
Saturday, April 16, 2011

So Min's Friend Li So Bin Cyworld Update!

We all know that So Min uses her Cyworld quite often to update and communicate 
with her friends as well as her fans. And speaking of friends,
 remember Li So Bin? The friend of So Min who went to Japan with her for 
her O'live Travel Japan advanture, she also have a Cyworld and 
she did also uploaded pictures of hers and So Min from that Japan visit!

Below are the pictures Minnies!

It's really great to see that So Min do have great relationship with her friend/s! 
It's make me love her more because it seems to me that she value her friends
 so much because based on her old school pictures Li So Bin have been her friend 
way back even before her debut as an actress. 
I do hope that she will maintain her good relationship with her friends
 and nurture more friendship in the future!

credits: li so bin's cyworld


1 comment:

  1. bff, So Min and So Bin. did she choose her stage name becoz of her friend?
