
Saturday, January 15, 2011


This is the story of our beginning...
The Start

It is exactly 1 month since we started this blog about So Min. It started out as an insane idea brought about by our sheer frustration over google translate on finding news about Minmin since most are written in Hanggul, Chinese, or Vietnamese.

While chatting over at Kathy's Bench (yes, we're regulars there), we decided, why not start an all-English blog about her where we could easily understand? Little did we know that our co-author here, Mela, has already started doing it while we were chatting. After about an hour....
tadaaaaaaaaa! We already have this blog!!!

The Blog

The past month have been so overwhelming! We didn't expect this response from Minnies all over the world!
It just shows that most of us are really hungry for Jung So Min news.
For this month alone, we already have more than 50,000 pageviews!! Thank you, thank you very much from the bottom of our guys rock!

So far, we already have 108 posts with 582 comments (and still counting! wow!). Our top 5 visitors come from the United States, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore, respectively.

The post with the most pageviews is "HyunMin Moments" then "L..O..V..E.. the pics" on second....I wonder why's that???? 
All you people from HyunMin Kingdom really unite (including me, of course)....LOL!

However, Minnies have to say what they got to say....the post with the most number of comments is "Making of a Young Goddess". It seems that minnies were really left in awe over Minmin's elegant appearance during MBC awards.

 What I found odd, however, was the date we had our most number of was January 5, 2011. I asked myself why? What happened that day?
Looking back, it was the day MinMin updated her Cyworld and at the same time, it was the day "HyunMin Moments" was posted! People from HyunMin Kingdom are really awesome!! We miss them, right? 


To all our visitors, the Minnies, HyunMins, and even Hyunnies who drops by

To authors of other blogsites who, in one way or another, made this site known to their readers.

To Milo, for the banner

To Hyun Joong, for making this all exciting! LOL! we wouldn't be in HyunMin Kingdom without you

To Kathy of Kathy's Bench,  who have been guiding us all throughout,  we owe you so much! You're also an inspiration, girl! everything started out in your blog, after all!!!

To So Min, for giving us, the Minnies, the opportunity of forming a nice, little community (even without your knowledge)

To the Angels (you know who you are), for the great times, for the pat in the back, 
for the friendship, unending support and encouragement.

To the One above, for giving us the strength to go on.

So, as our way of saying thanks to all of you, aside from our Forum section, we decided to make Friday a Minnies Day!!

We know how creative and talented Minnies are! and we can't wait sharing them to the world!We encourage you to share with us your works of art....images, songs, poems, MV's, or even fanfics!!

May it be about or for  So min or HyunMin, we would love to accommodate them!
Then we'll post your work every Friday, with credits to the maker, of course...
just send your works of art to our email:

who knows, MinMin may be lurking.....LOL!!

all Minnies, HyunMins, and even Hyunnies....FIGHTING!!

With lots of love,
the simplysomin admins


  1. woah! :) it's been a month already! thanks dear minnies for visiting and liking our blog! believe me your responses and comments is really heart warming thanks for all the love you've given us!
    to my co bloggers especially jean and vinnie who from their hectic schedules still find time to blog you are really daebak! jjang!

  2. Wow it's been a month! Congrats to you all! I was really thank full that this site was made. I check this blog not just everyday but a lot of times in one day! Haha! I just love and adore Min Min. Just to see small news, pictures, or love from fans makes my day. :-) Thank you so much for all your hard work. I hope this year will be a good year for So Min and her beloved minnies!!! :-)

  3. Congrats to you all!xd

  4. Wow 108 posts, 50,000 views & 582 comments!

    Thanks to the creators of the blog, all of you are amazing! I can feel your sincerity in all of your postings. It is fun viewing & reading your postings & the Minnies' comments. I like the songs as well.

    Congratulation for the success!

  5. Congratualtion to Simply So Min bloggers for huge success. Within one month thim the way your guys receive many appreciation form around the world is really awesome. Pleas keep up the good work and I will be fan of your blog forever.
    Thank again for creating Smiplesomin blogspot.
    I love it so so much.
    This blog save me from depression of MBC Award sickness. After I found Smiplysomin my feeling were different by reading awesome positives comments of all hyunmin fans. All your guys are really great.

  6. Wow just one month you have so many apreciate from around the world, GOOD JOB. Thank you so much for your blog, every day before I start to work, I always open this blog to find what is the news from our minmin kekekeke, still update the news from our minmin, keep spirit for all of us

  7. Well, this just goes to show :-
    1)So Min is really someone special, smart, refreshing, with an unique personality, natural, talented and absolutely cutest to the core

    2)Ultra cool and handsome Hyun Joong is the best match for So Min, at least from what we saw, I'm VERY sure he likes her ALOT!

    3)PK for being such an abnormally cute and unusual K-drama that is such an international sensation!

    4)The rare chemistry between HJ and SM intrigues us fans so much wishing them to be REALLY together for real or maybe they already are...keke..

    5)How we fans love to come to this blog so much to read, comment and share the common feelings we have

    Thank you for all the hard work girls (Simplysomin Admins)! Keep up the good work and may it go on as long as possible.

    Yes, finally not forgetting to thank God for making this happen, praise the Lord!

    P.S. Let me elaborate further for thanking God, nothing happen by chance, we ought to thank God for having the PD choose SM from so many girls to partner with HJ in such a drama.
    If not we won't get to see how lovable is SM and how well she matches with HJ to be the cutest couple in the whole universe. Then there won't be fans and this blog in the first place. SO Praise The Lord!

  8. I like your comment anony 3:07pm. Its make sense. Same as u I so much thank to PK's PD for choosing So Min to portray OHN in PK. And then Hyunmin turn out to OTP, cutest couple ever in entire universe so far.

  9. First of all, I would like to thank these angels
    Kathy's Bench
    who united their efforts for the making of this blog. Without them, this blog is nothing..I really appreciate their works especially for hyunmin couple. I wish this blog will continue to give us new articles for them together or individually. Looking forward for more updates heeh

  10. time really flies when you are having such wonderful time! my co-blogger vinnie just reminded us that we are alreay nearing our 1st month thats when we realize that we already come to this!

    thank you to our wonderful visitors!!! you guys are the best!!!

    we do read all of your comments and it really warms our hearts that you guys appreciate this blog!

    hope for more interactions from you guys!!!

    here's to more months and years to come!

    aja! fighting minnies, hyunmin and even hyunnies!

  11. Thank you girls! thank you sooooooo much!
    keep rockin!
    more news about JSM and even KHJ! hehe.
    God Bless! -bebel
