
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Jung So Min Twitter Photo Update [July 10, 2012]

Credits: @h_monet (Jung So Min's Official Twitter)

Caption: 검도복입은 경표랑!!! 우왕 나도나도나도 입고싶다아ㅜㅠ❤ 


  1. Thank you pic. minmin
    Now I watch play full kiss again and again hahaaaaaaa
    minmin so cute and Hyun joong very smart

    But I don't like Jung yu mi ;( because I want minmin couple Hyun joong I am feeling so bad whaaa please minmin come back play drama with Hyun joong again PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

    1. ANON 11.10..,
      dont emosional k..dont bashing or said anything to others actor actress that working with mm and Hj..they just do their and Hj have their own career and job..dont b sad...we should eccept that they have their own life..i know we are hyunmin but the fact is they dont have nothing..reality is hard but it true...well mayb in future we can see work together again but dont hope so much..korean industry is hyunmin we must accept the fact..dont sad and support them as individual...

    2. Haha it's ok city conquest was uncompleted anyway

  2. Like kimono?? Why kimono?? Hyun joong first shooting for City Conquest with kimono, and Somin take photo with her friend with kimono? Hyun Joong sending Somin his photo with kimono and Somin reply with these photo...., hmhmhm. He he he. Kidding

    1. that is what i'm thinking when i saw those picture.

    2. just need to put the head of Hj hahaha. hyunmin forever

    3. coincident nothing...why must we relate all thing to Hj...

    4. Why can't we relate this particular picture with HJ huh? At the first shooting of City Conquest, HJ wore a kimono and the next thing you know MM posted this photo. It's expected for Hyunmins to relate this photo with HJ.

      Another coincidence? Maybe. Another hint from MM? Maybe.

  3. haha another coincidence! somin must be missing hyun joong oppa, hope he returns to korea soon, both of them busy filming take care my hyunmin !!!

  4. yes. this is a coincidence!!! :)

  5. you don't relate this picture with HJ
    they are just friend no more
    because MM ever said that they lost contact already so we can know that they don't have relationship

    1. Are YOU for Hyunmin? u sounds u know everything about them huh. HYUNMIN FOREVER!

    2. minmin and KhJ protect their relationship. JUST READ BETWEEN THE LINE bout minmin and KHJ. HYNMIN FOREVER.:D

    3. I support u. I believe so. I mean look at Rob Pat n Kristen Stewart, finally they admitted they been dating for 3 years

  6. i mean, MM said like that when MM became guest star in Strong Heart

  7. Why we cant to relate this picture with HJ??. it is not sins right? I know and always remember thatwe are Hyunmin shippers are realistic people, but we dont know the real thing about Sominand Hyun JOong right? Maybe they are really bf / gf, who knows? so, dont think to much, keep positive thinking like Somin and we will get happines. Smile...... And always happy......... Life is beautifull.......

  8. hi everyone...dont u think u guys are little childish what i mean is just enjoy ans support MM..i know we are hyunmin but must b all the time we relate Mm with Hj...i dont think we should do thid because im sure some of us or mayb mm herself is she read the comment here...but b little tired and bored coz we always relate her with Hj..theyhave their own life and job hyunmin too but sometimes it little bit tired coz we spazz about them but we know there are not true at them individual and justgo with the flow...peace just my opinion and im sorryif my comment hurt some of u..admin u can delete it if u dont like this...tq

    1. 100 % agree let them be they deserve have their privacy

  9. Why there are so many coincidence betwen Hyun Joong and Somin??? god,maybe these two really match from heaven, and playfull kiss is fate for them. Amiin. Fighting!!!

  10. God!!Why everytime someone relate Hyunjoong to Minmin,there must be a person against it.Arent it just a comment?Its not a sin at all.Just let her be -,-

  11. Somin ssi, i am a big fan of u, but now i am enjoy and happy about everything you and hyun joong ssi. Iam very happy if u and hyun joong ssi be a real couple, but if that is not happen, i am still happy cos i am big fan of you . Your personality is main reason. Be happy and success for you Somin ssi. I am sorry,my english too bad.

  12. hyunmin is real ok!

