
Friday, October 19, 2012

Playful Kiss Theatrical Edition To Be Screened in Japan!

Playful Kiss Theatrical Edition to be limited screen in Japan?
How cool is that!
So happy to hear this! 

It always warms my heart to know that even though Playful Kiss was aired 2 years ago
many people still show this little drama some love!

shared by: howlovelylala & ridajun0324 at twitter, kathysbench

Playful Kiss Theatrical Edition will be screened for 2 weeks.

First Week: December 8, 2012
Second Week: December 15, 2012


  1. Waaahhh..
    It's a really great news..
    I hope that our dear costars are aware of their fans still showing so much affection to PK, even after 2 years..

  2. Wondetful, still hot after 2 years!

  3. omo !!! so wonderful, after 2 years playful kiss was love by the japanese fans. i'm so proud for hyunmin couple, until now their drama still fighting. goodluck and more power >>>> hyunmin forever !!!!

  4. It's soooo amazing... and very very good news after 2 years...hyunmin fighting forever

  5. wowww! Thats HyunMin's Love and Miracle that i meant all this time! :D 2 years, PK has ended, but its still fresh and lively! Thats amazing right? Never once i see a theatrical version of a drama in Japan after two long years! Only PK make it! Woohooo! :D :D

    i hope HyunMin will come to promote it together on stage!

  6. Hi! I just found this site, and I simply cant believe (I even started tearing up) that it's been 2 years and it's getting attention still, even after more than 2 years its getting publicly played again. I wish with all my heart they'd do a season 2, which is why I'm trying to contact the company or just about anyone close to the show to see the idea and how much they missed out, like Ha Ni's time in med school, her new 'love interest', her pregnancy, etc, etc from the anime/manga.
    I know it maybe pointless, but if us fans get together like to sign a petition or something, maybe just maybe (though the probability is pretty low) something can happen.
    It's such a good show and I'm pretty positive that if it were to come out, it'd to better than the first season. So many foreign fans loved this show, and it's sad to let it end as it did. V_V
