
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Jung So Min Screencaps of StandBy's Recent Episode with Im Siwan!

What can I say?
Adorable screencaps for MinMin and Siwan!
I just pray that the writers of StandBy has fully decided which 
path they wanted to take
in terms of MinMin's character! -jeankaycee

For the meantime, below are the screencaps! ^_^

credits: naver (media screencaps)


  1. OMG!! look at her face, how can someone has "complete aura"like that?? she is pretty, yes, she is cute, yes, she is mature, yes, she is kind, yes...etc. just look at her face we can found many aura. What must i say if i meet her in person? Oh..., maybe i am faint and than just can say.... Somin ssi.....i envy you

  2. i loved this episode... they're so cute and amazing... what a lovely pair.i'm hoping siwan will be her reel pair ,'cause kiwoo has another love interest in the sitcom....chukahe!!!! minwan couple....hyunmin forever .
