
Saturday, April 28, 2012

More Lovely Jung So Min from Chanel Event

Sooo pretty all over!!!!



  1. She looks really pretty in the small pictures, but the big one makes me paranoid. She looks too skinny! I'm so worried! Can someone please tell MM to gain gain? :(

    1. I agree. She is melting away. Please gain some weight So Min.

    2. I completely agree. I'm concerned she thinks she needs to be super-skinny like many of the runway models. It's unhealthy. She needs to know we want her to be a healthy weight, and not give into the erroneous idea that skinny equals beauty (or is somehow more acceptable). Please gain a little of your weight back, So Min!

  2. slimmy but pretty and sweet.I miss Ohani.kekekkkkkkkkkk

  3. it's easy for you to say 'gain some weight', 'gain your weight back' and bla bla bla bla. you are not in her shoes. she get criticized before. it's her body and she knows what she's doing. every girl wants to look good. so pls don't worry coz she said in her twitter that she eats a lot.

    1. What are you talking about? People have the right to voice their concern for someone they care about. And So Min is a strong enough person to decide for herself what she thinks of the matter.

    2. Rather than fight here why don't u just tweet her about ur concern? I bet she will listen to us fans.neway i don't really care how she look alike,as a fan i can only wish for the best.more peace and love to all minnies :)

  4. The reason I worry is because in some angles her cheeks look very hollow, and thats extremely scary. Its just the big picture here that scared me.
    She looks slimmer than she did in the Tokyo and Osaka FM, and i thought she looked gorgeous there.
    You need to remember that cameras add additional weight to you, because pictures are 2-Dimensionals.
    It might just be the angle, because in the other pictures she looks slim but veey pretty.
    I know every girl wanrs to be beautiful, but like MM said, health is more important. I dont doubt that she eats, but i also can't help worrying sometimes.

  5. Followers did show their concern in their tweeters to her. Our Somin has already told them not to worry as she has eaten a lot lately. Don't be so sensitive about her weight, she is a grown up and do know how to take care of herself. Although I like her a little bit chubby myself and I was one of those who told her to eat more ....^_^

  6. We talked regarding her health through tweeter.MM said that she stop dieting and she always eat a lot now a don't worry guys!..
