
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Playful Kiss Japan Fan Meeting Pics with Jung So Min and Kim Hyun Joong!

I know this are the pictures that most HyunMins/Minjoong shippers are waiting so without further ado, here's the pictures of the now so famous "hug"!

Enjoy it PKissers, HyunMins!

Edited: Added another new pics!

Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Ok, I'm officially a crazy person!!!
I'm just so happy to see them together once again and share the same stage and HUG!
I have little happy tears in my eyes! Hahahahaha! Sounds crazy right? 
Well, as long as its MinMin and Hyun Joong
 I will admit to the world that I'm crazy about them! 
Love them much!
Now I'm wishing for videos! Videos!!! We want videos!

credits: lhubbmeih of twitter



  1. Jean,
    So our wish finally came true, we eventually get to see them together on stage after all that especially the earthquakes and tsunamis!
    So very glad indeed and they look so fine and MinMin is so sweet surely HJ must be head over heels crazy about her...haha..

  2. Pic #6 & 7. Is Hyun Joong stares at MinMin? so sweeeeeeeeet <3

  3. OMG! finally, my hyunmin couple meet again on stage. so love the hug, minmin so shy when hj hug her. i'm crazy too for this couple hahaha..and oh by the way, their outfits are the same color nhe.

  4. minmin is so shy when hj hug her

  5. argggggghhhh im so crazy!!!! hahahahaa so sweeeeet!

  6. waaaaah!!! waaaaaah! waaaaaah! waaaaah! waaaaah! super happy!! they really look good together! the HUG part was really! waaaaah! waaaaah! KHJ you're so brave and bold! hahaha! DAEBAK!

  7. Shud kiss her on the ...cheeks! Hug is good but not enough to quench my thirst!!! Pls someone post the dinner pcs! I wanna C badly...can't sleep tonight. Wonder what was runnign thru their minds!!! Sweetness!

  8. AWWWW.....finally, we can see them together shared the same stage .. and even this time is really beyond my imagination...
    i still reminds what happened in the las MBC award...and yeah it was just sad..
    BUT...NOT for this time...HYUNMIN this time makes me extremelly happy ... i love their smile,shy, and HUG...BIG WOOOWW...HJ finally..u did it!!! hahhahaha.... i think HJ has this idea first..LOL..and yeah.. i find in that pics...HJ seems stared in Minmin and MIn looks so shy...LOL>>.<3..<3

  9. They look so good together. Love them both...Best couple!!!

  10. waaah wahhh the hug
    i feel sooo happy to see them on the same stage
    they look great
    it made my dai ;)

  11. I want both of them down the stairs, HyunJoong initiated Somin to hold her hands and led her to walk down. if you all agree with me,., haha,.,

  12. They look so adorable together. I truly love their HUG so badly. Also, I like somin's white dress in the evening event. She looks so pretty. Did HyunJoong hug her again in the evening event? They are so lovely. XD

  13. okey that is just waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw the HUG was cuuuuuuuute even though I have the feeling that it was scripted I don't know but still love the big smile on hj's face and minmin smiling shyly so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute they look great togheter as usual, and the pic where hj stares at minmin kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! I just wonder what was happening that moment :))))

  14. THAT IS THE SWEETEST HUG EVER!!!!!!!!!!! So cute!!!! I love love love seeing them together!!! Our wish is granted! MinJoong are back together ♥ They look so good together!! I'm going crazy fangirling this couple hehe I heard that hug wasn't planned! More reason to love it and spazz over it keke Hope more spazz worthy pics will show up during press conference ^o^

  15. WAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWW....i trully love their shyly smile and HUG of course..and i trully hope that the HUG WASN"T SCRIPTED...;D

  16. i don't know but for me i think/feel the hug is NOT scripted..i sense the longing in each other to see each other..i think they haven't seen each other for such a long time..aahhh..whatever it is, am just toooo happy to see them together again!!!..i really hope to that if the hug is not scripted, it's HJ who initiated it upon seeing Minmin..waaahhh..that's just something!!!..omo..only this couple makes me soo exciting as a fangirl..wooohooo!..more pics please! and oh, they both look soo dashing!..i love their first outfit the most! So Min looks soo elegant and HJ, man this guy can rock any hairstyle!..woohoo..he looks younger than his years..oh sooo handsome!!! ^_^

  17. The last pic, MM look so beautiful.. and of course HJ look dashing in his black suit. If both stand next to each others, it would be picture perfect!!

    Love it love it...


  18. i also heard that the two have dinner together and in a table only them...kekekekekek...
    just love it to hear that..bcoz it's sooo worthy to know...LOL

  19. this is my thoughts...Hyun Joong HUGGED MinMin coz he WANTS too badly coz he MISSED her terribly! If this is scripted, does this means KeyEast no longer mind they showed it eventhough its for promo? I have not seen HyunJoong hug any of his female co-star before in FM...have you? No matter what, the HUG is daebak! I personally want then to keep low profile its they are for real coz all relationship when gone public usually is under tremendous pressure and eventually....ended. HyunJoong and MinMin, i really hope they will LAST!!! Coz they are so pure and great for each other...! HyunMin, fighting!

