
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Happy 3rd Anniversary!

Yup! It's already the 3rd year of SimplySoMin!
So, Happy Anniversary Minnies!

Just drop by to say Thank You to You all!
To all Minnies who still visit the blog and leave comments, we really appreciate it all! You Minnies are just Daebak! ^_^

Also, sending my love and thank you to my dongseangs 
Jeanneth and Kathy for all the hardwork!
Hats off to you my dears for all the time, effort 
and love for the blog!
Love you both!

And lastly to MinMin, for the updates and sharing even the little things about yourself!
We Thank you for your support, you showing your support
Means a world to SimplySoMin!
SimplySoMin is here because of you and 
we promise to continue to support you in everything that you do!
We love you!

Again, Thank You to All! ^_^ ♥♡♥


  1. Its 3 years already! Happy anniversary SSM blog & congrats to all the admins who work hard to make this blog a successful one.

    Happy 3rd year anniversary! Jean, Jeanneth, Kath, keep it up...i may not be around all the time but my support is always you all and miss you!

    Mm, thank you for being the inspiration to all the Minnies around the world. Without you, this blog wont exist...

  2. HAPPY 3rd YEAR ANNIVESARY!!!. Thanks Jean & all the admins for sharing news, photos etc about my one and only favourite korean star Jung So Min!!!.

  3. Happy anniversary~~~
    Thanks to the blog for sharing Min Min's info and keeps us, the Minnies up-to-date on Min Min's status.

  4. happy 3rd years anniversary...! thanks for all....!!!

  5. looks like i went on a long breaks and is good to be back
    Happy third anniversary SSM blog and thanks to the admins Jean, Jenneth kathy and all cant mention the rest for the great work for the past three years and beyond.....and to Mm for sharing her love with us.......cudos to all......

  6. Belated Happy 3rd Anniversary's SSM blog... Sorry guys I'm late to greet you all. 'Cause my computer got in trouble ... not working. Thanks to the Admins of this blogs... everytime I visit SSM. Blogs it brings happlness to me. You brought us news about my only fave K-artist MInmin... Congrats to Vinnie.. Kathy..Kathy..Onlysomin..Jeankaycee.. Jeanneth Kim and Mela. You're all wonderful peeople...goodluck..more power to the SSM blog and God bless you all !!!
