
Saturday, May 7, 2011

The HyunMin Moments!

You guys all know how I'm such a HyunMin shipper, so basically everything about them drives me crazy so its always a delight for me to see others love them as well! Like our good online friend squishiee! Who loves to tumblr about the lovely HyunMin! 

So below is her tumblr entry for the HyunMin!

minjoong are a perfect couple

they get distracted by things together...

he stands by her when she’s having a laughing fit...

holds her tightly when she’s nervous...

she sneaks glances at him...

and they’re so dorky when they try to be serious xD

they are the perfect shy couple ^^

Thanks again squishiee for your wonderful tumblr post! Will look forward for more! ^_^
And love the little captions! Its so perfect for them! Love it!



  1. the 1st pic..WOW... i like minmin's face silhouette ..just ..simply beautiful..
    and..what happened to them in the 4th pic?? .. kekekke

  2. love mm, yes anon 4:07 I like her first pic, her silhoutte so stunning. OMO love her

  3. It more than luck. That they meet.
    Are many obstacles that he had not seen each other.
    But today, he met then. And stand side by side.
    I was happy to see this pair again.
    And feel that they do not change the natural sweet.
    I hope that they will mate in the future.
    They fit really well.
    Thank you for your destiny. That we can meet each other.

    LOVE HyunMin Forever.
    thank you.^^

  4. anon 2:01...Nice 1!HyunMIn, forever!

  5. love'em much forever...May they're meant to be together...Ameen...^^d