  20. I love Minmin's brown dress and shoes, so classy!

  21. yes i think so..agree that the HUG was NOT scripted..
    from what I see...even MInMIn's expression is rather surprised that she's being hugged by HJ..and if it's scripted .. then MIn2 should give the hug back i think...and they just so pure when gives us such expression..
    SO.. ithink it was HJ wo has initiated to Hug somin..WOWOWW

  22. SO sooooo Happpppy look their pics in PK fanmeet...its make happy smile...finally we can see hyunmin in one stage together again...and that make me SO EXITED when KHJ give HUG to was never my thought...i think khj action was very right and we all like it...we all love see khj and jsm closer like in PK BTS...they are look very suit.. very love this couple...i hope their interaction and communication does not end only at this event but hope they still communicate outside of this is presscon means today is last day they stay in japan and they have to go back to korea.. its make me sad..why time is so fast ... while we've been waiting so long for this show .... yes I hope there will be PK fanmeet again in another country ...really want to see a lot of them together again...hope someone can share video PK fanmeet to us soon...and PK presscon of course....LOVE KHJ AND JSM SO MUCHHHH...HYUNMIN COUPLE FIGHTTTTINGGG!!!!!!

  23. The thought that HyunJoong showed MinMin the sweet gesture by Hugging her in front of their die hard fans in FM....I feel sooooooooHAPPY! HyunJoong is learning how to show his emotions finally coz he is only human! And I am sooooooooGLAD that gurl is MinMin. She is made for him...long hair, fun, 4D and pretty!! HyunJoong, ah....dont be afraid. We are here to support and LoVE you both, no matter what. We LOVE HyunMin! Off and on screens!

  24. I am so happy by seeing above pictures. They both so cute. With brown dress SM is so beautiful and HJ looks really handsome. I love 3rd May. So nice to see them together again.
    Only make me think is why don't they sit next to each other. But its a lot better than MBC award 2010.
    I really enjoy with this event. SM is so shy as HJ hug her, why so min, u are so lovely and so cute. I really want more PK fan meeting to be happened in other countries and also want PK season two.
    Love smhj love two of you so much.

    Thanks Jean, I love your blog as always.

  25. Jean...U R as awesome as MinMin and HyunJoong. Yours and Kathy's blog are my FAVourites!

  26. Just want to say that I love the hug so much. The hug is very polite , gentle and comfort. I 'm quite sure this is not script . I think it was a spontaneouse reaction from his feeling when he saw expression from So Min 's face. I quess So Min might be a little nervous at the time and Hyun Joong want to comfort her. I like the way they looked at each other before the hug. They both are cute and adorable.

  27. I agree.. the HUG was kind of gentle n to comfort warm..Aigoo..can't get enough from them...LUV...LUV...LUV...HYUNMIN FIGHT!!!!

  28. i also love the 'walked down' pic,,they really seems like a real couple, hmm...let's a prince n princess walked down their palace's stair..LOL

  29. Since we don't have new pics and vids. i keep staring at these pics, analizing and thinking what was their really feels for each other. the more i see the pics the more i love them. Seem what ever they did, all feel good and right. omo... love them so much..i hope hj and min2 know that we all here are suporting them to be a real couple. HyunMin hwaiting!!!

  30. yeah,me too..the more i see the more i love'em much...aigoo....they just simply give us a happy n positive feeling..^0^

  31. Yes, so happy and glad to see them together, perfect match made in heaven. The hug is sweet and encouraging. Show them HJ! SM sure make brown never look prettier than this before, so elegant and sweet.

  32. love them lovethem love theeeeeeeeeeeeeem!!! I am extreamly, is there anything we can do to see them both in another series?????

  33. *extreamly happy lol

  34. super cute couple! Fighting!

  35. Extremely happy indeed!

  36. Aigoo...still no video yet??? ....sigh...

  37. Hi guys! Wow! Here we are again! Love all your amazing comments and pls keep it coming! You guys are really amazing! You guys helps us to be inspired to do better and gives all the possible updates for So Min! Take care always guys! God bless!

  38. i realy realy like playful kiss i alway waching you jung so min...

  39. I love these two! I adore Jung So Min. I love the way she dress and how she looks, very simple yet pretty. And Kim Hyun Joong!! OMG, He is soooo cute, actually beyond that! (: I Must love them. If only they're together in real life, sigh /: but I'm hoping there's going to be a season 2 where they have a Baby <3 That would be lovely.

  40. SO MIN . :)

    when are u going to visit Philippines?

    Hyung Joong hass visited already.
    but when will u?
    u got lots of fans here too.;)

  41. This is late as I just recently (a month ago suggested by a good friend) watched PK and loved it and mesmerized by both JSM and KHJ. Even before surfing the net and reading blogs about these two, I had a feeling that must've felt something unfamiliar (as papa Beak said) feelings toward each other. I have a feeling that JSM decided or got confused for awhile and didn't see KHJ but realized that she has this strong feeling for him. As of current, I believe they're seeing each other which I'm glad. Go w/what you feel is the best thing to do. As Oh Hani's grandmother said... live an interesting life and be happy.

  42. amazing sight to behold....pure lovely minmin and dashing hyun,....gorgeous couple..

  43. a sight to behold...matching looks...both seems to be at ease can see that they are both happy...maybe because they have plenty of rest since pk cute....both pretty and handsome...what a match indeed...
