
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Jung So Min O'live TV Japan MV

Remember her O'live TV Episodes for Japan?
Well since I really miss our MinMin, I did few re-watching of her projects!
Of course O'live TV episodes are included in that, and also saw this in youtube!
This MV is compilations of her shots in O'live TV Japan adventure!

Please! Please MinMin be back soon!
We really miss your lovely presence on scene!
But looking forward for your Aug 02 Tokyo appearance!

credit: rahmanGFan of youtube


  1. Yes Jean, I am same as you are beacause always waiting her next event especially 2nd August and then next project movie or drama for 2011. Its so hard to wait..... Come on So Min give us very good news about your new project....We are waiting to participate.....

  2. hi want to ask,what event in 2nd august for jung so min?

  3. @anon 8:23, it's the tokyo fan meeting with khj

  4. wew really?! i'm waiting 4 this event,. i really like jung so min,. this is my 1st time to like a korean star, a korean drama as well (pk),. thnx a lot looking forward for more news bout her!
