
Friday, June 15, 2012

(Photo) Jung So Min - "Danish Design" Watch Sponsor

Yay!!More Sponsor for Our Dear Minmin ^^

Credits : Timetopia1
Thank you for Sharing ^^


  1. For a second, I thought it's KHJ..who is that guy>>

    1. Really looks like KHJ's new nose

    2. i though it's KHJ as well. it's not just the nose but the guy's height and the sunglasses looked uncannily similar to KHJ...aahhh!!! spazz,spazz,spazz...:D xx

    3. ...and the shape of the face as well...look like KHJ esp. the nose...hoping he is really khj...

    4. i'm sorry. i think that guy is not KHJ based on the fingers on so min's shoulder.

    5. ...agree with Anon 6:59pm because that guy has a short arms and no muscles....look at arms of KHJ sure he's not KHJ...LOL

    6. Could be Mr Jeong..hehehe

  2. MM so her...wish u best of luck MM..

  3. Mm so strong heart MM told us her father said she not beautiful..i guess her father was wrong or just want to tease her when said she not beautiful..MM father should proud with her daughter ...and i thinks he really proud now eventho he not telling her daughter...keep ur attitude just like u before...

  4. lol, when i saw this picture, i thought it was KHJ too, the traced of his nose, the shape of his face, his skin tone and the sunglasses too... But when i scrolled down the screen and i looked at his finger... My hopes collided, bcos i know its not HJ's finger, plus the muscle doesnt say it so... Hmmm

    minmin, for almost two years, i only love you and Kim Hyun Joong, there is no othe couple that crossed my heart at this moment, bcos the auro from both of you is something unexplainable for me :)

    sincerely, Z.

  5. I think so...
    He(this)'s ear & KHJ's ear ...same!!

    1. Nope, it's not his ear. And neither does KHJ has a mole on his left arm, as shown exists in the picture above

  6. LMAO, this is too funny.
    It's obviously NOT Hyun Joong. Come on guys, we are better than this. It's probably a staff member or a friends, but it's obviously not KHJ. If they have something going on, they are too smart to put a picture of the person she is going out with on the internet (if they are going out).

  7. do you think Hyun joong have a Hair TAFT of Loreal Paris????? come on guys!!!! please don't make romours about MinMin.Are you really her Fan?????is Hyun joong more important for you ?ok you can speak about him in his webloge or website not here.!!Do you like relate everything to him???there are no more better of hyun joong for MinMin in korea??ofcourse i really like this couple too.but support is not make Scandal for a sincer and sensitive girl like So Min!sometimes this is fan but sometime relating to Hyun joong is really boring.

  8. @Lily, as one of HyunMin fans, we love to spazz about them.. Without HJ in somin's case, there will be no fun to spazz... You know right the feeling of fan that is missing their stars, is what we feel... Almost 2years we are missing them, so its not wrong to express the feeling through spazzing, cos we didnt mean to hurt so min's feeling. I am a truly fan of So Min since i watched PK.. And same goes to HJ, i am a fan of him since i watched PK too... And that is where Hyunmin fans are born. For us, in HJ, So min must there.. And in SM Hyun joong must there... We felt empty if we didnt include one of them in everything. We respect so min and hyun joong,. Dont mistaken us as if we hurt so min. And never said that hyun joong is boring. It really hurts fans of HyunMin. And if you truly a HyunMin fan, you shouldnt get bored whenever we mentioned HJ in every single part of this blog. From the very first time this blog was created, didnt you realize that actually this blog is for somin and hyunmin? Sorry for hurting ur feeling, i was just too carried away, saranghae <3 hehe

    1. Let me ask you a serious question. In the event that you find that So Min and Hyun Joong don't end up together, will you still be their fan? Because from your comment, I get the impression that you love them only if they are together. Should So Min find herself a boyfriend who's not to your taste, would you support her still? I hope all of you ask yourselves this question. Let them be! The more you anticipate, expect, FORCE them together, the more you'll be disappointed.

    2. Am I HyunMin, but that doesn't mean I search for MM is HJ news or for HJ in MM news. They are individuals, two seperate people, and they deserve to be treated as such and respected for whatever decision they make concerning thwir career. Reading your comment, it doesn't seem you love them as individuals, only as a couple. If they don't end up together, we won't be able to do anything, get used to it. Don't set yourself up for dissapointment.
      HyunMin comments are fine and all, but saying that we must relatw everything back to them is somewhat immature. They have their own lives.

  9. from my observation, at the starting of the blog, any comments always relate her with HJ but as the time goes by, most of the comments not relate MM to HJ. the comments in this blog tried to make So Min stand alone (gosh... i don't know the right word to describe), i mean try not to relate with HJ. BUT this picture make us giddy to spazz. sometimes we can't help but spazzing of HyunMin. Peace.

