
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Jung So Min's Manager Twitter Update 13Mar!

Sorry for the late post my dears!
Just have few errands to run for MinMin's Charity Event!

Well, here it is! MinMin's manager did update his tweeter!
And MinMin is looking adorable as usual!

And below is the pic!

credits: @jhyung0000

힘들고 보람잇고 재밋엇던 1박2일^^.........ㅜㅠㅋ

Cast of Stand By in Pictures!

As of the moment here's the cast of the sitcom Stand By in pictures!

Standby cast updates: Ryu Jin : Announcer, Jung So Min : Part-timer, Lee Ki Woo : Ryu Jin's younger brother, Im Si Wan : Genius high-schooler, Park Jun Geum : Head of Announcer dept., Choi Jung Woo, Ha Suk Jin, Kim Soo Hyun (female) : Ent.PD, Kim Yeon Woo : Drama writer, Ye Won (Jewelry), Ko Kyung Pyo, Simon D 

Jung So Min's Letter for SNB Eye Clinic!

Since our dear MinMin has returned to Korea I think she will be so busy for her new sitcom!

So for now we do have additional picture from SNB Eye Clinic!
And she also have a letter for them!
So sweet of her right?
