
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Play Kiss Making Part 4-Complete!

Hey PKissers! Now we got the complete The Making of Playful Kiss Part 4!
Thanks Happeeh for the tip!
The Making Part 4 covers from episode 11 to episode 13!

Let's go and watch it PKissers!

I think I'm like a broken record, I'm repeating myself over and over again 
about the Playful Kiss BTS, how I wanted Group 8 to release it as its own DVD!
I do hope that somehow they would listen to the PKissers!

credit: sraki2 of youtube


  1. bts PK...i want watching it..again and again..wish someone can translate it again..i wish bts PK YT too...yap, group 8 must release all bts PK..or maybe PK season 2...kekeke..i know many Pkisser's like and wish it...

  2. F**** you HWANG PD !!! Now i know that the wedding kiss is a REAL KISS, why u got to make it look like a fake one! i just hope that the relationship or friendship will not cease when the drama ended, pray hard!!!
