
Monday, March 14, 2011

Playful Kiss YT Episode 1!

Well, supposed to be today we still have a wave of hang over regarding the Playful Kiss
 Fan Meeting and since that event didn't occur, most of the PKissers and HyunMins
 are back in just reminiscing the PK love thru re-watching!

And now I'm back in re-watching the PK YT webisodes!
I did post the PK YT webisode 1 as this is really the first glimpse of the married life of 
Baek Seung Jo and Oh Ha Ni without the family around.

So below is the webisode 1! 
Enjoy re-watching!

Added bonus is the GIF made by our dear friend squishiee!

As we constantly wish to Group 8, can we have at least season 2 for the PK YT webisodes?
I'm still longing for more glimpse of the married life of Seung Jo and Ha Ni!

credits: ytkiss from youtube
           squishiee of


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