
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Jung So Min's July CeCi Magazine Interview Translations

We all know how enchanting beautiful the pictures of MinMin in 
the July issue of CeCi Magazine
But that pictures comes with an interview from MinMin.

So now we do have the translated interview of MinMin and 
this is thanks for the hard working fans from HyunMin Baidu Bar 
and MinJoong/HyunMin Soompi thread!

credits: CeCi Magazine
Chen of Hyun Baidu Bar
Tlbpc of Minjoong/HyunMin Soompi Thread

Source:  CeCi Korea website/moonyun
Translated from Korean to Chinese by希影chen of HyunMin Baidu Bar
Translated from Chines to English by tlbpc of Minjoong/HyunMin Soompi Thread

CeCi: First debut in “Bad Guy” and in “Playful Kiss” as an attractive new star, return in this year’s “Standby”, how are you during this period of time?
MinMin: Find that time passes by very quickly while learning hard in school, the study course is very tense.  I’m unable to participate in outside activities.  Need to perform three shows before I can graduate as a vengeful spirit on stage of this year’s creative script “So Seol Hyeo”.  Because the nature of TV drama, movie or sitcom are different, I have to start all over again to learn voice delivery and find that very interesting.
C:  Not a stranger to stage dance performance as she has left a deep impression during high school days, in practicing alone then but it’s over in just a few minutes’ performance.
M: Acting in every drama there are director, script-writer, actors and the entire crew that makes a little society, need to communicate with many people, there are certain things that’s really difficult but through acting, I’ve gotten to know some very remarkable people, I’m very happy being with them.
CCompared to completion of the filming of a TV drama, feelings seem quite different
M:  When a drama wraps up there will be a period of emptiness, although the period of time in preparation for the theatre play is very hurried but being into character is very deep so when the curtain closes, feelings in my heart of emptiness is more intense and felt like at a lost.
CWhen it’s over do you still feel empty in your heart?
M: Because right after “BG” immediately I went into acting in “PK” the timing is very rush.  When “PK” ended, that feeling of unable to get rid of emptiness came back.  In order to keep steady and very wearily to go on every step it took a lot of time to do so but the hangover is still a long while before getting over.  If this still persist, I’d thought of snapping out of it, need to go through the process of replacing that emptiness.  This to whoever would also fall into a state of both being lost and the need to free oneself. (Laugh) But when I return to school I recover.
CWon’t you think of other characters to replace?
M:  To have many projects is not my aim; at my age is the time to think of trying this and that age but also thought of being a more cautious person.  My face isn’t as perfect as a doll, suitably to leave an option, as an actor on survival this shouldn’t be a bad look.  Actually, I normally don’t like to look at the mirror, only when I’m filming, if I don’t seem to look like it, really it’s for that feeling at that moment to be more focus.  “So that’s how my expression is when I felt that way!”  This too is a kind of delight.

