
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Jung So Min - Twitter Photo Update [May 16, 2012]

Really miss this Pretty girl So much.... ^^
Isnt She Lovely???
Really Nice Photo Effect :D
Credits: @h_monet

Caption: 간지카메라의 위엄👍


  1. What happens with her eyes? She has double eyelid now? Or it's just me? It's make me sad if she has double eyelid now.....:(((((((((

    1. no she make up i'm is woman too. i know

    2. yes me too. is she have somthing done wuth her ayes...i dont care if she have double eyelid if natural...but for doing something to her eyes...arhhh i wlll b so sad...she pretty though...and everybody said she have a beautiful eyes so no need to doing something to her eyes,face or body...sorry im corius heart feeling..

    3. Yes i think so. she make up for have double eye. because i can do too.

    4. She naturally has double eyelids, but they are hidden. They only appear when she looks down, like how the photo was taken here. I have same 'now you see it, now you don't' eyelids like hers

  2. She has double eyelid. beautiful always min min

  3. After controversy about her replies about plastic surgery and now she has double eyelid? Oh.... Min Min, please........ I am broken heart now if it is true that u have double eyelid

  4. i don t think she do
    coz if u see her older pic
    and she make up

  5. hi all ^^

    in this new photo unnie looks beautiful :)

    from my point of view, so min unnie has always had double eyelid, but with the eye makeup, sometimes more visible than others

    Here are some pictures where I could see some of it double eyelid, especially in the right eye :D

    sorry for my long comment

    1. yes yesss
      she have :)

    2. I am no expert but she has not had plastic surgery per her. She stated in her interview back in Dec 2010 or 2011 that she has single eyelids but double inner eyelids. Due to the weight loss, I believe what you are seeing are the inner double eyelids. This is nothing to become concerned about because you have already heard from her that she has not had plastic surgery. Also her single eyelids were probably more pronounced during PK because if you are tired your eyes swell more. Let's not get carried away here.

      Love stand-by really anticipating seeing Minmin more onscreen and the development of her character.

    3. yes, my comment is related to minmin not have plastic surgery ^^ I had not paid attention to that part of the interview where unnie somin explains about his eyelids, thank you very much for explaining :)

    4. Sorry, maybe I should have left a comment instead of hitting reply. I did understand that you knew that she has not had plastic surgery. Loved your comment. By the way the article is on this site. It was titled I'm so complicated with Vogue, I believe.

  6. OMG what is all the fuss about. It's just an angle of a camera when minmin looks down that's when you can see her double lids. She always has double inner lids....she even said so but it's not that visible that's why her eyes are beautiful. it's not exactly single eyelids. I know what plastic surgery looks like cuz I've seen a few.

  7. I don't think she did plastic surgery. When you saw some of her old pics, drama Bad Guy, and magazine, she has double eyelids sometimes. I won't make a conclusion of she did plastic surgery.

  8. she has always had double eyelid. even playful kiss is a scene where they put false eyelashes and make mention of his double eyelid :) Let us support Min min

  9. Dude, she SAID she had hidden double eyelids. She has always had them. Read her interviews before making erroneous statement and freaking out. PLEASE.

  10. The people who think mm had a plastic surgery are not that much diff than those korean netizens that keep on saying that mm had a p.s. U dont have confident on her,thats why u suSPECT THIS AND THAT!.

  11. Yes, she has double inner eyelids. If you have followed her since Playful Kiss. Why people always made such kind of remarks of her when she appears to be prettier than before. Her nose, her eyelids is 100% genuine cause I am an expert. She is a natural beauty, love her always.

  12. she is... *gulp!* stunning!

  13. This is a forum to worship our minmin and not begin to criticize and say liar. Jean delete comments that you all know that she reads to us. She gets this photo as a gift to not miss. minmin you are beautiful inside and out. I love you.

  14. minmin poor feel bad, there have been rumors that came out of standby that present symptoms of fatigue which is damaging their health minmin fighting .....

    1. sorry but u dont understand what u meant. Can you explain a little more clearly about the issue of stand by?? im appreciated it.

    2. sorry for my bad English. go to this link.

  15. Minmin please take care of yourself.

  16. Whats the issue?! I mean Common guys if you really love Minmin you must love her! double or single eyelids is not problem she's still pretty in and outside! You know guys sometimes its the make up..., I didnt see any surgery in her she just a bit thin than in PK that's all that I 've noticed from but her whole face nothing change that eyelid is just a cause of make up in Pk sometimes she had this double eyelids an experts says sometimes because of the make up if its heavier then you csn have that...wel, I love MM shes pretty for me, single or double eyelids for me no problem! She had a natural beauty! Love you MM! Take care of yourself! Mwahh!
