
Sunday, April 10, 2011

MinMin Cyworld Update Apr 09 Part 2!

We did post about the Cyworld update of MinMin yesterday which 
was about her Background.
And she also did change the title of herCyworld!

Below is the screencap!

Her Cyworld title now says please wait. 지금만나러갑니다"
If we do google translate for the Hangul it means "I'm going to meet".
Also, as per Unnie Virginia, the Hangul part means " I am going to meet you now"
I really don't know what MinMin's pertaining to but
 I really hope that whatever she or we are waiting its about her future projects!
really missing her seeing in the small screen!
Well lets just wish for the best for MinMin!

credits: jungsomin's cyworld
snowflakesj16 of soompi
unnie virginia-translation



  1. OmO.... please wait... meeting now.... with WhOOOOO.. "wink" "wink"

  2. i hope it's about her new project. can't wait to see her onscreen again.

  3. next project ? or meet someone

    I'm happy for you MM. hehe

  4. Mybe minmin want meet to someone..'khj'..minmin want watching khj's play soccer and minmin very busy with her study,cant meet and watch his play she say to please wait im going meet u ...kekeke...i was see khj's pic play soccer, he look little sad and not fighting..i dont know what happen..mybe he wait minmin to watch his play..kekeke..this is my think...or mybe she say to fans to wait her new project...whatever minmin keep happy and fighting like hani..ok..we always support u..minmin fighting..

  5. Pretty new banner! This one I give a big THUMBS UP!

  6. Luv the new banner btw!! realy shows MinMin well!

  7. well2...:).."i'm meeting you now"..she is meeting with somebody for sure..:P

  8. Thank you everyone, I had lots of fun making the banner :D

  9. huhu..that's nice Milo..:) So Min's real name is Kim Yoon Ji and KHJ is Kim Hyun Joong..hmm..both already have in their name KIM!!perfect..:)

  10. I kind of don't get it actually. The right translation says "I'm going to meet you now." But meeting her fans 'now' doesn't really make sense. If she meant us, shouldn't it be "soon" instead of "now", because she can't really meet us right now in this moment. Do you know what I mean?
    She doesn't need to be talking about 'someone', though it's a happy thought. But it makes me really curious. Word choice is always important, it conveys a lot. A LOT.

  11. When i translated meaning like this " Please wait I go to see " so that means minmin will go to see Friday's just my thought ^^

  12. this is what happen when you used online translator. the meaning will be different.

  13. too much of wild fancy going on here, i think we should know where is the limit
    i dont think she is talking about please wait for that male lead in PK, i guess it has something to do with her new project and i hope so!

  14. Indeed AI,
    MM might be a newbie, but she has quite a few fans and its growing. I love the HyunMin couple, but she probably means "please wait" for her fans. Now I'm excited! Gotta see what this girl has in store for us!
