
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Jung So Min One of the Five Rising Stars - SK-II Appointed as Model

Happy! Happy! Happy!
Its a happy news because of dear So Min is included in the 
appointed as a model of SK II!
Along side Kim Soo Hyun, Lee Jong Suk, Seo Ji Hye, Yoon Seung Ah 
they look so beautiful and fresh! I love it!

And there is an article about them but its in Korean so will just post the link!

Below is the pic of them!

And this is the link for the article about them!

Its great to know that they do recognize So Min as one of the rising star in Korea!
She really is one! With her beautiful face and her wonderful talents 
its really no wonder at all that she is considered as one! 
But hmmm... Kim Soo possible on screen partner of So Min? 
Hmmmm... Well I know he is a good actor and surely 
So Min will be in good hands after all they have worked together before! 

"And besides he is also from KE so a certain sunbae of his will give him tips how to take care of So Min!"
 LOL! Just kidding! ^_^

credits: mijoo-pearl of soompi


  1. wooowww.....hwaahhh....dont u know how i like jung so min and kim soo hyun being partner alongside hyunmin..or still hyunmin actually... so HYUN-so MIN...hehehhehehehe....

  2. my goodness! i hate to say this but jung so min is good looking together with kim soo hyun too waaaaaah oppa hyunjoonggg helppppppp!!!!

  3. Seo Ji Hye looks like a third wheel between two couples. I'm pretty sure they photoshopped three pictures together: one with SJH, one with MM and KSM, and the other with TSH and LGS. Now, I wanna see all three separate LOL
    This makes it the third time Soohyun and MM have worked together. Drama gods, put them in one right now! I mean, it's just a picture, but you can already see the sizzling chemistry. They look so cute together!
    And yes, I'm a MinJoong shipper, but that doesn't mean I don't want our girl to work with other men (on the contrary, I have a list, haha), after all, Mr. Hottest Guy in Korea is gonna be connected to tons of girls, so why not MM? She IS a rising star.

  4. wow minmin look good together with soo hyun.. I'm sorry but I like this pairing than hyun-min. Hyun Joong is good and fun but min2 became have many antis when she alongside hj, it is not good for her carer. I don't wanna min2 getting hurt. She's newbie, so don't ruin her carer, plss. Antis go your way from min2, STOP!

  5. i'm minjoong/hyunmin shipper too..but it's not too bad if our princess has another pairing..hahaha's still Hyun-Mn..i mean..another HyunMin..?.WOW,kekekeke

  6. kim soo hyun from KYS and kim hyun joong too...what they keep in touch each other???asked say hallo and asked their project??what khj know minmin and KSH in one Cf again..before clinique and now SK-II..if he know maybe he jelouse too..kekeke..i like minmin and kim soo hyun work together again..but i still love minmin with khj..maybe pk still in my heart...kekeke..

  7. By far, they are still related ... (KHJ & JSM).
    But I like this kind of shipper, I mean, we are not fandom that always push a couple to be "seems" they are together, in the fact that the guy is Idol, let just low profile like this ..
    Well, this is my point of view of Oppa-Dongsaeng couple's shipper, somehow proud to be part of it.
    Also appreciate all opinions about other shipper here who think JSM looks good with another person, what a wise opinion after all. :)
    Last but not least, always wish the best for JSM ....

  8. I really like this place. Even though most visitors are MinJoong shippers, thy always respect those with different opinion. Keep it up you guys, and let this fandom be known for fans who are as kind ( stealing MM's oppa's word here) as JSM is herself.
    BTW, she is looking great with Kim SooHyun. I'm sure they are used to each other bynow since it isn't the first or second time they work together. Waiting for July 1st!

  9. hi anon! glad that you like it here! yup I admit! im such a big HyunMin shipper, but i do know and understand that MinMin is an actress and whether i love it or not she will have other on screen partner too and will still support her in that case. But my shipper heart will never waver! thats for sure! LOL! again thanks for visiting the blog! and pls continue to love MinMin!

  10. OMG!!! I'm loving the SK II pics!!! They all look so fresh and nice to advertise this brand. Great choices!I'm a big HyunMin/MinJoong shipper but if ever Min Min will do a drama or project with Kim Soo Hyun I will be so happy!!! They look good together in a drama plus they are great actors that will bring out the best! Kim Soo Hyun was really good in Dream High. Excited for Min Min's fan meet. Hope to see her in an cting project again soon! Thanks for this. Haven't been in this site for a long time. Miss them both (MinJoong)!!! Keep it Up! :-)
