
Friday, June 17, 2011

MinMin's Avatar change in Cyworld!

At last! Well its not really a big Cyworld update but as I miss MinMin so much that 
anything related to her will be gladly welcomed!

And tonight she did change her avatar from the old one its now one of her picture
 from her O'live Japan adventure! 

Below is her update!

That picture is one of my favorite picture of MinMin from her O'live Japan adventure! 
Looking so sweet and lovely! 
And complete with a heart hand gesture!
So cute! Hope to hear more from you our dearest MinMin!

credit: jungsomin's cyworld


  1. and today Hyun Joong won the award, what a coincidence ? haha

  2. ya .. minmin look very cute in that pic ... that pic reminds me of the BTS PK episode 16, when KHJ and eun jo makes the heart to minmin then throw to her...then minmin reply with makes heart and then shoot arrows at them...very so miss minmin...minmin where are you???? i hope i will see minmin with new her project soon...

    note: I am very happy because PK will be aired in my country Indonesia .. PK will be broadcast Wednesday,june 22, indonesia time: 12 noon
    so excited for it...i hope many people watching and like it...

    minmin FIGHTING!!!!


  3. actually i've been read the translation of HJ's interview and when he asked about the relationship with JSM, he asked she's like dongsaeng,..but before said that..he think"hmm" ..and then the host asked..isn't she cute right?? again HJ think..hmmm,she's really kind.. So..WOW.. even so,even he said that.. i still thinking that HJ hide something that make him can't answer direclt whwn someone asked about her...wewewewew...miaannn...i still spazzed here,HJ as big-bro must be really care to his lil sista...^^2..So,hyunmins..don't be sad for this kind of explanation...i know..some hyunmins them sincerely then make everything's allright...^^d

  4. super star like HJ can never express his real feeling at all times. So, for those kind of question, i believe he can only express it in a very general way like 'dongsaeng'. wat ever it is, wish that they are happy at all times.

    Hyunmin couple fighting!

  5. I suppose KHJ and JSM are really treat each other like brother and sister kind of relationship, looking back at all their photos and interviews. I cant help but feel disappointed. But, Minmin is so beautiful, inside and out! I'm sure she will find someone much better and more deserving in the future

  6. Anon 2:37 PM

    It's ok. Who ever they choose just be happy for them. Can't wait to see So Min new project. So Min fighting!

