
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Playful Kiss BTS GIF and Translations!

Whether we admit it or not one of the scene that really made us spazz in the Playful Kiss the Making Part 5 would be the scene where our dearest MinMin was giving Hyun Joong a massage.

And to my delight many did make a GIF of that sweet scene but below is the other version of GIF done by snowflakesj16 of soompi!

And here are the translations for this scene!
This translation was courtesy of Kathy's Bench!
It's from 3:00 to 3:56!

jsm: i'm giving him a massage. i'm giving him a massage cuz i feel sorry...
- it's the first night and you're practicing very hard.
 khj: huh?
- don't you feel fluttery...
khj: no. this is a bit high
jsm: high quality?
khj: high quality't find anything to say. let's just's a scene where it'll get really awkward if it takes too we're practicing thoroughly to finish it in a few shots.
jsm: finish it in one shot.
khj: yes in one shot.
jsm: that felt good?
khj: (slight nod to jsm)
 - when you come to an open space like the oceanside after being in dusty studios, it would feel a little different...
khj: what are you talking about? mbc studios have no dust. what are you saying. mbc studios have no dust.
jsm: lying without even blinking your eyes.
khj: how good is mbc. 

I just really love them!
They are so adorable!
All I can regarding that massage is I LOVE IT

credits: snowflakesj16 of soompi
anon from kathy's bench



  1. love love them so cute!

  2. I am still smiling and grinning like a loony everytime i see this and it has been since Sun nite when this bts surfaced!!...

  3. Every i watch this bts i always smile look them...they very very not boring look them...i wish can see other bts too...hyunmin love u...fighting !!

  4. I wonder what would MinMin think if she happen to come to this blog and see all these bts videos and gifs.

  5. Let us all hope that PK will do so well in Japan that by popular demand they will organise a fan meeting in Tokyo for KHJ and JSM. Then both of them will still get to go to Japan together and we will be able to see them together on stage.

    I think things would have more or less stabilise by then as even today JGS has gone to Japan to shoot his movie, so I think it is pretty safe there now.

  6. please give proper credits to the ones who spend alot of time and effort in translating!

    Translating from Japanese to Chinese is by totfeet of Tieba Baidu's Hyunmin Bar.

    Translating from Chinese to English is by tlbpc of soompi Minjoong forum.

    So you see how difficult it is for us who are not Koreans, it takes a huge circle to get to understand what they said - translating from Korean to Japanese to Chinese then to English.

    Please once again, be very careful when you copy over translations from elsewhere to give the right credits to the deserving translator.

  7. I really find those who commented strange, how come they read without understanding?

    For Anon @12.26pm, why MM find HJ's Good Morning greeting funny is because he was being too formal to her. Simple isn't it?

    For Anon @1.33pm and 1.50pm, H is for Hyun Joong, M is for MinMin, HJ told MM that she has gone down, the Manager asked HJ and not MM in return whether he has gone thinner! Tsk. tsk, tsk! It's so straight forward isn't it? What's the confusion ?

  8. Reading your comments again, fyi the continuation part will be by tlbpc and not totfeet.

    If no proper credits at the least is given in respect of the translator, there may not be any translation for the continuation part.

    It's frustrating, yesterday I saw the same thing happened in Kathy's Bench till a guest have to keep prompting her at the side bar shouting to give the proper credit.