  10. i agree with lily the whole hyunmin thingy is getting way outta hands ppl can spazz but not relate like EVERYTHING to hj and i just wish the shippers can stay more low profile n respect others opinions and thots not everyone who supports somin likes to ship couple fantasies! or w/e u called that...

  11. Why everytime someone will relate something with HJ,its like a war.Let them be,I also dont think that we have to relate everything with HJ.But please be mature.Maybe they just want to spazz.Its just a comment.Why everyone so serious?

    1. Am agree with anon 10.53 pm...why everytime someone will relate MM with HJ,someone else hate and bothered for the comments...I tot he/she not a Hyunmin shippers and they hate about the spazz...if you true or pure Hyunmin shippers why you must angry when someone else try to relate MM with HJ...let them be...btw it's just a comment and everyone free to comment...and that's not meaning we don't like them with individual...common guys please be matured and I think Hyunmin shippers more more matured.....

  12. its khj at he back of jeong so min. because mi there during the pictorial. for the benefit of the doubt:D

  13. the continuation..

    And finally, until now.. I only love them for who they are as INDIVIDUAL and COUPLE.. Dont ever think that i only visited this blog if there is HJ in it. I love so min, i love her individually too!if i dont, i wont visit this site again ya know.

    Out of honesty, i tell you this, the first female young woman that i found unique is only Jung So Min.. Thats why she always in here, in my heart.. :) her individual criteria magnatized me! And i am a big fan of so min, hyun joong and hyun min.. :)

    Okay thats it.. Thats the only thing i want to tell.. :)

    dont get mad, lets be friends! :D alright? :D hehe

  14. I think there must be freedom of expression. Everyone here who frequent this blog are fans of min min, some are curious about his personal life and more so when associated with another big star like KHJ. I see no reason to suppress feelings of one or other, it is important that everyone expresses their feelings towards their idol. Respect for others, without attacking or press we have in common a great admiration for min min. peace

  15. It's because when we visit the blog of Kim Hyun Joong,,there's no one related Hyun Joong with So Min. And most of the fans of Hyun Joong hate So Min.

    1. Seriously?? most of fans of HJ hate Somin?? it's true? Can you give me the link?? I don't believe it. Or maybe they are so jelouse that HJ seem so in love with Somin in PK.

  16. Hey there. I'm a big fan of Jung So Min. And because of her, I grew to like Kim Hyun Joong too. Basically, i love to see both of them together because I have not seen so much chemistry between 2 ppl during filming. I have not watched the BTS of our girl with any guys yet so far in other films but i'm sure it should be similar. I love So Min as an individual but I also love the spazz on Hyunmin. And I love that not bcos I do not allow others to be paired with her, it's just bcos i'm still reliving the PK moments everytime i see things related to them. So, in other words, I'm harmless, and i'm pretty sure so are the rest. So PEACE everyone! We are here bcos we love So Min, and we spazz about Hyunmin also bcos we love So Min. And definitely will continue loving her no matter who she paired up in reel or real life in the future.

  17. anon @2:38pm.. Yes you are right, i am definitely agree with you too :D :D bcos of jung so min, i started to like kim hyun joong too... :) but if i can compare, my love for so min is greater than HJ.. And if i can compare .. I always visit this blog instead of kathysbench blog... Bcos.. Before HJ, i only like jung so min individually.. Then.. The love grew bigger and spread to hyun joong.. Which the product is, i love them both as HyunMin too :D

    lets dont fight, bcos all of us have different opinions about this thing.. Bcos this shows our love for both or individual are infinity. :D :D

    and i also notice that many HJ's fans dont like so min.. I think becos they are jealous.. But yes, for me, there is nothing to jealous or envy about, as long as they are comfortable with each other company. :D

  18. Me too, me too, I am big fan of Somin, then became Hyun Joong's fan(but just a little, sorry). Everything about Somin is special for me, but everything about Hyunjoong isn't too special for me (sorry again). Just want the best for Somin. But I enjoy all the comment about Hyunmin everywhere. Keep spirit!!! Enjoy the moment and keep smiling!!!

  19. aku dari indonesia penggemar somin tapi tetap mendukung hyunmin

  20. Me three.... I'm in love with so min, then started to like KHJ. If wasn't for so min in PK I don't think I will ever be any fans of Korean star. I do like them, but not that love them. I never visit any website or google them, only with PK I started to get addicted to Korean drama hehehehe

  21. They deserve have their privacy i understand why this happen I'm fan of PK for the couple but they have separate lives now and sometimes create rumors can hurt them I'm not saying is intentional but some fans are not so sympathetic with women around him i wonder what is going to happen when his new drama start and he has to kiss another girl and the same is with SM. I just wanted to comment about this