    1. how do u know they real..mayb they just close fren but couple i dont think so..i said this because i dont want all of us hurt if Hj actually have someone else..peace

  13. I just think, if Minmin reading the comments here, but I don't know what her feelings.
    I love HyunMin, but I'd rather see the chemistry that exists between them, instead of linking 'a coincidence'. because 'a coincidence' it could happen if linked, aren't flowing and too forced, it's not interesting anymore.
    sorry I'm just commenting, and I support them as individuals and couples ^^

    1. 100% agree..what i thinks is i dont want MM anti bashing her because we always relate her to Hj..they must think that MM want to riding on the popularity of Hj coz we know Hj now is popular inside and outside korea...

    2. Anon 7:56 agree with you
      i am hyunmin too but we must think her feeling because MM want to be herself without related with HJ
      there will be anti fans if we always connect everything with HJ. they have personal life each other
      i always support their career forever

    3. Anon 1:26 - connecting HJ w/MM is not bashing and would upset MM because if you check her twitter account she would reply "fighting" when some would tweet her anything related to PK or HJ.

      Bashing is what some people here who claim to love MM said about her in their tweets.

  14. sigh im missing hyunmin like crazy
    going back to re-watch Playful kiss
    nothing beats Hyunmin's chemistry!

  15. Agree, why must there always be someone against HyunMin whenever one talk about HJ with MM? Is it a sin?
    What if they are really together, who knows?
    We didn't bash their co-stars do we?

  16. first, this is mm's thread, and mm or hj haven't admit weather they have the relationship, so we talking about hm here, is not that respectful to mm.
    second, as we always talk about hj, there will be someone to say mm's famousness all because of hj which is not the real story, and also not the situation that we want to see. we love them each and the couple, but we've no idea the other knows this. so in case of getting anti or misunderstanding for mm we need not talk hj here that much.
    we love her because of her acting, her characteristics and her pure nature. we love her and this cp rit? so we have to support her and protect her from that misunderstanding and anti. keep hm in mind, and we can talk about them at the hm's thread.

    1. Whos the other knows this? Somin anti? why Somin anti visit Somin blog? Oh, i dont understand what u mean. Actually, i want to post in HM thread, but always rejected, maybe cos i dont understand Soompi rule. So, i love this blog, actually i am not henecian, i am VIP(big bang jjang!!). But i and many my friend, guys and girls love this Cutes Couple ever!!! Jung Somin and Kim Hyun Joong

  17. To Anon July 14 3:54AM,

    I'm just wondering why nowadays its like a crime to talk about HyunMin here, all along this blog has been the ground for Hyunmins to joke and talk about them. Way from the beginning and for a long time and now just because she work on SB, the mention of HJ bring the wrath of some. Doesn't even the Admins of this blog spazz a great deal about them? They in fact initiate and welcome it saying that they miss the PK couple and need a regular dose. ANd what's the matter with you? How do you know that they are not a couple now? Don't give me the usual this is a MM blog crap, Hyunmins know all these from the inception of this blog. Why now all this dislike of Hyunmin?!

  18. Why the sudden protection and fear of this and that?

  19. Ya, why huh?? Why don't we leave it to their managers to protect them. We are just their fans and happy to match make this two lovey-dovey on screen couple. BTW, I noticed that every captions from Min's twitter is like a secret code to someone..(I didn't mean KHJ):P

  20. Anon 12:40 p.m., if I may correct you... it's not just now'adays -- it's been way before Stand By that the admins of this blog been rudely telling HyunMin fans to stop connecting HJ with MM. What changed? the admins change of heart on MM or HJ? Why are the admins trying hard to connect SW and/or KW with MM when they know majority of their visitors are HyunMins?

    I also agree with Anon 12:42 and 2:04... why protect them when both of them doesn't have any qualsm giving their fans hints? oh yeah, they're all coincidental!

  21. Why must we appease those few who dislike the mention of HyunMin?
    If the Admins and everyone here all of a sudden dislike HyunMin then may as well delete all those previous posts/comments about Hyunmin all the way back from early last year? That will make those few happy?
    So we should and it's OK to spazz MM with her new co-stars rather?

