
Monday, April 16, 2012

Jung So Min's Stand By Episode 2 Recaps!

Minnies here are the recaps for the Stand By Episode 2!

Of course I was laughing while watching the episode 2 
but after reading the recap I realized the situations were really funny! 
And even it has plot devices the show is well made! 

Thanks again Snoopy's Twinkie!

Below are the recaps for Stand By Episode 2!

Standby: Episode 2 Recap / Summary

by Snoopy's Twinkie

Pre-Recap Thoughts: If episode 1 gave us a close-up view of Ryu Jin–fully clothed–episode 2 utilizes the second half of the handsome Ryu brothers pairing to give us an eyeful of Ki Woo–half-clothed. LOL
Recap: Episode 2 picks up from the hair-pulling that concluded episode 1. Jin Haeng stands firm in his conviction to marry his girlfriend, causing  his father to issue an ultimatum: Jin Haeng either breaks up with the woman, or he leaves his father’s house. Of course, Jin Haeng decides to leave the house rather than give up on love.
As he storms out of the house, the father tells Ki Woo that the father refuses to let Jin Haeng enter into a disadvantageous marriage. At this, Ki Woo attempts to let his father know that it’s the other way around: Jin Haeng will be earning money since his step-son will save him the trouble of spending all that money for prep-classes and tutorials. LOL. Ironically, how true! He then advises his father to accept the relationship since his brother loves the woman. Incensed, the father gets up from the armchair to slap some “sense” into his second son, only to have Ki Woo jump in the air and neatly avoid the swat. LOL. He then taunts his father, telling him that he should have drunk some milk as a kid so that he, too, can be tall. O-M-G! This guy is hilarious! I love this visual gag, which is soon becoming a running gag where Ki Woo is concerned.
At the studio, Joon Geum rants and raves about how Jin Haeng used the broadcast as his own forum to propose to his girlfriend. As she continues to vent, she receives a phone call from the executives congratulating her on the high ratings and making sure to keep Jin Haeng on the show. Apparently, the ratings went through the roof when he proposed and had his hair yanked at by his father.
When Jin Haeng shows up to the studio to pack up his possessions, the staff tells him the good news that he’s not getting fired. Thrilled, Jin Haeng decides to make the studio staff’s conference room his own bedroom for the time being until he can find a place and tells the studio team that he plans on marrying quickly so that his father can relent in his objections after seeing him living happily together with his future wife. 
Meanwhile, Soo Hyun drinks away her sorrows over Jin Haeng’s upcoming marriage while neat-freak Jin Haeng cleans his new “bedroom.” As she drinks, she reflects upon her past encounters with him, starting from the first time she saw him give a lecture at her college. In her drunken state, she stumbles home and, seeing her younger brother’s computer opened to the studio’s website, leaves a disgruntled comment about how Jin Haeng and his new girlfriend don’t seem well suited when all the other comments are to the contrary.
The next morning, Jin Haeng’s father drags Ki Woo first thing in the morning to Si Wan’s apartment in order to try to scare off Si Wan’s mother from the marriage. Si Wan meets them outside and tells him that his mother has already left for work and refuses to tell him the work address. As he calmly explains that he’s not that thrilled with Jin Haeng either but has decided to give him a chance because of his public proposal to his mother; he’s just going to watch and see. Ki Woo applauds the son’s decision, much to the father’s dismay.
At Soo Hyun’s apartment, her brother wakes her up with the horrifying news that he thinks someone has hacked into his account because someone used his online ID to leave a negative comment on the studio website. At this rate, he fears for his bank accounts, his video game accounts, etc. LOL. It never enters his mind that his sister may have used the account. 
Outside a restaurant, So Min throws a bucket-full of dirty water onto the streets…only Ki Woo walks by just at that time and…
Splash! A face-full of dirty water. Ewwww…Since she doesn’t want to spend the money to get his clothes laundered for him, she suggests washing it for him directly, hence the cover picture with Ki Woo in an apron. LOL. The women patrons of the coffee shop they use go wild for him, snapping pictures while Ki Woo nonchalantly tells them he knows he’s handsome but for them to not get too excited. LOL…why so cute, Ki Woo?
Unfortunately, as So Min washes his clothes, she receives a phone call from her boss, who is furious that her employee left the restaurant unattended and with pots on the stove. She fires So Min immediately and uses whatever paycheck So Min would have received to cover the expenses for the damages of the unpaid customers who left while she was absent from the store.
Belatedly, So Min remembers that she left the wet clothes in the bathroom and rushes over to the coffee shop but to no avail; the bathroom is empty and his clothes are nowhere to be seen. Ki Woo had realized that So Min had “rushed” off again somewhere and taken his clothes.
As for Soo Hyun, she runs into her brother and his friends at a coffee shop as they discuss who the hacker might be. After discussing multiple–very ludicrous–options, they conclude that the hacker was none other than the brother, who probably left the disgruntled comment in his sleep. O-M-G! And like the fool that he is, he accepts that option. Later, Soo Hyun hugs him in comfort as her brother wails in horror at what he’s done in his sleep and silently apologizes to him as well as thanks him for being a dumb brother. Oh dear…
Meanwhile, neat-freak, Jin Haeng can’t stand simply washing up in the studio bathroom and sneaks back home to take a shower. Of course, he gets caught by his father and rushes out half-dressed. Running into Ki Woo, he asks him to block their father, something his faithful little brother does so well.
The next scene is the wedding ceremony, and Jin Haeng greets his guests. As various guests come, he tries to encourage them to marry soon as well, ultimately providing a possible loveline between Joon Geum and his sunbae. Back at home, Ki Woo tries to get his father to attend the ceremony. Jin Haeng has always been the dutiful son, especially since their mother passed away. The father agrees and states that that is why this betrayal is all the more painful.
At the wedding ceremony, Si Wan asks after his mother, who should have already arrived at the location. Jin Haeng, Ki Woo, and Si Wan learn that there was an accident coming to the reception and that the bride was in the accident!
Post-Recap Thoughts: Ah…and so this is the plot device. I wondered about the pacing of the story to have Jin Haeng get married so quickly. In typical kdrama, clichéd fashion (not to diminish the horror of the event in any way), the bride dies on the way to the wedding, leaving her groom still free to develop a loveline with his secret admirer, Soo Hyun. This also sets up the premise for him to take responsibility of Si Wan and “adopt” him into his household. 
I’m curious to see what episode 3 holds; however, I probably won’t get to that recap until The King 2 Hearts episode 7 is recapped, so stay tuned! Hope you enjoy the recap of Standby!


  1. Hi here is standby episode one with eng sub

  2. awww! thanx for the link :D

  3. i'm so excited to watch standby ...ilove minmin and i miss her so much...she was cute, smarts and lovable. she was so funny to her role..thanks very much for the recaps..god bless
