
Monday, February 28, 2011

New O'live Travel Screencaps Pics!

Well, thanks to snowflakesj16 of soompi for the tip that the episode 9 of MinMin for O'live Travel have an extended version! Instead of the 30mins version, now its 45mins which now includes their arrival and sight seeing of cherry blossoms and few more things.

Also it includes a small visit to the room where MinMin and her bestfriend stays.
Luckily MinMin did share few of her personal things like her camera and her mini photo albums!
And she did keep picture of her of Hyun Joong and her other PK co-stars!

This is the link for the 45 mins episode 9 version! 

Below are the screencaps provided by the ever reliable snowflakesj16!

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I think this is MinMin with her friends!

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MinMin sharing her Mini photo albums!

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I'm seeing it correctly right?
Its Hyun Joong and MinMin right?

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Awwwwwwwww!!! Sweet!!! 

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Pictures of her PK co-stars!

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Ok, honestly! I almost squeal like a fangirl when I did see that MinMin keeps
 pics of Hyun Joong and her PK co-stars! 
Because it only means that they hold a special place in her heart!

But seeing those pictures makes me curious too! 
I wanted to see the clear copy of their picture together ^_^

My HyunMin heart can wish right?

credits: snowflakesj16 of soompi
o'live travle tv



  1. I LOVE the picture of Hyun joong and Minmin :) sweet!!

  2. Thanks for sharing the screen caps ^^ Min Min is so pretty with the hat on <3
    Wah she has an album of her PK co-stars! I was thinking if it was HJ in the pic too!! I'm pretty sure it's him keke so sweet, I hope there'll be bigger version of the pic too :D

  3. me too, Love their picture, wished it was bigger

  4. That made me curious! The album does not only contain PK pics. Some of them are taken even during bad guy but her pic with KHJ is in the first page *tehee*

  5. Yeah, the best part is KHJ's pic with her is on the FIRST page!! Why?

  6. Of course HJ's pic should be placed first, he is the one that kissed her! And many times too! And many more times to come....keke..

  7. waaaah! waaah! waaah! HyunMin Forever!

  8. hahaha! I was giggling seeing that minmin's PK photo album , her top phot is with HJ, she's a brave girl to do that. My hats off to her fot being so brave and not afraid to show her true feelings hehehe!

  9. It will be such a big spazz if that photo album falls in the wrong place..or someone's else hands..just hope that she won't loose it anywhere..giddy..LOL..and look at how close they are and HJ's left hand..

  10. OMO... icanot see anything except froggies ... ottoke?????? TTT_______TTT
