
Sunday, June 1, 2014

Kang Jin Ah 강진아 Plans a Hilarious Birthday Celebration with Her Non-oppa Ji Hyuk in Episode 7 of Big Man

Jin Ah Plans a Hilarious Birthday Celebration with Her Non-oppa Ji Hyuk in 
Episode 7 of Big Man
Posted on May 19, 2014 by ockoala

My enjoyment of Big Man remains tied to how many Kang Ji Hwan and Jung So Min scenes are in each episode. Currently it’s still one major scene and episode but it’s always something so entertaining I find myself laughing out loud and loving every second of it. Their chemistry is so good I hope they get another drama together to play OTP and just unleash hours of their cuteness together on the world. I’m still underwhelmed by the story proper in Big Man, Lee Da Hee‘s Mi Ra remains boring and boring-er while the return of Daniel Choi‘s Dong Seok has created the oddest schism for me. Dong Seok was shown to have a sweet childhood connection with Mi Ra and when they grew up they fell in love and he was happily planning on proposing when he was struck down by his failing heart. Cut to 5 episodes later and he’s back in the story and has suddenly turned into a possessive sociopath out to destroy Ji Hyuk and keep Mi Ra while she’s abruptly stopped loving him and spends all her time feeling sorry for Ji Hyuk.

I’m going to call this character assassination on Dong Seok for the sake of creating a big antagonist and to let Mi Ra off the hook for having feelings for Ji Hyuk. Otherwise she’s just a very unfaithful girlfriend to a guy who had the misfortune of being born with a heart defect and being part of a family that will use any means to get him a heart transplant. Now that Dong Seok has become as crazy and horrible as his parents, that leaves kooky and angry Jin Ah the sole decent human being in the Kang family. 

Jin Ah takes matters into her own hands in episode 7 and gets a DNA test that proves he’s not her real oppa and then cooks horrible food, horribly plays the cello, and badgers Ji Hyuk to spend her “birthday” with her since she’s been reborn after kicking her no good suitor to the curb. I love the “love shot” moment (with Ji Hyuk muttering that she’s a psycho) and how she makes him re-sing Happy Birthday when he sings to my beloved dongsaeng and she orders him to sing to my beloved Jin Ah. He totally finds her crazy but puts up with her in ways that make her just like him more.

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