're still testing the water whether lee ki woo would click together with minmin otherwise they have to change the script.

  4. Why hasn't there been any news or pics with so min and ki woo! I think they look cute together. Even though there aren't any news yet, didn't dramabeans say something about her being in a love triangle with him? Theres a scene where she spilled water on him and he wore an apron right?

  5. Marketing wise, I think the reason they are not showing Lee Ki Woo with MM right from the start is because that's one of the relationships people are curious about, since it's a confirmed love line. There aren't any pictures of Kim Soo Hyun (actress, not the Moon Sun KSH) and Ryu Jin, even though they are to be a main loveline as well. It's a strategy to pique everyone's interest. The reason they are showing Siwan so much is because he just came from the success of Moon Sun, so people want to see more of him. MM's character seems to play a big part in his story line, and since she is a fresh actress, it's interesting to put them together. They are also the same age.
    I like how they put MM atthe end too, it's cute. She is a rising star, but let's remember that there are well known names in their, too. I'm glad she is getting to work with so many people, she will get to hone her acting skill even more! So proud!

    1. you have a point there. but still, but i hope mbc will release pictures of ki woo and mm as well coz i'm curious how petite mm will look together with giant lkw. am so excited and hope somebody will sub and do the recapping of the show. :)

  6. fantastic !!!... my dearest minmin was so beautiful in her interview.i'm so excited to watch stand wan was so cute,his perfect to pair with minmin .but lee ki woo is another guy...i'm curious how they look together, he's so tall...anyway i'm proud of minmin she's adorable,good in acting, she can act who ever actors and actresses in stand by... hoping kim hyun joong congratulate minmin for her new sitcom ...[just hoping ].".the star" of my cutie pie minmin was shinning.. i'm so happy and proud of her.. love you , hyunmin forever

  7. Minmin is really becoming prettier everyday!!How I wish minmin and khj could do a movie like THE VOW..kekeke but for now I'm gonna enjoy her sitcom..
