
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Playful Kiss Fancam Hug in the Rain Scene

Our princess has been quiet these past days and it seems like she celebrated 
her birthday as quiet as possible as well.

As of the moment, I'm done re-watching Playful Kiss, the PK YT webisodes and even BTS!
So its time to re-watch fancams! You see how much I miss the Playful Kiss couple
 I'm even re-watching fancams again!

Below is one of my favorite fancams!
Watch it so you can know the reason why its one of my favorite! ^_^

This fancam was taken for the rehearsal of the famous Kiss in the rain!

Fancams were like the unofficial BTS for the drama!
I love watching fancams because its candid and most of the time some it 
captures actions that escapes the eye of their own cameramen! ^_^

So, til next fancam PKissers!

credits: momopor of youtube

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