
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Jung So Min's Standby Screencaps from Episode 39!

Happy that these recent episodes of StandBy MinMin is surely present! 
But I hope that even its still early on the duration of the sitcom,
 at least we could have a much clearer view on 
whose really the loveline of MinMin's character on StandBy!

Would it be Ki Woo or SiWan?  I do like both of the guys and 
I know MinMin can have a good screen chemistry with them
 but how can you invest/connect your emotions to the "couple" of the 
 if we don't even have a clue on who's supposed to be the correct partners.
 Just saying...

Anyways, for now we do have cute screencaps of MinMin from Episode 39!

credits: @mbcstandby


  1. cute lovers... minmin and siwan. they have chemistry together...minmin was so talented in acting with different guys.goodluck my dear and take care your health always ...hyunmin forever.

  2. i know MM look good with anyone she cooperate...but still aura of hyunmin definitely strong from another.she loog good and comfortable with si wan and anyone else but u know i dont see look of 'love' in her eyes like in PK.:-).
    That my personal opinion but i know lot of u agree with me..otherwise why we still sensing something when seeing scene back curtain PK which already close 2 year pass and we still missing friendliness that they show in BTS PK.the reason is coz they just right for each other but that not our power to consolidate them.only God know best.
