
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Jung So Min with the Stand By Cast for Script Reading!

This is it!!The cast of Stand By are already having script reading 
so they are on full mode in doing the sitcom!!!
This news makes me so excited!!!

And can't help to comment by our princess is so pretty and flawless in the script reading!
Love it MinMin!

credit: naver
hyunmin thread in baidu

MBC 새 일일시트콤 ‘스탠바이’가 본격적인 프로그램 제작에 돌입했다.

6일 오후 일산 드림센터에는 오는 4월 초 방송예정인 ‘스탠바이’(가제) 출연배우와 제작진이 모여 첫 대본연습을 진행했다.

‘스탠바이’는 TV11이라는 가상의 방송국을 배경으로 직장인들의 삶과 애환을 다루는 작품. 예능PD, 작가, 아나운서 등 다양한 방송국 사람들을 통해 직장인들의 고민과 사랑을 현실감 있게 그려낼 예정. 

소심한 아나운서 류진행(류진), 엉뚱남 이기우, 엄친아 아나운서 하석진, 예능국 PD 김수현, 순수소녀 정소민, 킹카 고등학생 임시완, 진행과 기우의 아버지 최정우, 방송국 간판 아나운서 박준금, 방송 작가 김연우, 래퍼 지망생 쌈디 등이 출연한다. 

이날 대본연습에 앞서 데뷔 17년 만에 시트콤에 출연하는 류진은 “시트콤을 하게 될 줄 몰랐다. 신인 같은 마음으로 열심히 하겠다”고 각오를 밝혔다. 

대본연습은 탄탄한 연기 내공을 갖춘 최정우와 박준금의 호흡으로 안정되게 시작됐다. 특히 소심한 아나운서 류진행(류진)과 도도한 인기 아나운서 박준금이 묘한 신경전을 벌이며 긴장감을 높였으며, 정소민, 고경표, 쌈디 등 새로운 트리오의 엉뚱한 모습들이 대본연습 내내 미소를 짓게 했다. 

또한, 이번 시트콤을 통해 처음으로 연기에 도전하는 가수 출신 김연우와 쌈디는 개성 넘치는 연기를 선보이며 제작진들과 동료 출연배우들에게 큰 웃음을 주었다.


  1. so excited. can't wait for April to come.

  2. Loving the pics!... That's Kim Joo Won's (Secret Garden) and Cha Soo Young's (Ojaykgyo Brothers) Mom ~ Park Joon Geum!! Can't wait to see this sitcom! ^^

    Lee Ki Woo was not there?

    1. Yes he was there. Saw him in other pic.

    2. Anon 12:02
      you can see Lee Ki Woo here:

    3. Thanks for the link Anon 03:49! <3

      - Anon 12:02 ;D

  3. I can't wait anymore!
    Do you remember this word?:-)ehem!
    That was best sentence in Playfull kiss.Kekekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

    1. i remember that.this is funny.

  4.'are so cute

  5. What can I say...aigoo.., So Min is really pretty! I cant wait this drama! I wanna see So Min on the screen! :)

  6. The top 2 guys suppose to be the male lead actors don't look that good, I'm not impressed whereas the one below MinMin's picture is better looking, more matching with MinMin. Those 2 guys have long faces, really nowhere compared with KHJ.

    1. The guy supposedly to be MinMin's couple is not shown here. Just google image 'Lee Ki Woo' and you'll see. The guy below her picture is Im Siwan, he'll be playing a high scool student.

    2. Whatever Ki Woo, I've seen him, still he's nowhere compared with KHJ.

    3. Wow, there. Let's be respectful. I'm a KHJ fan and I don't think anyone can compare to Leader either, but using a condescending tone towards MM's new costar is not a good idea. Let's be RESPECTFUL. His name is Lee Ki Woo, not whatever Ki Woo, and he is a good actor with a lot of project under his belt. Please refrain from saying stuff that might offend other fans.

  7. I can see MM in action again, i miss her so much!!!!!!!!

  8. yap!!!even we're for hyunmin couple...lets give a chance to lee ki woo for our beloved minmin... she is an actress to be pair with another actor..... that is showbiz life...someday,somehow our dearest hyunmin couple, maybe paired again...gods willing...hoping will never die ..happy b'day my love. you forever minmin....

  9. Are we obliged to like every Korean good actor with a lot of projects under their belts? And why are there other fans here? What are they doing here since it's an obvious JSM fan blog where most fans are for the hyunmin couple? They can't be that ignorant right? Yeah, respect everyone and their opinions too, including mine.
    Ready for lotsa disagreement.... here we go! Not asking for a quarrel but usually people will react but still I'm entitled to my own views too...

    1. I'm a fan of MinMin and HyunMin as well. At the moment, I'm excited & happy for her that she's in a sitcom with other great casts. And that cast includes Lee Ki Woo, Park Joon Geum and Choi Jung Woo as I've seen them having great acting in other dramas.

  10. So not good Korean actors with no projects we don't have to like them or need no respect? Also do we have to like every Korean actor that's good looking? Not good looking ones nobody should like them?

  11. Never mind not good looking, but he is a versatile actor who can act well .... & have lots of projects under his belt .....

  12. No, you don't need to like every versatile or good looking actor, but it is very disrespectful to refer to someone as "whatever". This blog is built on respect, and it is irksome to see comments like those towards other artists. It gives Minnies a bad name, because while we are entitled to our own opinion, we should always be careful with what we say.
    And I'm well aware this blog is mostly HyunMin, I'm one myself. But having amajority doesn't mean saying stuff that might offend others in any shape, way, or form. Again, by saying stuff like that, the group as a whole is seen as in a negative like, and of course no one would want that.

  13. That Lee Ki Woo strangely is also another long face man!
    So the conclusion is we must like all versatile actors who can act well, those who can't act well, we shouldn't like and respect?
    There are many Oscar award winning actors that are not likeable and respectable too you know.
    Same theory, Girl Generation, f(x), Kara, and so on are all pretty girls, so must we like them like the way we like JSM too?

    1. Respect is a must, liking is a personal choice. That's all I'm going to comment on the matter.

  14. Oh really? Do you respect everybody you meet? Even terrorists?

    1. Are these people terrorists? That's totally out of context here.
      Is it really that hard not to say anything bad about another artist? One of the HOUSE RULES here is to be RESPECTFUL and NOT BASH. Liking and disliking is your own choice. If you don't like them, at least refrain from saying anything that sound offending to others. I'm a Minnie, but I like other artists too, and I know other people in this blog do as well.
      Respecting, or even ignoring if you don't want to 'respect', is not that hard.
      I'll just leave it at that.

  15. So it is confirm that there are at 3 long face men in this sitcom.

    1. I don't see anything bad with a "long face". Jung Yunho has a long face, and he is really handsome.
      And if by three of them you mean Ryujin, Ha Sukjin, and Lee Kiwoo, and I don't see what's bad either. They are quite handsome.

      I can't wait for this sitcom! It sounds really funny! MM is going to form a friendship trio with Simon D and this other actor. They are supposed to be the trio that "worry to much and cause trouble for being gullible". It sounds so funny!