  22. hi guys! I have been reading a lot of negative comments about something the we the bloggers of this blog never said. I just wanted to clear somethings before we could have some misunderstanding.

    first, we never said that HyunMin discussions are not welcome here in the blog, even though we dont mention HyunMin in our every post doesnt mean we are not HyunMins. If you guys knows our history we have been vocal about loving MinMin and Hyun Joong together. but of course we would discuss HyunMin in an appropriate posts and topics. just like few days ago, we did post something HyunMin related. if we have something to share that is HyunMin related, then we would love to share it with you guys, but as of the moment we can only share what we also have. kindly note that we never said anything about stop supporting HyunMin. I, myself would never stop supporting and loving them. I may not be so extravagant in professing my love and loyalty to them but I do have my own way of supporting HyunMin.

    also,just to be clear we are not pushing MinMin to have connection with Ki Woo or Siwan, I think we also made it clear that we are only talking about the show loveline and not the real life. because as we watch StandBy, to be honest Im kinda disappointed where MinMin's storyline is heading, it seems like her character doesnt have yet a direct storyline to follow. what the writers only giving us MinMin is supposed to have lovelines in either of the guys but as of the moment what I only asking from standby is they let MinMin have a solid storyline even just on her own. We mostly discuss StandBy because that is the current project of MinMin.I hope you guys understand that.

    And please make sure that the comments that you are reading really came from us, the bloggers of the blog. Or kindly carefully read the blog posts so you can be sure what we the bloggers do talk about. And if you have questions to ask, dont hesitate to let us know what you think, email us. we would love to hear it straight from you guys.

    Thank you for your support in the blog. and please continue to love MinMin! and Hyun joong as well! Take care!

    1. thanks jean know you're a Hyunmin of heart... Hyunmin Forever

  23. Im also wondering why its like a crime nowadays to talk about Hyunmin here.Im miss the moment when Minmin and Hyunjoong filming PK.We all like a family and support them both.Spazzing about them,so happy when we watch PK BTS.Please bring the old moment back!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. i'm waiting for my kim soo hyun and jung so min to discuss here hhehe though i love hyunmin too!!!!

  25. Jean - you maybe the only one who really support hyunmin here as some of your reliable admins aren't - "twitter issue". Nuf said. ;)

    Make sure the comments we read are coming from you guys? Of course we know the comment was from one of the admins here as she deleted some of our replies that one time - it couldn't be us deleting our com

  26. I am really curious, who's against about Hyunmin here..., maybe.... Hyunmin ant? Or ...or...provo... Up, sorry. Come on dear, talking about Hyunmin here is not a sin. Just let them. It is not a big deal. We love Somin, and maybe Somin is happy if she's know that her fans support she and Hyun joong. Who's know, right?? Banzai!!!

  27. misunderstanding.i think nothing's blocking HyunMin fans to comment here.just some different thinking.can your accept a different idea?logical thinking or childish?HyunMin fans abounded,of course they're different.there are mature and intelligent mind,there's also a childish mind.that's the problem.i have great respect for admin here,they're very wise and neutral.but sometimes there are some people who don't understand what the purpose of admin,so the need to repeatedly give explanations.
    HyunMin fans are good people who respect each other and,lately i see intelligent and mature thinking of them.i like it.there's never a provocateur or a bad guy or anything that bad here.will never exist.there's only a difference of opinion.

    respect, positive thinking and the sign of peace. HyunMin forever!!! ^^v

  28. I really felt very disappointed and outraged by some that they called "Hyunmin" and now are anti-Hyunmin. I think if you do not like something you just have to stop following and speak no evil. True, this blog is dedicated to MM, but as I many of us are fans of HJ and knew that she shared PK, MM won our hearts from PK and said that is perfect for him. I love MM clear that I support and applaud each success you have and always will. but can not forbid us Hyunmin to comment here and follow supporting MM it our way. MM fighting. Hyunmin Forever!!

  29. I'm tired of these. But you know what...I will always love her and support her. No matter what or whoever will pair with her in drama or movie. And eventhough, maybe later my dream of her will never came true.
    My dream => (HyunMin for real). Kkwkwkkwkwwkkwkkwk Peace, Love and always pray v(^_*).

