
Sunday, March 17, 2013

(심플리소민) SimplySoMin's Birthday Charity Drive 2013 for JUNG SO MIN (정소민)

March 16 has passed and MinMin's birthday
 have been celebrated and you all know that here in SimplySoMin 
We do have a tradition to celebrate MinMin's 
Birthday thru a charity event but this year
We decided to help an institution that rescues
And help maltreated animals which is
Philippine Animal Welfare Society or PAWS.
PAWS treats abused cats and dog and
 help to find a worthy home.

We have choosen PAWS because we all know that
MinMin is such an animal lover. Just look how she loves Modu.

We visited PAWS and donated basic necessities that they used to treat and help the animals.

We were welcomed by such accommodating volunteers
Provided us a shelter tour and told us the stories 
Behind the dogs they have rescued.

We were also surprised that they knew 
JUNG SO MIN and they watched Playful Kiss!

when they saw the stickers we attached on the box, they read it.. and said..

"Ohhhh Jung So Min from PLAYFUL KISS"

wow! isn't it awesome???

It's good to know that MinMin have reached more people.

I salute the volunteers of PAWS for doing such 
A wonderful cause.

But of course doing this charity drive will not be 
Possible without the help of our wonderful
Minnies, so SimplySoMin wanted to extend its
Sincere thank you to the following people.

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

To our lovely international Minnies
Mich and Yuki, you guys are supportive as ever
Couldn't thank you enough ^_^

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

To ate Lyd and ate Lyz
For the endless support, 
Thank you for always loving MinMin!

And of course to the KB Angels,

Ms D, thank you for always sharing your time
And helping us.

Anj, big thank you!!!!
We really appreciate you coming to help out!

Charm, my dear thanks for being so efficient,
patient and great! 

Kathy, bebe gel, thank you for all
the support and love. 
The word thank is not enough to show how 
grateful we are.

Anf of course, my dongsaeng Jeanneth
For everything, for handling the 
blog, for the support, for the love 
And many more. Thanks! Thanks!

And to all the Minnies,
Thank you for always visiting the blog
And always supporting and loving Minmin.

Before I end this, I just want to wish 
MinMin, career full of success,
Love that will fill your heart with joy
And life fill of happiness!
We are just here for you! 
We love you MinMin!

Again, thank you to all!
Until next time! Take care!

With lots of love,

Simplysomin  admin

Below are the pictures from the charity drive.

Few of the donations

With Ms Cha,  PAWS Volunteer
Receiving the donation

Ms Lorraine, PAWS Volunteer gave us 
shelter tour.

Few of the rescued dogs of PAWS


  1. I don't have words to describe how amazing you guys are. Your commitment to charity and MM is phenomenal. I can only wish to some day be part of her birthday charity and meet you guys. Hopefully next year I'll be able to donate as well.
    Thank you for always being so wonderful SSM Minnies.

    Milo (who hasn't been very active due to life, but always come to check this and Kathy's Bench)

    1. Milo! Haven't heard from you for a while, hope your doing great!
      Anyways, thank you for always supporting us and extending your well wishes to us! Take care dear! Lots of love from all of us! :)

    2. Milo dear ^^ Please check my kakao. hopefully we'll be able to talk on kakao.:) Let's just call each other lol :) I have sent you a screencaps ~ please check.. ^^

  2. i salute you guys for being amazing ... doing such charitable love for minmin. sorry for not parting your activities, but i'm praying all of you guys and minmin... god bless and guide all of you always !!!!!

    1. thank you dear shirley ^^ hopefully next time you could JOIN us too ^^

  3. Congrats SSM/Minnies for the successful all are awesome, for sure MM is grateful for what you have done..keep it up God bless you all..

  4. Thank you all your support! Just continue to love MinMin! Take care Minnies!

  5. For sure minmin will proud to you guys!keep it up!
