
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Jung So mIn Photo Update 12Apr!

Our dear MinMin seems so busy these days but nevertheless 
she didn't forget to give us an update!
Now we do have beautiful picture coming from MinMin!

Thank you MinMin for this wonderful picture!

By the ways our dear Minnies, please continue to show your love a
nd support by watching Stand By!
And also if you can, please send MinMin encouraging words 
so she will feel more happy to work hard!
And surely it will bring more smiles coming from her!

credit: jung so min


  1. so sad our lovely Minmin has an article post in Allkpop and got mixed responses from korean nitizens in her guesting in strong heart...when she said someone told her that age of a woman is like a christmas cake..but im so happy she got many comments in favor our Minmin......why wouldn't ALLkpop post an article that our lovely Minmin is number one top rank in her unfair

    1. Well, I did watched the show. I was surprised that some people making issues or critisizing Minmin. I didnt see anything wrong with what our dearest Minmin said it was just fun! She was just trying to make it funny, they are just missing the point! the guests in ST are not there to make an emo mode! I'm really disappointed that some people are overreacting like that! Aigoo, aigoo...Nitizens could you just grow up! Haters go get a life! MINMIN FIGHTING! You are really pretty in Strong heart and I love the skirt! I wanna wear some kind skirt like that! And one more thing please dont be too skinny maybe maybe your body now your belt is just fine but too much skinny is not good! So please take care of yourself! We love you!

  2. mayb next time mm can carefull for what she said...sometime we dont know that our words can make people hurt though we do not mean anything .. but other people do not think as we think ... so be careful next time mm...

    1. everyone is intitled in his and her own opinion. minmin is sooo smart and beautiful inside and out.hyunmin forever.thank u sooo much for the update. more power. god bless!!!

  3. MinMin is so pretty!!! Smart, lovely, cute, adorable:X

  4. All Minnies! Guess what now the netizens are suspicious of? Read many Korean entertainment reports that MinMin had done plastic surgery because they are comparing her now with her PK days looks! They are emphasizing on her lost of 10kg whether is it just losing of weight. But I read a translation of the radio show in which MinMin said that she don't recommend surgery in losing weight because she think health is more important than beauty!!!
    The antis sure are so MEAN! We gotta protect, support and give all encouragement to MinMin!! I think they are very jealous of her for being so gifted in natural beauty and brains (and talents and rich family and HJ as her friend)!

  5. I guess Jung So Min becoming well known and popular! That's it because a lot of people now are talking about her! They say if an artist is critisizing or talking about her or his wether its good or bad she or he is shining! Antis are envious of our Minmin because she's talented and her name now is making a noise! And we guys are happy! Kekeke never mind the antis let them dead for envious! So min fighting!

    1. Let us Min Min lovers be the last one laughing

  6. Im with you anon 8:03 antis are so mean and they are jealous! The antis or nitizen didnt actually watched Pk that's why they dont really see how pretty So min is. When she appeared in PK there's nothing change only that she lose weight then that's it nothing more. They should watch the dvd version of Pk or YT version! So that they really could see So min such a natural beauty! How can they say that she having a surgery? Losing a diet is that a plastic surgery?! People talking about Minmin like that are sucks!

  7. Our Minmin is a natural beauty with a very kind heart and she has a great deal of humility despite having to face such unreasonable and malicious remarks!!

    Minmin, please ignore all these stupid remarks as they are merely reflection of the immaturity and jealousy of these people.

    You have far more fans that love and support you. Just continue to enjoy your work and please stay healthy and happy always.

    Minmin, fighting!

  8. my pretty ,cute and smart minmin was so fabulous..they were jealous, thats why,they were critisizing on you...taking diet is different from plastic surgery..your face is still the same,a little thinner only...specialy yours eyes-the most i love..never got double eyelid...please my dear minmin take care of yourself...i'm begging you my dear iloved your looks in playful please hear my hyunmin ???
