
Sunday, March 13, 2011

MinMin's Cyworld Status Update 13Mar!

Today is the supposed Playful Kiss Japan Fan Meeting.
And since, its cancelled MinMin changed her Cyworld status!

Below is the screencap!

And her status is 힘듦, with the skeleton beside the status.
If you use google translate the hangul it means "cumbersome".
Cumbersome means difficult to handle and troublesome!
(Thank unnie Mhel for the meaning of cumbersome!)

Well, maybe MinMin is sad about the PK Japan FM cancellation!
What ever it is that you find troublesome MinMin,
we do hope that you find solution for that the soonest!

The Minnies are just here for you!

screencap: jeankaycee
credit: jungsomin cyworld



  1. very sad about the cancellation. first Taiwan and now Japan. Hope to see JSM and KHJ again but nothing we can do about it. something just not meant to be.*sigh*

    and more sad on what happened to Japan. hope everything is going to be ok for Japan.

  2. really wish that So Min and Hyun Joong could release a video wishes and condolences to the people in Japan. That's the least that they can do for now. They must feel very sad about what happened to Japan.

  3. Skeleton is used as a symbol of danger. It denotes a health hazard.
    So,I think MinMin is worried about Japan radiation leakage.

  4. HJ released a notice of condolence on his Japan fansite on 13/3 and MinMin also updated her cyworld on the same day. I guess they are both feeling really sad about the whole thing - cancellation and what catastrophe in Japan.

  5. Jung so min fighting! Hope to see more of her future projects soon:)
    a lot of people are spazzing over the fact that they update at nearly the same times. I think these are just coincidences, almost everyone updates their cyworld everyday, so..
    anyway...though we will probably never see a public reunion bw the two, hope they get good projects...and i hope somin will get a great project which will show her real talents...