C: On filling up that emptiness and happiness …..
M: My aspiration is quite big, when something begins, the willpower and responsibility to do it well is great.  Recently, felt empty towards everything, when emptiness is filled there’ll be feelings of happiness; also the idea of being stronger often comes to mind.
C:  Changes in Jung So Min and Kim Yoon Ji (real name) is it the same?
M:  When I take on the name “JSM” in my acting activities it has the meaning of “Dream in a clear pond”, although it sound a bit awkward but to KYJ, objectively it’s beginning to get familiar and sounds nice, aren’t both also “myself”?  That’s the process to getting to know myself.
C: Now as an actor, should be a time to accumulate moral values?
M: It’s for the pursuit of happiness; it’s a time and way to seek happiness.
C:  You’ve started to look for happiness in your daily life?
M: Each morning when I wake up, the first thing would be to be thankful for everything around me, at the end of the day coming home seeing my dog greeting me cheerfully really gives me the feeling of happiness.  Little things I don’t see in the past now too let me have that feeling of happiness.
C:  Give you three tickets to happiness, three blank cheques
M: Give me the super power to be able to let people around me to become happy
C: All for the others, I’m a very slow to open up kind of person, if time allows I don’t want to lose those that I’d treasure
M: In the past friend’s relationship was “even though nothing’s been said yet we know each other’s heart” but now because of them I want to consider how to be better.
C: Left the last one, write down your own wish
M: Pressure prevention ticket
C: What is your biggest source of pressure?
M: I have let myself become quite narrow-minded, so at 40 years old I want to become a confident person always having a smiling face.  To become such a person need to find delight in everything, I’ll be glad if I can be such.
C: How are you when fallen in love?
M: Definitely will not be the one to get close, even if I have love I’d not take the initiative to get close to him but rather as the motivated one and wait for him to come close. But slowly I’ll protect our love relationship, finally at the beginning I wanted to be a fox in the end I become a bear.
C: Searching through JSM’s info, “losing weight” seems to have taken a year to slowly lose it
M: Aren’t there many ways of losing weight in this world?  Body and heart together, whenever there’s pressure, what’s eaten need to be spent, surely the body will use it.  Although it’s very difficult, relying on self-discipline at the same time the aim is also very important.  For not wanting to look too alike as in the previous project I lose weight that’s all.  As an actor, physical management is part of it.
C: Relying on your determination, you begin your acting path
M: Parents objected, later they approved.  Because of the need to improve expressions in dancing, I attended acting classes and love acting since.
C: Completely different from her delicate appearance, accommodating yet a profound perfectionist.  Recent growth and this interview’s main point
M:  Lately, I’d sometimes drink a little, go to clubs to unwind and also went to many places for travel.  Now at already 24 (23), how then would I live to have more happiness, for this I’m quite vexed.  The conclusion now it appears is – to live the rest of my life splendidly.


  1. "Lately, I’d sometimes drink a little, go to clubs to unwind and also went to many places for travel" maybe that places are Singapore ,Taiwan or etc...sometimes in may or jun....hi hi hi just spazzing.....hyun min forever

  2. with this interview minmin was intelectual actress..she's beauty and brain.i admired her and lucky to be her fan... i'm praying for your happiness. i miss you in a drama with kim hyun joong... hopefully to fullfilled. goodluck and god bless you always...hyunmin forever!!!

  3. So mature...... And intelligent !!! Perfect couple with 4d prince!! Mature and playfull...., smart and smart life...., etc. the best for u two!!

  4. ¡In the past friend’s relationship was “even though nothing’s been said yet we know each other’s heart” but now because of them I want to consider how to be better.!
    Whom do you mean by a friend from the past?

  5. why must us relate MM all time to Hj..i never heard fan of Hj relate him to mm plus some of Hj fan hate tired about like we only interested Mm life couple or not with Hj..that all..not about her activities in drama...

    1. we don`t avoid linking HJ to minmin ok!!! are u hyunmin fans? or pretending? HYUNMIN FOREVER.:D

    2. Oh dear, calm down. Ha ni's quote and Seung Jo fav quotes"have fun, and make others happy". We are never know,maybe whos always relate Min min and Hyun joong are more support Minmin individually than we. So, lets "have fun, and make others happy".

    3. Anon 8:37,I think you're the same person who keep on posting against Hyunmin coupling and spazzing. Most of MM fans knew her thru HJ because of PK (I said "most" not all^^). I wouldn't known her if I'm not a fan of HJ, and I may not watched PK if HJ wasn't there. So, I am an HJ fan who also became a Somin fan and lead to being a HYunmin fan. That's the reason why when we think of MM, we think of HJ as well.

      Spazzing is just spazzing, we never said it's true but just HOPING.. and that's makes us happy. If you're tired of it then you always have an option to just shrug it off and just support her on her own, no one is forcing you to like the coupling but you can't tell us not to do the things we wanna do just because you don't like it or because you're tired of it. it's a free world you know^^.

