
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Jung So Min MV -Bad Guy (So Min Dance Clip)

We all know that MinMin can really dance!
But its very rare for us, her fans to see it and because of that I tried to find
 even just a clip of MinMin dancing.
The only thing that I've seen is the MV below!

This MV features the scenes of MinMin from Bad Guy as well as the
 little scene where she did dance!

That dance clip is too short right?
Well, I do hope in the future MinMin can make a drama or even a movie
 that tackles about dancing so her top notch dancing skills can be used along 
with her great acting chops!
A Step-Up kind of movie would be nice, right Minnies?

credit: white_love_hani of hyunmin thread in baidu

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