
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Playful Kiss BTS Part 5 Screencaps!

I know, I know, I've been a bad Minnie! My updates are kinda slow, 
Sorry my dear Minnies, yours truly is still kinda adjusting to time difference
 and surroundings. ^_^

So to make up for my slow updates below are the screencaps of the 
BTS Part 5 of Playful Kiss!

Whew!!! That's a lot of screencaps!!
But its Playful Kiss and HyunMin so I don't mind at all!
And I'm still asking for more BTS videos and pics!

credits: ss501 of soompi



  1. Jean, you don't have to feel bad about not updating this blog daily. I think you should only update when there are something you want to update and not update anything if there aren't. So don't worry, we don't expect this blog to be updated daily.
    Hosting this blog is for sharing about MinMin, so you should keep it fun and enjoyable and but burdensome or else you will find yourself sick of this soon. To keep this going, take it easy and you be able to feel good and happy.
    We are very thankful for having this blog, you have all the support from most of us.
    Happy blogging!

  2. hi anon 1035! thanks for letting me know your insights! :) sorry if i sound like hosting this blog as a burden...truth to be told i love being able to blog about So Min, i love this blog so much and im just saying sorry not only to you guys who visits this blog but to myself as well bcoz it seems like this past days im been leaving out something that i really wanted to do which is hosting this blog :). and thanks for all your support, it means alot not only to me but to all of us who are the co-admins of this blog. dont worry whenever im blogging about So Min and sharing it with you guys, i cant help but smile and be happy ^_^ thanks again and god bless!

  3. Just want to thank you all the admin and the host of this blog that i visit your blog everyday many times a day . I enjoy reading anything about Min Min and Hyun Joong. I think we all miss them so much and want to see them more after PK end. Anything regarding Hyunmin really make me smile and happy . This blog is like a medicin to stimulate energy . It works that way for me kekekeke

  4. it's true... just keep for being positive n spread of yunmin love... this blog n anything bout them are really make us happy!!
