
Saturday, December 18, 2010

What's in a name?

A Name, as defined by Wikipedia, is a label for a noun to distinguish one from another. Names can identify a class or category of things, or a single thing, either uniquely, or within a given context. A personal name identifies a specific unique and identifiable individual person

Every celebrity has a name for his/her fan groups.... mostly, the fans themselves create such names as a way to unite thier group...and i don't mean official fan club names.... i mean the solidifying name or the collective name of a group of people who can relate with each other through the celebrity or a celebrity couple.....

for example.... there's the Hyunnies, for those who love and adore Kim Hyun Joong.... and then there's the Hyunmins or Minjoongs for those who support the Playful Kiss couple, KHJ-Jung So Min. Even in Hollywood, there's Robsten, for those who support the Robert Pattinson-Kristen Stewart tandem......

Different names for different celebrities.... but so important because it becomes an identity....

Now, this is where my problem lies.... i love Jung So Min...and I know a lot of people loves her, too....but what do we call ourselves? In my earlier post, i referred to us (meaning, fans of So Min) as Minnies.....but it kinda reminds me of a certain female mouse...hahaha.....but if you like it, well...... just say so...haha

So to all the So Min fans..... can you please give your suggestions? Just comment in this post then we will select from there.... many thanks



  1. What about MIN + hoNEY -> MINNEY ????

  2. ciao! im also a fan of jung so min bcoz of Playful Kiss and i really loved her with kim hyun joong, i hope they will be together in real life...

    Minnies is a cute name for all the So Min fans,so for me its ok...

    I loved this blog spot for so min, im a regular visitor of yours...

  3. hmm .... minmin minny is alright minnies is well .. hahahha .. i just think it's cute when i heard minnies ....*_0...~_^

  4. Minnies is nice, the suggestion of the first to comment is quite good, so it won't be spelled like a certain mouse, maybe Minneys? Loved you have a blog for Somin, thanks!:)

  5. hello, i'm a huge fan, i've read the comments, yeah minnies is kinda cute, also like Minneys!

  6. I like Minnies too. It's easy and it fits her nick, MinMin.

    I'm a So Min fan first, then a Minjoong fan or KHJ fan. So I'm so glad that you guys have a blog for her. And the name of the blog is great. I think of simplicity and calm passions when I think of So Min.

  7. I like just simply MinMin..And yes, i am a fan for sure!

  8. I'm Minmin's fan first before Hyunnies hehe. I like Minnies so simple and easy to remember like hyunnies but yeah, it's weird to call us mouse haha

  9. So happy you have blog for So Min, MinMin is fine for me.

  10. oh, this is so nice, loved hyunmin but love MinMin more, Minnies, Minneys, MinMin all sound sweet and cute like her. Thanks for giving us this blog, love it!

  11. Beautiful blog, I liked Minnies!

  12. hi you all so min shippers. o min andkim hyun joong the couple of playful kiss that we love so much need our help. there is apoll of the best korean drama on 2010. we need to help them win. its between playful kiss and mary stayed out all night. we have to vote only 1 time every 24 hours. the link is please help them to win togther. please do every thing that you can.

  13. thank you for your comments guys! please keep your suggestions coming. once we feel that we have enough suggestions we will choose of course from the majority.

    the more suggestions the better!
    thanks again guys!

  14. minmin would be nice...

  15. i like minmin but if we make it into plural form, minmins, i guess it sounds nice.

  16. i'm between minnies and minmin.

  17. new design, i like it, minnies for me!

  18. i like Minnies too....

  19. Luv's simple n cute

  20. i think Minnies is great similar with hyunnies. i love's cute

  21. hello..
    im a big fan of jung so min..
    i love this blog..
    and about the name..
    minnies is ok.
    i love it^^

  22. it's also minnies for me, thank your for giving us this blog!

  23. i tallied the votes and so far :
    hahaha :)
    keep on suggesting guys :) hehehe
    and to all the commenter and visitors thank you thank you for appreciating the blog :)
    it really is heartwarming it makes us want to work extra hard !

  24. When i read the comments i get confused. Its like im reading "minimis" hahaha. Any would be okay. I still love her to bits. :)

  25. Minnies is kinda cute Unnie Jean....


  26. hmm... i just think that she's like a princess .. hmm.. PRINCESS Somin .. yeah!! fighting!!!