      Hyunmin fans support MM's Standby. I, being a hyumin fan also like the MM-siwan, MM-kiwoo tandem in standy so it's not true that we only love her because of HJ or because we are Hyunmin. We Love JUNG SO MIN AND WILL ALWAYS BE with or without HJ by her side because she's so likeable and lovable person! And as Somin said "she wants all the people around her to become happy", so let's all be HAPPY,ok?! Peace to all....

    4. very well said.i second the motion! we are not here to fight. let us spread PEACE and HAPPINESS!!!

    5. totally agree, we Hyunmin give us much support for MM, of they say which are unique. We blog, FB accounts, twitter, weibo and many more. where we show our love for MM which is very large, always support it. HYUNMIN forever

    6. Peace is a beautiful word and also respect so only think in what they really want and what will make them happy, I will be happy for both


  7. The random anon, who always against HyunMin... If you are tired of it, then dont bother to read other people's comments about HyunMin. :) easy right? Oh! It might be an eyesore to your eyes... Ops!

    Okay, i dont want to fight with you, but the way you talk make me wanna talk LIKE THE WAY YOU TALK. Rude. Sorry for that.

    Fan of HJ are rarely relate him with mm.. Soo... What? And we(excluding you) are always love to relate HJ with MM and MM with HJ, bcos that thing make us HAPPY, and we never get tired of it, as it leads to our own happiness.

    For almost two years, only HyunMin couple is the one in my heart. And i love them individually. :)

    thank you.

    Just believe in miracles. :)

    1. i agree with you.just believe in miracles!HYUNMIN FOREVER.:D

  8. Believe in destiny. HyunMin are destined to be as one and together forever.

  9. Well said Anon of Jul 15 12:19PM!
    It's just comments from Hyunmins, it's not gonna like confirm anything, it's for spazzing fun. As some others said earlier, why all along Hyunmins talk about them with no problems and everyone joined in and have a lot of fun and recently this is like being treated as forbidden? No wonder nowadays very few bother to comment anymore, you want this blog to be a boring vacant place?
    Just enjoy the show and go with the flow as said by a Hyunmin, MM and HJ fan.

  10. .So min never failed to amaze me with her answers in her interviews. I personally like her answers it’s like getting to know her more and being close with her. She really is a mature woman, and I know for sure that she's an honest person (I notice through her interviews that she have consistent answers).

    I’m really proud to be her fan.^^

  11. i'm no.2 in the coment...i'm hurt for that person who was comanding to stop to relate minmin to hyun joong...i'm senor citizen already , but my only happines was to visit this blogs of minmin and kathybench...the other one was minjoong- hyunmin soompi and all blogs relate to hyunmin ....since i watched playful kiss.. i began to loved minmin and hyun joong ,every time i've finished my housework,i watch playful kiss. then after dinner i open my facebok to visit all the blogs i please dont stop me for being hyunmin problems everyday was vanished thru the love of hyunmin couple. dream was fre.. so let me dream of hyunmin jude was the patron of all imposible i'm hoping to be posible.for hyunmin couple.. hyunmin forever... pardon to my messages....god bless all.!!!!!!!!

  12. everyone.....the ways Somin answer in all her interviews as what ive noticed that she is always consistent, precise in articulate person for that matter....brilliant....that's one of the reasons why im an mm fan....not just she's pretty, cute...lovable...but the overall personality she always carry is amazing.....humble...she values her fans....just the thought that she wants people in her surroundings to be happy....she's others as well...and most of all passionate in her craft....for me she is 99% perfect....heheheheh....sorry for the long comment....IM ONE HAPPY PERSON...because of mm.....

  13. All her interviews show how intelligent our Minmin is. I'm so proud of her. But I wish she'd get back some weight. Seriously, I like her body mass in PK. That's her perfect form. I find her too thin now.

  14. Sad for her, there's only her dog greeting her when she comes home.
    Hopefully, that she will more stronger everyday to face the world.

  15. Always amazed with her maturity & intelligence through her answers in interview! Wonder who she meant with this comment - past friend’s relationship was “even though nothing’s been said yet we know each other’s heart” but now because of them I want to consider how to be better... Whoever who has her as a partner is a LUCKY GUY! :) cheers!
