
Friday, January 21, 2011

HyunMin GIF's!

As we wait for the "young goddess" to descent from Mount Olympus to attend the 2011 Asia Model Festival.
I'm really curious to see if she will be a young goddess again or will she be like a princess, 
or an icon perhaps?
Well, we just need to wait and see to find out!

For the moment let us enjoy some HyunMin's cute and sweet scenes and interactions
 as Baek Seung Jo and Oh Hani thru their cute GIF's!

MinMin is so cute!!!

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Love this because it was part of my favorite PK BTS!

Its snuggle!!! I could just watch these two being like this forever!

Awww! MinMin is so sweet coz she's fixing Hyun Joong's hair!

I would have the same smile on my face if
I woke being next to the one I love like them!

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Been wondering what they were whispering about? Care to share HyunMin? Hehehehehe!

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The last Kiss of the Playful Kiss couple!

Watching these GIF's makes me ask for more of them!!!
Still missing them alot!!!
Hope to see you together again HyunMin!

And by the way, I did post about the changes in MinMin Cyworld,
well she did updated again and the good news is MinMin 
change the "lonely" to "tingle" with matching beating heart!
 I'm wondering what does she mean by "tingle", but I'm sure of one thing, the Minnies are happy because MinMin is not lonely anymore! And that's what matters!

credits: vanilla96, snowflakesj16, opiod0101 of soompi, kimdada @ popcornfor2


  1. the 2nd GIF really shows that there's really awkwardness between them at the beginning, compare that with 3rd GIF after all the kissing done..kekekke..oh i surely truly madly missed them sooo much!!! still there hope for PK Season 2???..really really wishing..


  2. the 2nd GIF seems like somin wants to dance also, after all she's a great dancer. i miss them too. i hope G8 considers to have PK season 2

  3. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...... those GIF makes me dizzy hahahahah... becoz i start to miss PK n HyunMin like crazy .... still missing this cccccutest couple to the max..

  4. huh!!! the YT last kiss is superrrrrr the tounge there? haha. super love this couple, miss them already whew!

  5. wow i am also super fan of jung so min & kim kyun joong..thanks 2 this blog guys..
