
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Jung So Min's Manager Twitter Update 13Mar!

Sorry for the late post my dears!
Just have few errands to run for MinMin's Charity Event!

Well, here it is! MinMin's manager did update his tweeter!
And MinMin is looking adorable as usual!

And below is the pic!

credits: @jhyung0000

힘들고 보람잇고 재밋엇던 1박2일^^.........ㅜㅠㅋ


  1. people of japan happy and excited to see minmin... it seems...playful kiss event 'cause some people showned a picture of hyunmin couple...l loved it...they nevered forget my amazing couple hyunmin ...goodluck my dear minmin ....

  2. Since there's no translation, I'd post it here -

    MM's manager's caption says -

    Very tiring but very worth it, 1 nite 2 days^^ ......

  3. mm back in korea already? wow that was fast, i thought the event was two days two nights.
    on the other hand, hj is in japan now.

    1. Is she back in Korea?? There are no pics of her departure...wonder why ;P

    2. The picture of her departure is the one on the top. That's why her manager wrote two days one night. She is already in Korea then

    3. I dun think the first pic is the departure hall cause the background sign is Korean Language...

    4. yes first pic is in Korea. the words at the back is 입국심사 it means 'Immigration'

  4. doesn't minmin interview here? I hope she has been interview here even a piece..just to have other information from her.