    1. Wah, indonesia juga ya? Sama dong say. Peace ah, mari hidup dengan gembira, dan membuat orang lain gembira juga.... He he. Hyunmin forever and dont worry, it is real not reel....., he he..., GEMBIRA!!! HAPPY!!!

    2. Hahahhahaha....tapi sok english gitu akunya. Supaya ditanggepin.
      Yeah,,,,,Happy Together!!?

  30. Hello everyone! :D

    Before i see her tweedted picture, i saw HJ's picture first wearing kimono in facebook. Then less than one day, i saw minmin tweeted this picture! And i was surprised enough! The first thing that popped out in my mind is just these words, "Coincidence Of Fate" like the title for my chapter in HyunMin fanfiction hehe..

    I am confident enough that HyunMin are destined for each other. I know im not God, but there are so much coincidence that we can see already. God really knows how to give us the shippers thousand hopes that might be come true! Hehe

    Yes, HyunMin forever! I support them as individual and couple of course!

    Ahhh, anyway, there are many new dramas broadcasted lately, but i dont know why.. I only love to watch Playful Kiss many times! And i never get enough of it! I watch their bts, fanmeet again and again... Its like my daily routine and thats make me happy! :D

    HyunMin, Kim Hyun Joong and Jung So Min, I LOVE YOU, and I ONLY LOVE YOU! Remember that. Hehe...


  31. To avoid anymore future disagreements, SOME FANS SHOULD STOP TELLING ANYONE NOT TO TO MENTION KHJ's NAME in this blog, period.

    We all love MM and behaving like children is not the way to show our support for her.

  32. Wow! There are really strong sentiments here but at the same time I think there are some misunderstandings as well on what were written.

    At the end of the day, everyone is free to share his/her point of view and likewise everyone has a choice to agree or disagree as long as we don't get overemotional in the cyberworld. If we disagree or just don't like some comments that one may find annoying, we have a choice to just ignore it.

    As a Hyunmin fan, I always just go with the motto "Just go with the flow"...peace & cheers everyone :)

  33. I absolutely love so min. You guys are talking about hyunmin like crazy. Although i ship for hyunmin couple, i still accept so min with who ever it is. Be a real fan. Haha.

  34. playfull kiss is an excellent
    and chemistry b/w min and kim is really awesome

  35. I just happen to pass by looking for some affirmation that there is an ongoing relationship between SM and HJ or just a one way one of SM.

    To be honest there are now tweets going around protesting about the so called undeclared relationship. The tweeters talked about Rain having made a good choice -a graduate of SNU and came from good family which HJ apparently did not do.

    Speculations of some interpreting these tweets pointed to the drama SM is currently acting in.

    Also others are saying if the undeclared relationship is to protect their careers,why then is SM dropping hints here and there? Does she want to hold on to the illusions of fans to safeguard her interest as an actress to be talked about?

    Just asking.

    1. Anon 3:31, these completely wrong. MM has no need to use HJ to be talked about.
      all the love we have their fans is by merit. She has never given any hint that has or had a relationship with HJ.
      I am Hyunmin and all we do is for fun( is spazzing), because we loved as a couple in PK. we love the MM individually and always support you. enough to see the support we gave in their new projects.

    2. hi anon! nice of you to passed by. anyways about your comment, first of all the spazzings that you read in this blog are from fans who love HyunMins its not necessarily means MinMin is the one behind it. The HyunMins just love to spazz but don't mean any harm in doing it and knows the limitations too. As per dropping hints, I agree to eonnie Estanyela, MinMin never leave hints or clues here and there about her relationship to anyone. If you think she did, can you give us an instance that she did? If you follow MinMin carefully you will know that she even rarely mention KHJ, she only answers when she's being asked about it. I think its kinda unfair to say that MinMin is droppings hints just so she would be talked about. I hope you let her work speaks for her.
      To all the Minnies thank you for always supporting MinMin!
      Just continue to spread the MinMin love!

  36. Jung is so beautiful ...ur fans from USA love you!
