
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Jung So Min's Old Manager Twitter Update 18Apr!

So, it's manager's night in Twitter?
As I just updated MinMin's new manager tweeted a picture of her and Simon D!
Now its Jae Hyung's turn to update!

In the twitpic he's with MinMin and on the background
 is also the new manager of MinMin!
So, it seems to me that between the old and 
new manager everything is ok! Right?

Below is the update!

credit: @jhyung000


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    1. And what is your problem with that?? Because the comments are so disrespectful.. you know.. I have all my reasons to delete so dont FRET .
      How can you be so sure that its MM..? huh? TELL ME??
      Did you see her FACE?
      its JAEHYUNG'S twitter for GOD SAKE... and not JUNG SO MIN..

      Did somin ask you to love her?? if you dont like her anymore.. BETTER KEEP AWAY FROM THIS BLOG..
      THANK YOU :))))

      If all her close friends post photos like that.. you will relate it again with somin??
      haha that's so ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!
      COME ON.. GROW UP!!!

    2. There is NOTHING about her there. People are being immature and connecting everything together. This is the real world, and in the real world, things world differently. I can't believe people here are acting like it's a big deal, when she isn't even involved.

    3. My comment was deleted also but I just stated that comments about something on his account should be directed there, especially when,it has nothing to do with So Min since ex-manager. Jenneth0316, please check my comment nothing negative was said. Thank. I am a fan just want to make sure you know.

    4. ^____________^ Thank you dear. dont worry :) I knowww :) i just deleted all the comments above to avoid Misunderstandings :)))

    5. Thank you so much for responding. I was worried!:-)

  9. MM has nothing to do with that, so can you stop relating it to her? She has her own life, it's not like her life revolves around just her friends and other people.
    I can't believe people would think it's somehow related to her. It's his life, so can people stop linking everything together? This is the real world, not everything is connected, for pete's sake.
    Some people are acting very immature. Stop connecting everything back to ONE PERSON. If I post something in my twitter or facebook, it doesn't have to be connected to the other people I know or even my best friend.
    I can't believe people here. We are grown ups here, not five year olds!

    1. me too.I Agree with @7:16.please peace.
      we were here always freindly.please belive MinMin.she is a new actress.she had any experience.her manager wrong is not related to MinMin .please support her.i saw that bild too but definitive was not MinMin picture.i am sure.:-(

  10. Wow, people think that was related to her? LMAO
    Are you guys kidding me? Hahaha, WOW. Just WOW.
    Please grow up, LOL.

  11. What's happened.? I don't get it? There is something happen to her again?

    1. Nothing happened, people are just connected stuff to her and labeling it as truth, when it's probably got nothing to do with her in the first place.

  12. what wrong Jeanneth dear...i feel so hot something bad happend to so min...? what Jeahyung do that make people here so emotional...i think so min is mature and grow well now to make something that can hurt her and family..i dont think she will do something that can make her father more oppose her to live in celebrity life...i dont think she want doo something like that...afterall she still a university student dont judge her by that photo..we dont know the truth clear this i think Jeahyung must do something..if not all people will still talking..fighting mm and always b urself and take care dear...Jeanneth...can we post something to mm to give her support and u can copy the message n send to her...

    1. nothing's wrong with me dear.. ^^
      You can talk to MM in twitter :))) @h_monet

  13. Jeanneth0316, I support you and well done! Some of these people posting here may be trouble-makers creating trouble and ruin a blog for MM and some are not real fans of MM.

  14. Waaa, this picture is cute! :) I don't know what happened here, but is MM and Jaehyung's friendship something to fuss or argue about? I don't see anything problematic with the photos he's shared... Oh well.

  15. yea, i agree with @anon9.30pm... I didnt find any problematic about the picture above, i just find the picture cute, amazing and a strong bond between them :D nothing harmful and all.. :D but, i was confuse right now, is she has a new manager?? But how about our jae kyung? I am a desperate fan of hers, but lately its hard for me to follow latest new arelated about her, so please if you are kind, can you tell me anything about new manager, old manager? I really confuse now. Thank you very much!

    Love you!
